IBM Support

Readme for WebSphere MQ V6, fix pack

Product Readmes


This document provides information on WebSphere MQ fix pack


IBM WebSphere MQ, Version fix pack readme for all
distributed platforms: AIX, HP-UX, iSeries, Linux, Solaris, and

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005.
All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights
- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.


Welcome to the IBM WebSphere MQ V6.0.2.8 fix pack readme
for all distributed platforms: AIX, HP-UX, iSeries,
Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

If you are upgrading your system to WebSphere MQ V6 for the
first time, you should first read readme.txt and readadd.txt
for additional information.


1.0 About this fix pack
1.1 Supported products
1.2 PTF and VRMF information
1.3 New in this fix pack
1.4 Product fix history
1.5 APARs from previous releases included in version

2.0 Installation
2.1 Installation of new versions of the IBM Global Security (GSKit)
product component.
2.1.1 GSKit version history
2.1.2 Installing GSKit
2.1.3 Reverting to an earlier level of GSKit
2.2 Versions of this fix pack with and without GSKit.
2.3 Installing on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
2.3.1 Directories used when installing on 64-bit Windows operating systems.

3.0 Documentation updates
3.1 Documentation APARs included.
3.2 Documentation updates.

4.0 Contacting customer support

5.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 ABOUT THIS fix pack

This document is formatted to display best in a monospace font.

1.1 Supported products

This fix pack can be applied to products at level,,,,,,,,, or to bring it to

WebSphere MQ for AIX
WebSphere MQ for iSeries
WebSphere MQ for Windows
WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform 32-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform 64-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (zSeries platform 31-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (s390x platform 64-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (POWER platform)
WebSphere MQ for Solaris (SPARC platform)
WebSphere MQ for Solaris (x86-64 platform)
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (PA-RISC platform)
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (Itanium platform)

1.2 PTF and VRMF information

Products are identified by Version, Release, Modification and
Fix numbers (VRMF).

These PTFs update products at VRMF,,,,,,,,, or to

The APARs and PTFs which identify this fix pack are:

WebSphere MQ for AIX

APAR PTF fileset name

IZ43807 U825517 mqm.base.runtime
U825518 mqm.server.rte
U825519 mqm.client.rte
U825520 mqm.base.samples
U825851 mqm.msg.en_US
U825852 mqm.msg.es_ES
U825853 mqm.msg.fr_FR
U825854 mqm.msg.de_DE
U825855 mqm.msg.ja_JP
U825856 mqm.msg.it_IT
U825857 mqm.msg.Es_ES
U825858 mqm.msg.Fr_FR
U825859 mqm.msg.De_DE
U825860 mqm.msg.Ja_JP
U825861 mqm.msg.It_IT
U825862 mqm.msg.pt_BR
U825863 mqm.msg.ko_KR
U825864 mqm.msg.zh_CN
U825865 mqm.msg.Zh_CN
U825866 mqm.msg.zh_TW
U825867 mqm.msg.Zh_TW
U825868 mqm.base.sdk
U825869 mqm.keyman.rte
U825871 mqm.txclient.rte

WebSphere MQ for iSeries


SE38849 SI36108 Marker PTF for base product
SE38859 SI36122 Marker PTF for Java/JMS product

WebSphere MQ for Windows


IC60080 U200309

WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform 32-bit)


IZ43885 U825181

WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform 64-bit)


IZ44006 U825874

WebSphere MQ for Linux (zSeries platform 31-bit)


IZ43943 U825516

WebSphere MQ for Linux (s390x platform 64-bit)


IZ43990 U825873

WebSphere MQ for Linux (POWER platform)


IZ43947 U825182

WebSphere MQ for Solaris (SPARC platform)


IZ43878 U825511

WebSphere MQ for Solaris (x86-64 platform)


IZ44007 U825872

WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (PA-RISC platform)


IZ43872 U824678

WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (Itanium platform)


IZ43989 U825875

1.3 New in this fix pack

Using Classes for Java Message Service (JMS)
WebSphere MQ Version changes the way applications using the
classes for Java Message Service (JMS) handle User IDs when creating
JMS Connections.

Applications would create Connections by calling one of the following

QueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(String userName, String password)
TopicConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection(String userName, String password)
ConnectionFactory.createConnection(String userName, String password)

If you specify a null value or an empty string as the username, an
empty string will now be sent to the queue manager for authorization

Prior to this Fix Pack, if you specified a null value as the username,
then the User ID under which the application was running was sent to
the queue manager for authorization checks.

