IBM Support

MCF WMS Manifestation - Manifestation failes when add to manifest with Third party Billing on UPS shipments "3035 Package # 1 Invalid countr

Question & Answer


MCF WMS Manifestation - Manifestation failes when add to manifest with Third party Billing on UPS shipments "3035 Package # 1 Invalid countr


Probelm description:

User can not print UPS lables at all. The user, when adding UPS orders to manifest are getting the below error message and they are not printing. The users have been manually generating the tracking numbers on offline machine and then adding them back into Yantra. This takes a lot longer time to ship the orders and its affecting the production.The user enters the information as “Third party collect” from Yantra end its reflects as a “Collect” from the FedEx end in the labels. Because of that the drivers started collecting charges from the customers.
Customer provided a fix for a Fedex label issue in which in case of freight terms 'TC' they changed 'ShipmentChgType' to 'TPB' and added a 'AlternatePartyRecord' tag with attribute 'ID_AcctNumber' in a user exit as per the attached mail. Now they are getting an error during manifestation of UPS label . During thier investigation involving Progistics Server they found that input xml sent to Progistics for UPS label printing has a ‘BILLTHIRDPARTY’ tag which is expecting other information like ‘COUNTRYSYMBOL,’CITY’ etc. besides ‘ACCOUNT’ number which is currently being sent. It seems that they need to add other attributes to ‘AlternatePartyRecord’ tag like 'country','address','city' etc.

Error code:

3035 Package # 1 Invalid country symbol for third party billing SHM5-A


Custome has added condition for UPS in the User exit YCSBeforeShipCartonUE to suport UPS carriers.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

