IBM Support

Nothing appears after clicking on button for Intercompany Details.



User launches 'Company' - 'Data Entry - Reported Values'. User selects a data entry form which relates to intercompany (IC) information. Excel opens. User clicks on the 'Intercompany Details' icon/button (on the left hand side) on the toolbar. As expected, this launches a new Windows 'Intercompany Details'. Unfortunately, this is 'minimised' and user cannot bring this window to the foreground by clicking on it.



In other words, Excel *appears* to freeze when clicking on the button for Intercompany Details.

There is no error message.


During the previous Controller session, the end user has moved/resized the 'Intercompany Details' window to a location which is currently unviewable.

  • In other words, the previous location/size is impossible for the current monitor to display.

More Information:
Controller remembers the size/position of several of its screens.
  • The size and position for the 'Intercompany Details' window is stored inside the file CCR.CONFIG, inside the user's Windows profile (%appdata%\cognos\ccr\ccr.config).

For example, a typical sized window may have values similar to the following:
    <add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Left" value="2160" />
    <add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Top" value="2340" />
    <add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Width" value="9345" />
    <add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Height" value="6675" />

If the user has somehow moved/resized this window to an unviewable location/size, then the user will not be able to see it.


Typically this problem occurs when the user changes their display size, for example:

  • Scenario #1 - User changes from a larger external monitor to their smaller laptop screen (or vice-versa)
  • Scenario #2 - User sometimes works with two monitors (two screens), and the problem gets triggered when the user changes to only using one screen.

Diagnosing The Problem

TIP: For more information relevant to when using Citrix, see separate IBM Technote #1672412.

Resolving The Problem

Long-term Fix:
Modify the 'bad' end user's settings, so that it stops Controller from remembering screen positions

  • In other words, for this 'bad' user only (per user setting) Controller will no longer remember/save the location/size of Windows positions.

Each individual user should do the following:
1. Click "Maintain / User / Personal Defaults > tab Layout (2)"
2. Untick the box 'Save Window Size':

3. Click Save
4. Logoff from Controller, and re-launch the Controller client.

NOTE: The above 'Save Windows Size' change is stored inside the database, inside the 'xconfig' table. It is recorded separately for each individual user:
  • Each end user must make this change separately
  • They must repeat the change for each separate database that they use (for example 'production', 'test' and so on).

Workaround #1
Modify the settings (inside the end user's CCR.CONFIG file, located in their Windows user profile).

  1. Logon to the client device (for example the end user's PC) using the 'bad' end user's Windows username
  2. Click 'START - RUN'
  3. NOTEPAD %appdata%\Cognos\CCR\CCR.config <Enter>
  4. Search for 'frmDErepvalICMpopup'
  5. Modify the values to the following:
<add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Left" value="2160" />
<add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Top" value="2340" />
<add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Width" value="9345" />
<add key="frmDErepvalICMpopup-Height" value="6675" />

6. Save file, and then test.

Workaround #2 (only works in some environments)
Right-click on the 'Intercompany Details' icon (on the Windows taskbar) and choose 'Maximise'.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9S6B","label":"IBM Cognos Controller"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Controller","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.2.1;10.2.0;10.1.1;10.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