You can choose to preserve the pre- behaviour by using a new
Java system property. The new property is called:

and takes one of two values:
If an application passes an empty string or a null value for the username
when creating a connection, the empty string is sent to the queue manager
for authorization checks.
If the application passes an empty string or a null value for the username
when creating a connection, then the User ID under which the application
is running will be sent to the queue manager for authorization checks.

To set the property, applications using the WebSphere MQ classes for JMS must
be started with the following command:

java<value> <application class>

For more details, please refer to
APAR IZ49302 :

Display authority on SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE

Release or later includes the ability for users who are not
a member of the MQM Administrators group to DISPLAY the details of
the queue SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE. This is useful when using
administrative programs such as the WebSphere MQ Explorer.

The only authority which may be granted on SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE is
DISPLAY authority (+dsp). Any other authorities that are supplied on
the setmqaut command will be ignored.

Access granted to users or groups using generic profiles also apply to
the SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE. However, before a generic profile can
match the SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE then at least one explicit profile
must be exist for the SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE.

For example:

To grant members of the 'users2' group access to view

setmqaut -m QMGR -t q -g users2 -n SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE +dsp

To grant members of the 'allusers' group access to view all
queues on the system:

(On Unix platforms): setmqaut -m QMGR -t q -g allusers -n "**" +dsp

(On Windows) : setmqaut -m QMGR -t q -g allusers -n ** +dsp

Channel Compression

Release or later includes APAR IZ28473 which addresses an issue in WebSphere MQ's
handling of channel compression which was introduced in V6. In order for it to be effective,
6026 should be applied to both ends of a channel. If it is not possible to do this, it may
be necessary to turn off channel compression until both ends have been upgraded to the
level. If channel compression is enabled between and earlier maintenance levels then
FDC's might occur and the channel will be ended - one example would be the sending of messages
over 32K.

Message compression is controlled by the COMPMSG and COMPHDR attributes on the channels, and
can be disabled by setting either end of the channel to COMPMSG(NONE) and COMPHDR(NONE).

Release includes the following new support.

Support for PKCS#7 certificates

The version of GSkit shipped in this fixpack includes support for PKCS#7 (p7b)
files. The iKeyman and iKeycmd tools do not support PKCS#7 files. You must
use the GSKCapiCmd tool to import certificates from a PKCS#7 file.

The GSKCapiCmd tool is named gsk7capicmd and is available on Windows
and UNIX systems. GSKCapiCmd has the same command syntax as gsk7cmd
and runmqckm.

Before you run gsk7capicmd on Windows, set your PATH environment variable
to include the GSkit binary and library directories. For example, at the command
line, type:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk7\bin;C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk7\lib

Before you run gsk7capicmd on UNIX, set your PATH environment variable to
include /usr/bin and /bin. For example, on UNIX:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin

Release includes the following new function.

Support of JCA

Release or later includes a J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
version 1.5 resource adapter for WebSphere MQ. This allows JMS applications
and message driven beans, running in an application server, to access the
resources of a WebSphere MQ queue manager.The WebSphere MQ resource
adapter is supported on all WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 platforms except z/OS.
Using the resource adapter, an application can connect to a WebSphere
MQ Version 6.0 queue manager in either client mode or bindings mode,
or to a WebSphere MQ Version 5.3 queue manager in client mode only.
You can install it on any application server that is certified as being
compliant with the J2EE 1.4 specification.

For more information see the "The WebSphere MQ resource adapter" appendix F
of the Using Java manual version GC34-6591-02 or later.

Refer to the document "WebSphere MQ resource adapter statement of support" at
for more information on the application servers supported with this feature as well
as known problems and their workarounds.

Limited Windows 64-bit support

Release includes support for the V6.0 32-bit WebSphere MQ product
and 32-bit applications running on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition,
Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition and Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
x64 Edition. For more information on this support please see the updated
version of the Windows Quick Beginnings book GC34-6476-01 or later which is
available from

Before installing on a 64-bit operating system please review the
installation section 2.3 below.

Please note that, after installing release or later, the
WebSphere MQ installation will include a \bin64 directory on all Windows
operating systems.

.NET applications on Windows 64-bit operating systems

The 32-bit version of the .NET framework versions 1.1 and 2.0 are both
supported for use with Windows 64-bit operating systems. One of
these versions must be installed if you wish to write .NET applications.

