IBM Support

FindInventory sources inventory from a different node randomly with every call

Question & Answer


FindInventory sources inventory from a different node randomly with every call


Consider the following scenario

1. The sourcing setup; inventory is sourced from Node 1. Node 2 and Node 3 (part of a Distribution Group)are the procurement nodes.

2. Shipping sourcing rule a sequence – sources only onhand inventory from Node 1.

3. Procurement sourcing rule sources all available inventory from a distribution group containing Node 2 and Node 3.

4. “Procure/Transfer when inventory is not available” flag is checked at the node level control config for Node 1. Transfers are enabled between Node 2 and 3 to Node 1.

5. The global flag found at DOM -- Cross Application -- Order Promising --Sourcing & Scheduling -- Forwarding/Transfer Rules -- Transfer Rules –“Minimize number of shipments to customer through transfers between shipping nodes” is also checked.

6. The inventory picture for an item is – no inventory available at Node1. Onhand inventory at both Node 2 and Node 3, 5 qty at each node.

7. The first call to findInventory for 5 qty returns the suggested option as (5qty from onhand at Node 2).

8. If findInventory is fired for the same qty again. The procurement node suggested changes to Node 3. Call the API again and the suggested node changes to Node 2.


This is expected behavior. The 'Procure from nodes' are read/written to a hash map. So the next time the nodes are read again it might not be retrieved in the sequence it was inserted. Hence this random behavior in findInventory.

However, this should not be an issue as this becomes a rare occurrence when costing is enabled.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

