IBM Support

MustGather: Profile creation and augmentation issues



Collecting data for problems with the IBM WebSphere Application Server for Profile creation and augmentation problems Gathering this MustGather information before calling IBM support will help you understand the problem and save time analyzing the data.

Resolving The Problem

If you already contacted support, continue to the component's specific MustGather information. Otherwise, navigate to MustGather: Read first for all WebSphere Application Server products.

Minimum required MustGather information
If an issue requires immediate assistance, IBM Support can start problem diagnosis with a minimal set of data. However, whenever possible, IBM Support prefers the full MustGather data, which is sufficient to address nearly all profile-related issues.

These two minimum MustGather items will help IBM Support triage the issue. If you cannot perform the full MustGather when requested, then compress these files into an archive and send them to IBM Support:

For a complete explanation of where to locate this information, you will need to read the full MustGather below. Also, note that resolving some problems require the full MustGather data. So, IBM Support may still ask you to provide the full MustGather even after providing the minimal information.

Logs and Documentation to collect
References to profile_root are used to indicate the profile directory which is being created or augmented. Typically, this directory is in a subdirectory named profiles under the install_root.
  1. Logs and associated data -- Collect and compress the following files:
    1. All files from install_root/logs directory
    2. install_root/properties/profileRegistry.xml
    3. All files from profile_root/logs directory for the affected profile

  2. File listing of the currently-installed WebSphere product:
    Make a list of the files in the install_root directory. This information can help identify issues when a profile creation is a "partial success". You can make a list using one of the following commands, and gather the resulting filelist.txt file:

    • Windows operating system
      Run the following command from the install_root directory:
      dir /s >filelist.txt

    • AIX, Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris operating systems
      Run the following command from the install_root directory.
      ls -laR > filelist.txt

  3. The response file:
    If you are using silent install mode, provide a copy of the response file you are using. If you are using the graphical installation wizard, then skip this step.

  4. A description of the error:
    • If the graphical wizard displays an INSTCONFFAILED message, then skip this step. That same error message is already included in the logs collected above.
    • If the graphical wizard displays a different error than INSTCONFFAILED, then please describe the error, or provide a screen capture of the error message.
    • If you are using the silent profile creation tool, please copy the error message text from the terminal window and provide it to us. If the error is difficult to describe, then provide a screen capture of the error.

      Hint for Windows-based systems: For best results when sending a screen capture from a Windows-based system, paste the captured image into Microsoft Paint and save the image as a JPG file. When possible, avoid sending BMP images or Microsoft Word documents with images in them.

  5. Additional questions:
    If you have time, please answer the questions in the section below. The questions should only take a few minutes to answer. Those questions are especially helpful in situations where the profile creation tool won't even start up, or if you are unsure about what steps to take next.

  6. Follow instructions to send diagnostic information to IBM support.

Questions about your application server environment
  1. Help us understand your intentions with this profile:
    1. Are you attempting to create a new profile, or augment an existing profile?
    2. What type of profile? (For example: deployment manager, application server, default, custom, managed)
    3. Is this the first profile you are creating in this WebSphere product, or are there other profiles installed and working?
    4. If an existing profile is being augmented, which Feature Pack is augmenting it?
      Note: Feature Pack augmentation has some limitations. If you are unfamiliar with the limitations, please read the section below regarding profile augmentation limitations.

  2. About the profile creation / augmentation:
    1. Are you using the silent profile command ( or, or are you using the graphical (GUI) wizard such as the Profile Creation Tool (PCT) or Profile Management tool (PMT) to create or augment a profile?
      Note: In some circumstances, the graphical (GUI) wizard is unavailable for WebSphere Application Server V6.1. If you are having difficulty finding the graphical tool, please see the note about profile wizard availability below.

    2. Which user are you using to run the profile creation tool? Is it the root user? (On Windows operating systems, is it an administrative user?) Do you know if this is the same user that was used to install the product?

  3. About the WebSphere product and operating environment:
    1. What version of WebSphere Application Server are you using?
      Hint: You can provide the output of the "versionInfo" command to answer this question.

    2. Is the WebSphere product 32-bit or 64-bit edition?

    3. Is this a stand-alone WebSphere Application Server product, or was this bundled with another product such as IBM Lotus Portal Server?

    4. What operating system is the product being installed on, and what version of the operating system is it? Is this operating system using a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel? What processor architecture, e.g. Intel, PowerPC, SPARC?
      Hint: For UNIX systems, you can provide the output of the uname -a command to answer this question.

  4. What appears to go wrong when the profile process fails?
    1. Does the profile tool not even start up? Or, does it start up, but then not seem to do anything?

    2. Are you able to make selections to initiate the process, and then it fails or hangs?

    3. Do you receive an error during the process?

    4. What are the circumstances of failure? i.e., Describe what appears to go wrong when the process fails, and explain what you were able to accomplish before the process failed.

Additional Information
Hints for locating install_root
References to install_root in this article are used to indicate the base installation directory into which WebSphere Application Server is installed. For example, these are the default directories for installation on supported operating systems:
  • AIX: /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
  • HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris™: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
  • Windows: c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer

Hints for locating profile_root
References to profile_root in this article are used to indicate the main directory of a profile. By default, profiles are created in a directory under install_root/profiles . Here are some examples of profile locations:

Note that a user may create a profile virtually anywhere in a filesystem, and profiles can be created outside the WebSphere Application Server installation directory. If you are unsure where a profile was created, or if the profile's location was created automatically for you, then it is most likely somewhere in the install_root/profiles directory.

Availability of the Profile Management Tool (PMT) wizard in V6.1 and V7.0
Some editions of WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 do not support the graphical Profile Management Tool (PMT) wizard. The "ProfileManagement" subdirectory and "" or "pmt.bat" comands are missing from the product's "bin" directory in those cases. The alternative option is to use the silent (command-line) manageprofile command (see these linked articles for V6.1 or V7.0) to create profiles.

The WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 editions affected by this are:
  • All 64-bit editions
  • Linux for zSeries edition

This information is reflected in the InfoCenter article for the Profile Management Tool for V6.1 and V7.0.

(Note that the Profile Creation Tool included with WebSphere Application Server V6.0 does not implement the greater range of functionality available in V6.1 and V7.0, and is not subject to this limitation. The profile wizard tool is available in all V6.0 editions.)

Regarding profile augmentation limitations
If you are attempting to augment an existing profile in order to enable a Feature Pack, please be aware that there are some limitations to the augmentation process. For example, it is not possible to augment a WebSphere Application Server V6.1 "Cell Deployment Manager" profile-type with a WebServices Feature Pack or EJB 3.0 Feature Pack. But, it is possible to augment a standard "Deployment Manager" profile-type with those Feature Packs.

When a limitation is encountered, the profile tool will output the message:

The selected profile does not meet the prerequisites of the augmenting template.

Please review the following article for more details regarding profile augmentation for specific feature packs:

WebSphere Application Server V6.1
WebSphere Application Server V7.0

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Install","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0;8.5.5;8.5;8.0;7.0","Edition":"Base;Express;Feature Pack for EJB 3.0;Feature Pack for SCA;Feature Pack for Web 2.0;Feature Pack for Web Services;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