By default, applications built using .NET Framework 2.0 can run as either
32-bit or 64-bit depending on your operating system. However, because
WebSphere MQ supports 32-bit applications only, if you are using a 64-bit
operating system, applications must be built with the platform explicitly
set to x86, so that they will run as 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows.

DES SSL Cipherspec Suppression in SSLFIPS mode

After 19th May 2007, SSL cipherspecs which use DES cryptography will
no longer be compliant with the FIPS 140-2 standard. Release
ships a version of GSKit which will reject DES-based cipherspecs when
the queue manager or client is in SSLFIPS mode.

If SSLFIPS mode is enabled, then channels using a SSLCIPH value of
start. If SSLFIPS mode is disabled, then DES cipherspecs are permitted
and the channel is able to start.

If you do not use SSLFIPS mode then you will not be affected.

Release includes the following new function:

Support of OSGi

Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) provides a general-purpose,
secure, and managed Java framework that supports the deployment of
extensible and downloadable applications known as bundles.

OSGi-compliant devices can download and install bundles, and remove
them when they are no longer required. The framework manages the
installation and update of bundles in a dynamic and scalable manner.

A new folder under java/lib called OSGI contains three OSGI bundles.
They are as follows:<version>.jar - Provides a Java and JMS client
able to communicate with MQ using a TCP/IP connection<version>.jar - Contains jars to allow the
client bundle to create a directIP connection to a Broker.<version>.jar - Contains prereq Jars required
by the client bundle.

These bundles have been written to the R4 OSGI spec. They will not
work in an R3 OSGI environment.

It is important that your System path or libpath has been set
correctly so that any dll's or shared libraries can be found by the
OSGI runtime.

Customers wishing to use the WebSphere MQ JMS client OSGi bundles
should note that
1) Temporary Topics do not work.
2) Java exits are not supported.

New plug-ins

This Refresh pack adds the following new plug-ins for use with
WebSphere MQ Explorer, the graphical administration application
provided with WebSphere MQ for Windows V6.0 and WebSphere MQ for Linux
(x86 platform) V6.0.

- JMS Administration plug-in: Provides the ability to connect to JNDI
contexts for administering WebSphere MQ JMS objects with similar
functionality as the command line JMS Administration tool.

- Object Authorities plug-in: Provides the ability to manage authorities
for users and groups, compare accumulated authorities, find
authorities, and refresh security options.

- Tests plug-in: Provides the ability to check the configuration of a
queue manager and its objects. Tests can be run against one or more
queue manager, and subsets of tests can be configured and saved for
future use.

The plug-ins are installed when you install the updates for WebSphere
MQ Explorer, which are shipped in this refresh pack.

Detailed help for these plug-ins can be found in the updated WebSphere
MQ Explorer Help, which is shipped with this Refresh pack.

Release includes the following new function:

Managed .Net client support.

Details of this new function can be found in an updated version of
the manual "WebSphere MQ Using .NET" GC34-6605-01 which can be found at

IBM Support Assistant (ISA)

This fixpack installs the parts required to enable WebSphere MQSeries support
in the IBM Support Assistant (ISA).

This was partially supported in supportpac MH02 - if the support pack is
already installed supportpac, you should overwrite the existing parts with
those supplied in this fixpack.

General information on ISA, and how to download and install ISA can be found on
the following website -

After downloading and installing ISA, install the WebSphere MQ plug-in by
following the platform specific instructions below:-

Windows -

In these instructions replace C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ
with the location where you installed WebSphere MQ.

Replace \Program Files\IBM\IBM Support Assistant
with the location where you installed ISA.

1. Create directory
\Program Files\IBM\IBM Support Assistant\plugins\

2. Copy file plugin.xml from C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Tools\ISA
to folder
\Program Files\IBM\IBM Support Assistant\plugins\

3. Copy file SSFKSJinfo-cfg.xml from C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Tools\ISA
to folder
\Program Files\IBM\IBM Support Assistant\plugins\\search\conf\services

4. Copy file WMQ_ISA.inventory from C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Tools\ISA
to folder
\Program Files\IBM\IBM Support Assistant\plugins\


1. Logon as root and create directory

2. Copy file plugin.xml from /usr/mqm/samp/isa/
to folder

3. Copy file SSFKSJinfo-cfg.xml from /usr/mqm/samp/isa/
to folder

4. Copy file WMQ_ISA.inventory from /usr/mqm/samp/isa/
to folder

HP-UX, Solaris, Linux -

1. Logon as root and create directory

2. Copy file plugin.xml from /opt/mqm/samp/isa/
to folder

3. Copy file SSFKSJinfo-cfg.xml from /opt/mqm/samp/isa/
to folder

4. Copy file WMQ_ISA.inventory from /opt/mqm/samp/isa/
to folder

Solaris (x86-64) important information.

