IBM Support

Configuring Rational DOORS Web Access to use port 443

Question & Answer


How do you configure IBM Rational DOORS Web Access with HTTPS to use port 443 instead of port 8443?


Follow these steps to configure IBM Rational DOORS Web Access (DWA) to use port 443 instead of 8443:

  1. To make sure port 443 is not being used by any other program, from a DOS shell, run the "netstat –a" command.
    Note: The "netstat –a" command shows all open, established, closing and other used port types.

  2. Change 8443 to 443 in server.xml:
    1. Open the <DWA - INSTALLDIR>\server\conf\server.xml file in a text editor.

    2. Go to the SSL section by searching for "SSL HTTP", then change the connect port from 8443 to 443. For example:

      <!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 -->
      <Connector port="443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
      maxThreads="150" inSpareThreads="25"
      MaxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false"


      Be careful when changing the server.xml file, as incorrect edits can lead to a complete loss of system functionality. Make a backup of the file BEFORE you edit it.

  3. Change 8443 to 443 in festival.xml:
    1. Open the <DWA - INSTALLDIR>\server\festival\config\festival.xml file in a text editor.

    2. Go to the f:properties section, then change the connect port to 443. For example:

      <f:property name="licence.server.location"...
      <f:property name="published.url.prefix" value="http://MYHOSTNAME:443/doors/redirector/"/>
      <f:property name="oauth.domain" value="http://MYHOSTNAME:443/dwa"/>

      Be careful when changing the festival.xml file, as incorrect edits can lead to a complete loss of system functionality. Make a backup of the file BEFORE you edit it.

  4. Rerun the DCN command:
    1. Log into the database server.

    2. Open a command prompt.

    3. Change Directory to C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.3\bin.

    4. Run the dbadmin command:

      dbadmin -data port@myserver -P server_password -dcnEnable -dcnBrokerUri "tcp://myBroker:61616" -dcnChannelName "dcn" –dwaProtocol http or https -dwaHost DWAserver –dwaPort port

    5. Parameter ​Description​
      data 36677@myserver ​Identifies the Rational DOORS database server, where 36677 is the default port number the database server is using and myserver is the name of the machine where the database server is installed.​
      -P server_password The Rational DOORS database server password, if a password has been set. (Not the DOORS administrator password)
      -dcnEnable Enables the Data Change Notifications service.
      tcp://myBroker:61616​Locates the interface services broker, where myBroker is the machine hosting the broker and 61616 is the default port that the broker uses.​
      -dcnChannelName "dcn" Sets up the Data Change Notifications service channel. The channel name is always "dcn".
      -dwaProtocol http or https Specifies the protocol that the Rational DOORS Web Access server is using.

      Enter either http or https. Do not enter both.

      -dwaHost DWAserver Identifies the Rational DOORS Web Access server, where DWAserver is the name of the system that the Rational DOORS Web Access server is running on.
      –dwaPort port Identifies the number of the port that the Rational DOORS Web Access server is running on.

      If communication is secure, the default port is 8443. If communication is not secure, the default port is 8080.

      *Or whatever port you choose.

      For example:

      dbadmin -data 36677@localhost -dcnEnable -dcnBrokerUri "tcp://localhost:61616" -dcnChannelName "dcn" -dwaProtocol https - dwaHost localhost -dwaPort 61616

      Note: DO NOT copy and paste the text into the command prompt and modify the command. You must type the command. This line will not be accepted if there are special characters copied into the command prompt including smart quotes and hyphens.

Note: After following the above procedure, you will need to restart the Rational DOORS database server for the new settings to take effect. After you restart DOORS, you also need to restart DWA.

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Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2020

