IBM Support

How do you configure HTTPS? (SCI72073)

Question & Answer


How do you configure HTTPS? (SCI72073)



Configuring HTTPS for Control Center

(Assumption: CCEngine and CCGUI are on two separate boxes, so save CCEngine files in a different location than CCGUI files if you're on the same machine - I used C:\CCEngine and C:\CCGUI)

Step 1:
Control Center Engine
 Cert Wizard
  Self-Signed Certificate (trust root cert)
   (privkey.txt & CCEnginecert.crt)
  Key Certificate - JKS format - (which builds the keystore
  Give CCEnginecert.crt to CCGUI administrator

Step 2:
Control Center GUI
 Cert Wizard
  Create self-signed cert (trusted root cert) (CCGUIcert.crt & privkey.txt)
  Create key cert - JKS format - (GUIkeystore.jks/changeit)
  Give CCGUIcert.crt to CCGUI administrator

Step 3:
Control Center Engine
 Cert Wizard
  Get CCGUIcert.crt from CCGUI administrator
  Import to trust store - import trusted root cert
   (CCGUIcert.crt) into the
   trust store installed with CC jre (..\jre\lib\security\cacerts)
 Restart engine

Step 4:
Control Center GUI
 Cert Wizard
  Get CCEnginecert.crt from CCGUI administrator
  Import to trust store - import trusted root cert (CCEnginecert.crt) into
   a trust store (

Step 5:
On Control Center GUI sign on screen
 Click Config button
  Keystore - GUIkeystore.jks/changeit
  Trust Store -
 Click HTTPS button and change port to HTTPS port

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9GLA","label":"IBM Control Center"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym

[<p><b>]Fact[</b><p>];Connect Control Center Windows Advanced (Engine);Release 1.0.00 [<br/>] SCI72073

Document Information

Modified date:
17 December 2019