Users of the WebSphere MQ V6 for Solaris (X86-64) version should review APAR IY81686 which is fixed in fix pack and
subsequent service deliveries.

It is recommended that all production systems running this product
should have fix pack, refresh pack, or fix pack

Java users of Type 4 database drivers.

IBM Universal Type 4 drivers in type 4 mode do not currently work with the
WebSphere MQ base Java classes.

1.4 Product fix history

The details of the fixes included in this fix pack and previous
fix and refresh packs can be found at

All fix or refresh packs are cumulative and include all the problem fixes
shipped in earlier fix and refresh packs.

For the products
WebSphere MQ for AIX
WebSphere MQ for iSeries
WebSphere MQ for Windows
WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform 32-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (zSeries platform 31-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (POWER platform)
WebSphere MQ for Solaris (SPARC platform)
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (PA-RISC platform)
the service delivery history is
First delivery Refresh pack
Second delivery Fix pack
Third delivery Refresh pack
Fourth delivery Fix pack
Fifth delivery Fix pack
Sixth delivery Fix pack
Seventh delivery Fix pack
Eighth delivery Fix pack
Ninth delivery Fix pack
Tenth delivery Fix pack
Eleventh delivery Fix pack

For the products
WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform 64-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Linux (s390x platform 64-bit)
WebSphere MQ for Solaris (x86-64 platform)
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX (Itanium platform)
the service delivery history is
First delivery Fix pack
Second delivery Refresh pack
Third delivery Fix pack
Fourth delivery Fix pack
Fifth delivery Fix pack
Sixth delivery Fix pack
Seventh delivery Fix pack
Eighth delivery Fix pack
Ninth delivery Fix pack
Tenth delivery Fix pack

The download pages for these service deliveries are
Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Refresh pack
Windows and Unix:

Fix pack
Windows and Unix:

Refresh pack
Windows and Unix:

1.5 APARs from previous releases included in version

MQSeries V5.2

IC27211 IC27655 IC27656 IC29103 IC29358 IC29405 IC29498 IC29675
IC29687 IC29774 IC29805 IC29815 IC29847 IC29850 IC29975 IC29984
IC30002 IC30035 IC30062 IC30106 IC30149 IC30213 IC30219 IC30225
IC30228 IC30246 IC30250 IC30309 IC30335 IC30343 IC30468 IC30514
IC30555 IC30566 IC30569 IC30595 IC30697 IC30844 IC30897 IC31323
IC31530 IC31673 IC31755 IC31808 IC31814 IC31833 IC31899 IC31901
IC31920 IC32055 IC32103 IC32221 IC32223 IC32260 IC32296 IC32581
IC32582 IC32651 IC32656 IC32674 IC32753 IC32843 IC32875 IC32938
IY03669 IY08799 IY09958 IY12110 IY12240 IY12689 IY12776 IY14251
IY14518 IY14563 IY15169 IY15170 IY15171 IY15172 IY15173 IY15320
IY15655 IY15794 IY15801 IY15839 IY15945 IY15947 IY15948 IY15983
IY15984 IY16092 IY16190 IY16357 IY16442 IY16483 IY17118 IY17285
IY17319 IY17471 IY17737 IY17846 IY17946 IY18201 IY18203 IY18500
IY18567 IY18779 IY18932 IY19317 IY19401 IY19616 IY19816 IY19831
IY19848 IY19849 IY19850 IY20234 IY20510 IY20727 IY20763 IY20768
IY20931 IY21665 IY21794 IY21795 IY21854 IY21985 IY22185 IY22333
IY22429 IY22456 IY22951 IY22995 IY23553 IY23667 IY23736 IY23957
IY24181 IY24221 IY24268 IY24515 IY24677 IY24753 IY24795 IY24857
IY24879 IY25080 IY25120 IY25121 IY25122 IY25128 IY25129 IY25309
IY25463 IY25494 IY25639 IY25648 IY25652 IY25676 IY25746 IY25774
IY25795 IY25800 IY26290 IY26494 IY27109 IY27111 IY27112 IY27113
IY27114 IY27191 IY27208 IY27517 IY27550 IY27710 IY28292 IY28347
IY28451 IY28504 IY28906 IY28921 IY28931 IY28959 IY28978 IY29099
IY29202 IY29238 IY29305 IY29497 IY29699 IY29933 IY30005 IY30152
IY30380 IY30457 IY30561

