IBM Support

How to configure DOORS clients to point to a different license server

Question & Answer


How do you configure an IBM Rational DOORS client on Microsoft Windows to point to a new license server?


The following describes the necessary steps to update the registry so the IBM Rational DOORS client machine (or any IBM Rational Telelogic portfolio product) can point to a new or different license server machine:


This solution contains information about modifying the system registry. Before making any modifications to the Microsoft Registry Editor, it is strongly recommended that you make a backup of the existing registry. For more information describing how to back up the registry, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article 256986

You need to follow the steps below.
  1. On the Windows DOORS client, right click on My Computer and select Properties

  2. Go to the Advanced tab and click on Environment variables

  3. Under 'System Variables' ensure you have the following two system variables set:
    • LM_LICENSE_FILE ( It is not mandatory to have this if TELELOGIC_LICENSE_FILE is already present)

      Note: If the variables are missing, create them by clicking on the New button. LM_LICENSE_FILE is a Flexera environment variable which all FLEXlm enabled application looks out for. It is recommended to set this under System Variables so that it will be valid for all users logging into the system.

  4. Set the values to <port>@<hostname_of_the_license_server>.

    You can remove any other values of license server which does not exist or, if you do not want the client to pick up licenses from that machine.
    Note: For a redundant license server, you need to specify the value as '<port>@<hostname1>,<port>@<hostname2>,<port>@<hostname3>'. If you have a mix of single and redundant license servers, then you can separate the single server from the redundant servers by a semi-colon ";".
    For example, <port>@<single_server_hostname>;<port>@<hostname1>,<port>@<hostname2>,<port>@<hostname3>

  5. Launch Registry Editor (Start > Run > type regedit)

  6. Navigate to the following key on a 32 bit host:

    If the client is a 64 bit machine, you need to use the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Flexlm License Manager

  7. Create String values naming them with the environment variables and set the same values as discussed earlier

  8. Remove all other values for these entries

  9. Save and exit the Registry Editor

The DOORS client machine should now be pointing to the newly designated license server.

Note: The changes has been prescribed on both the registry as well as the Advanced Properties as it has been seen that the changes do not flow into the registry without a restart of the client, once it is committed in the System Advanced properties.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSKR2T","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Licensing","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.2;8.3;9.0;9.1;;9.2;;;;;;9.3;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2020

