Fixes are available
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 7 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 7a for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 8 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 9 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 10 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 11 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 12 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
Queries that can encounter this problem are typically similar to the following: SELECT T2.c2 FROM T LEFT JOIN T2 ON T.c2 = T2.ok INNER JOIN T3 ON <InnerJoin_predicates> WHERE T.ok = <literal>; The query is susceptible to this problem if it satisfies all the following conditions: 1. Table T has a unique column (or columns). In the example above, it is called T.ok. The unique key is involved in a local equality predicate (or predicates) in the outer WHERE clause (for example, T.ok = <literal>"). 2. Table T2 has a unique column (or columns). In the example above, it is called T2.ok. The unique key is involved in an equality join predicate (or predicates) in the ON clause of a LEFT or RIGHT OUTER JOIN, (for example, "T.c2 = T2.ok"). In the OUTER JOIN operator, T is the "row preserving" quantifier, and T2 is the "null producing" quantifier. NOTE: * A "row preserving quantifier" (for example, base table) of a LEFT or RIGHT OUTER JOIN is the quantifier where the value of a row will be returned in the result set even if that row does not meet the join predicate. * A "null producing quantifier" (for example, base table) of a LEFT or RIGHT OUTER JOIN is the quantifier whose row returns NULL in the result set if that row does not match the join predicate. 3. The outer SELECT list contains a T2 column, (for example, "T2.c2"). To further determine if a query will encounter this problem and be incorrectly optimized, generate a query explain plan and see if the INNER JOIN predicate is applied before the OUTER JOIN predicate. In the example above, the INNER JOIN predicate is the "<InnerJoin_predicates>" and the OUTER JOIN predicate is "T.c2 = T2.ok".
Local fix
Manually rewrite the query to execute the INNER join before the OUTER join. For example, that means rewriting the above query to: SELECT T2.c2 FROM T1 INNER JOIN T3 ON <InnerJoin_predicates> LEFT JOIN T2 ON T1.c2 = WHERE = <literal>.
Problem summary
USERS AFFECTED: All users executing queries similar to the one described in the ERROR DESCRIPTION. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: If this APAR fix is not installed, you might receive incorrect results when querying your database. PROBLEM SUMMARY: This problem only occurs on a certain type of query. To determine if you are encountering (or will encounter) the problem described in this APAR, refer to the details in the ERROR DESCRIPTION.
Problem conclusion
Problem was first fixed in DB2 UDB Version 9.1 FixPack 7
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
Reported component ID
Reported release
Special Attention
Submitted date
Closed date
Last modified date
APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"DB2 for Linux- UNIX and Windows"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"910"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
07 October 2021