WebSphere MQ V5.3

HY50066 HY50071 HY50099 IC31676 IC33198 IC33707 IC33838 IC34042
IC34123 IC34192 IC34193 IC34208 IC34235 IC34236 IC34272 IC34362
IC34383 IC34402 IC34442 IC34583 IC34586 IC34714 IC34717 IC34774
IC34854 IC34863 IC34874 IC34883 IC34910 IC34948 IC34985 IC35037
IC35047 IC35050 IC35116 IC35136 IC35272 IC35369 IC35395 IC35424
IC35483 IC35527 IC35648 IC35684 IC35731 IC35749 IC35770 IC35786
IC35976 IC36023 IC36037 IC36038 IC36113 IC36128 IC36158 IC36185
IC36223 IC36248 IC36285 IC36300 IC36369 IC36402 IC36417 IC36434
IC36443 IC36600 IC36623 IC36629 IC36641 IC36673 IC36743 IC36888
IC36937 IC37456 IC37490 IC37515 IC37516 IC37555 IC37592 IC37610
IC37611 IC37728 IC38311 IC38370 IC38646 IC38660 IC38907 IC39007
IC39048 IC39051 IC39186 IC39205 IC39234 IC39336 IC39367 IC39409
IC39432 IC39530 IC39601 IC39608 IC39846 IC39879 IC39884 IC39898
IC39916 IC39945 IC40168 IC40169 IC40221 IC40227 IC40294 IC40444
IC40484 IC40533 IC40560 IC40582 IC40777 IC40850 IC40862 IC40975
IC41084 IC41195 IC41483 IC41495 IC41546 IC41621 IC41621 IC41626
IC42089 IC42618 IC42634 IC42742 IC42753 IC43014 IC43176 IC43190
IC43533 IC43762 IC43915 IC43947 IC44049 IC44243 IC45158 IC45412
IC45414 IC45571 IC45797 IY31590 IY31724 IY31882 IY31891 IY32730
IY32787 IY32925 IY33171 IY33246 IY33346 IY33612 IY33871 IY34135
IY34432 IY34652 IY34818 IY34825 IY35297 IY35756 IY36111 IY36461
IY36646 IY36853 IY37545 IY37611 IY37632 IY37681 IY38042 IY38152
IY38407 IY38428 IY38893 IY39002 IY39991 IY39991 IY40050 IY40432
IY40577 IY40722 IY40853 IY40872 IY41152 IY41184 IY41671 IY42021
IY42481 IY42775 IY42894 IY43097 IY43215 IY43261 IY43310 IY43603
IY43961 IY44040 IY44219 IY44316 IY44477 IY44493 IY44507 IY44580
IY44597 IY44601 IY44669 IY44672 IY44673 IY44684 IY44740 IY44839
IY45325 IY45419 IY45491 IY45551 IY45566 IY45586 IY45615 IY45989
IY46057 IY46433 IY46567 IY46627 IY46714 IY46721 IY46823 IY47486
IY47595 IY47735 IY47766 IY47780 IY47968 IY48070 IY48097 IY48122
IY48319 IY48505 IY48518 IY49006 IY49057 IY49061 IY49117 IY49122
IY49267 IY49278 IY49380 IY49648 IY49686 IY49687 IY49983 IY50188
IY50293 IY50439 IY51152 IY51386 IY51506 IY51552 IY51869 IY51907
IY51909 IY51992 IY52011 IY52065 IY52344 IY52569 IY52572 IY52575
IY52676 IY52745 IY53065 IY53173 IY53290 IY53481 IY53665 IY53700
IY53907 IY53917 IY53925 IY53946 IY53967 IY54013 IY54015 IY54269
IY54314 IY54397 IY54507 IY54508 IY54584 IY55063 IY55290 IY55420
IY55558 IY55707 IY56525 IY56641 IY56696 IY56725 IY56861 IY56956
IY57123 IY57488 IY57545 IY57774 IY57841 IY58535 IY58536 IY58921
IY59008 IY59661 IY59833 IY59854 IY60052 IY60106 IY60472 IY60736
IY60786 IY60992 IY60992 IY61664 IY62101 IY62101 IY62636 IY63056
IY63171 IY63316 IY63458 IY63499 IY63820 IY63833 IY64349 IY64428
IY64557 IY64640 IY65033 IY65287 IY65612 IY66042 IY66278 IY66326
IY66462 IY66826 IY67021 IY67125 IY67178 IY67232 IY67352 IY67371
IY67891 IY68487 IY68509 IY68798 IY68875 IY69385 IY69464 IY69760
IY69761 IY69883 SA94882 SA95097 SA95134 SA95278 SA95482 SA95506
SA95518 SA95547 SA95550 SA95598 SA95616 SA95641 SA95691 SA95692
SA95694 SA95740 SA95742 SA95753 SA95766 SA95794 SA95835 SA95843
SA95863 SA95874 SA95876 SA95904 SA95959 SA95961 SA95970 SA95978
SA95983 SA96011 SA96012 SA96017 SA96022 SA96028 SA96029 SA96031
SA96128 SA96175 SA96181 SA96201 SA96209 SA96224 SA96244 SA96246
SA96249 SA96283 SA96297 SA96321 SA96333 SA96339 SA96346 SA96368
SE09914 SE10073 SE10188 SE10402 SE10646 SE11627 SE12660 SE12660
SE13524 SE13837 SE13963 SE14254 SE14672 SE14675 SE15031 SE15393
SE15657 SE16073 SE16073 SE16466 SE16473 SE16730 SE16893 SE16901
SE16933 SE18835 SE19391 SE19457 SE19719

1.6 SDK compatibility

Due to incompatibilities in WebSphere Application Server,
Community Edition (WAS CE), attempting to deploy the WebSphere MQ
resource adapter on WAS CE may fail when a Sun Java v1.5 environment
is used. It is recommended that you use the IBM Java 2 Standard Edition
(J2SE) Software Development Kit (SDK) provided as part of the WAS CE


The fix pack is packaged as a tar or zip file. When this is
unpacked you will have a copy of this file (memo.ptf), the readme file
and the readadd file, and the code update packages as described in the
Quick beginnings manuals.

PLEASE NOTE: From WMQ Fix Pack and onwards the IBM Java SDK is
NOT included.

Prior to installation
Before installing WebSphere MQ V6.0.2.8, perform the following steps:

1. Read all of this readme. Note particularly the additional steps
that are necessary if you have installed GSKit in order to use SSL
channels with WebSphere MQ.
2. Download the fix pack to an appropriate location.
3. Uncompress the fix pack.
4. Stop all WebSphere MQ processes and its applications.

Downloading the fix pack to an appropriate location
There must not be any spaces in the directory path where you plan to
download and uncompress the fix pack. If there are spaces in the
directory path, the installation will fail. For example, make sure
your directory path resembles the following:

/home/WMQFixPack/FP1/ ...

It should not resemble the following:

/home/WMQ FixPack/FP1/ ...

Uncompressing the fix pack installation images
All fix pack installation images on the download site are compressed in
gz/Z/zip format. Before you can apply the fix pack from this format,
copy the downloaded file to a temporary directory and use
gunzip/uncompress and tar to extract the fix pack installation image.

Extract the fix pack install files
To extract the fix pack install files, perform the following steps:

1. Copy the gzipped/Z image to a temporary location.
2. Change to the directory where you copied the image.
3. The following are example commands to extract the fix pack
installation image:

gunzip -c filename.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
zcat filename.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

where filename.tar.gz etc. is the name of the downloaded file.

Stopping all WebSphere MQ processes
You must ensure that all WebSphere MQ processes are stopped and do not
start automatically during the installation procedure. To stop all
WebSphere MQ processes, perform the following steps:

1. Log in as a user in the mqm group.
2. Use the endmqm command to stop all running queue managers.
3. Stop any listeners associated with the queue managers, using the

endmqlsr -m QMgrName

4. To check that you have stopped all of them, enter the following:

ps -ef | grep mq

Check that there are no processes listed that are running command lines
beginning amq or runmq. Ignore any that start with amqi.

5. Take any further administrative actions (as root if necessary) to
stop all applications that use queue managers on the system, and
prevent them from restarting automatically during the installation

Applying WebSphere MQ V6.0.2.8 Fix Pack to update an existing installation:


1. Display the appropriate smitty panel using this sequence:
Software Installation and Maintenance
Install and Update Software
Install and Update From ALL Available Software
> Alternatively, use a fastpath command (smit[ty] install_update).
2. Select a value for INPUT device / directory for software. Click
the List button (or press the F4 key on smitty) to display a list of
valid values.
3. Complete the SOFTWARE to install field. Enter ALL to install all
applicable fileset updates to your installation.
4. If you think that at a later time you might want to reject the
service updates and return to the backup level, you must ensure that:
1. The COMMIT software updates value is set to no.
2. The SAVE replaced files value is set to yes.
By setting these values, you ensure that the updates are applied, and
the old filesets are saved, not overwritten.
5. Press Enter to display a confirmation message before starting the
update. While the command runs, it displays progress messages ending
with an installp Summary table, confirming which components of
WebSphere MQ for AIX. have been updated. If the command does not
complete successfully, a full error log is saved in the file smit.log
in root's home directory.


1. Choose interactive or non-interactive mode, and choose whether to
install the general MQSERIES package, or to install the individual
components explicitly. Run Step 1a, 1b, 1c or 1d (note: only one
of these four) according to this choice.

1a.Using non-interactive mode (specifying general MQSERIES package):

If you have installed only some of the components, this method of
installing a fix pack should be expected to run and achieve the
desired result of installing all relevant components, but error
messages from the installer should be expected.

In the directory where the service update package is located, use

swinstall -s $PWD/hp-Uxxxxxx.v11 MQSERIES

If you specify MQSERIES like the example above:

* swinstall will run in non-interactive mode

* Updates will be installed only for the WebSphere MQ components
which match the set of components that are already installed.
Unmatched components will cause error messages to appear. Samples
of these error messages are given further down this page.

1b.Using non-interactive mode (specifying specific lower-level MQSERIES

If you have installed only some of the components, this method of
installing a fix pack should be expected to run without errors.

In the directory where the service update package is located, use
swinstall to install the maintenance for all components. ***Please
note that you must add to this command ALL component names matching
the MQSERIES.MQM-* components already installed.***

The backslashes are line continuation characters - this command can
be entered all on one line:

/usr/sbin/swinstall -s $PWD/hp-Uxxxxxx.v11 \

The above command is correct in a situation where only three
components (MQM-BASE, MQM-RUNTIME, MQM-SERVER) had previously been
installed from

1c.Using interactive mode (specifying general MQSERIES package):

If you have installed only some of the components, this method of
installing a fix pack should be expected to run and achieve the
desired result of installing all relevant components, but error
messages from the installer should be expected.

In the directory where the service update package is located, use

swinstall -s $PWD/hp-Uxxxxxx.v11

* Select the MQSERIES line
* From the menu, choose Actions > Mark for Install
* Click OK on the information box
* From the menu, choose Actions > Install...
* Follow the prompts

Updates will be installed only for the WebSphere MQ components
which match the set of components that are already installed.
Unmatched components will cause error messages to appear. Samples
of these error messages are given further down this page.

1d.Using interactive mode (specifying specific lower-level MQSERIES

If you have installed only some of the components, this method of
installing a fix pack should be expected to run without errors.

In the directory where the service update package is located, use

swinstall -s $PWD/hp-Uxxxxxx.v11

* Select the MQSERIES line.
* From the menu, choose Actions > Open Item
* Select all component names matching the MQSERIES.MQM-* components
already installed.
* From the menu, choose Actions > Mark for Install
* Click OK on the information box.
* From the menu, choose Actions > Close Level
* Should see "Partial" against MQSERIES.
* If GSKit updates are required:
* Select the gsk7bas and gsk7bas64 lines.
* From the menu, choose Actions > Mark for Install
* From the menu, choose Actions > Install...
* Follow the prompts.

2. Special note

It is possible your administrator has created a depot containing both
the WebSphere MQ v6.0 product AND fix pack.

Note that you must install the base package first, followed by the
maintenance package. You may not select them both for simultaneous

If you are installing WebSphere MQ v6.0 for HP-UX from a software
depot that has been created this way, you will need to use the install
option "autoselect_dependencies=false".

In the swinstall GUI, this can be done by unchecking the option
"autoselect dependencies when marking software" in the
"Options" -> "Change Options" panel.

Warning: Disabling the autoselect_dependencies will disable some
checking for dependencies and must not be used when uninstalling
maintenance packs.

3. Error messages:

If you have installed only some of the components, then specifying
the general MQSERIES package from the hp-Uxxxxxx.v11 file can be
expected to install all relevant components, but error messages
from the installer should be expected.

To test whether the install of the components you require has been
successful, you can use swlist as described below.

Updates will be installed only for the WebSphere MQ components
which match the set of components that are already installed.
Unmatched components will cause error messages to appear.

The following examples are for a situation where only three components
(MQM-BASE, MQM-RUNTIME, MQM-SERVER) were installed from

When running swinstall operating on the general MQSERIES package,
lines like these may appear on the console (or in the GUI panels
when running under the swinstall GUI):

ERROR: "": The software dependencies for 15
products or filesets cannot be resolved.
* The analysis phase failed for "".
ERROR: "": 17 filesets were determined to
be skipped in the analysis phase.
* The execution phase failed for "".
* Analysis and Execution had errors.

Lines like these may appear in the swjob output for such a
swinstall session:

ERROR: 17 of 20 filesets had Errors.
* 3 of 20 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
ERROR: The Execution Phase had errors. See the above output for

To verify what has been successfully installed, use the swlist
command. This is an example command and its output.


# Initializing...
# Contacting target ""...
# Target:

# MQSERIES WebSphere MQ for HP-UX
MQSERIES.MQM-RUNTIME WebSphere MQ Runtime fileset
MQSERIES.MQM-SERVER WebSphere MQ Server fileset
# MQSERIES WebSphere MQ update for HP-UX (U824678)
MQSERIES.MQM-BASE-U824678 WebSphere MQ Update for HP-UX
MQSERIES.MQM-RUNTIME-U824678 WebSphere MQ Update for HP-UX
MQSERIES.MQM-SERVER-U824678 WebSphere MQ Update for HP-UX


1. Log in as root.
2. To find out which packages are installed on your machine, enter the

rpm -q -a | grep MQSeries

For example, if you have a minimum WebSphere MQ installation and SDK
component, at level, this will return:


3. Now install all available updates for the packages you have on your

rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-Uxxxxxx-6.0.2-8.i386.rpm \
MQSeriesSDK-Uxxxxxx-6.0.2-8.i386.rpm \

Note: You must install all packages that apply to those
packages that are currently installed on your system.

4. Repeat step 2, and you will see that the Runtime, SDK and Server
packages are now at level



1. Change into the directory containing the maintenance packages.
2. Enter the following:

pkgadd -d packagename

where packagename corresponds to the image file name, for example,


3. Follow the on screen instructions.


Before installing this fix pack, remove any installed WebSphere MQ
interim and test fixes.

1. Run the uncompressed executable file installing a maintenance pack.
2. Running this file presents you with a dialog screen on which you
can choose to temporarily unpack or save the executable file. Select
the appropriate option (and if saving select the default folder, or
change it if required) and click Install.
3. Click Finish when the file has been unpacked into the temporary
folder to end the dialog.
4. The installation program AMQICSDN.EXE file now runs and presents
you with a dialog screen on which you can choose a folder in which to
back up any files that are to be changed by the maintenance process.

The Quick Beginnings for Windows manual, Chapter 4, section on
"Silently installing maintenance updates" describes the parameters
which can be passed when installing maintenance. These apply to
attended installations as well, that is when the -s flag is not set.

In particular, the option MQPINUSEOK is useful when the installation
fails reporting that files are in use (eg. AMQ4756).

Example syntax in this case would be:

WebSphereMQMDV6.0.2.8EnUs.exe [-s] -a MQPINUSEOK=1
(For the self extracting version from the web)

(Running amqicsdn from the unpacked version)

The -s option tells the unpacking to run silently, and
the -a option passes the subsequent parameter to amqicsdn.exe.

2.1 Installation of new versions of the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit)
product component.

2.1.1 GSKit version history

The versions of GSKit shipped with the V6.0 products is

WebSphere MQ GSKit
VRMF version ( except Solaris for the x86_64 platform ) ( Solaris for the x86_64 platform only ) ( except Solaris for the x86_64 platform ) ( Solaris for the x86_64 platform only ) ( except Solaris for the x86_64 platform ) ( Solaris for the x86_64 platform only )

2.1.2 Installing GSKit


On Windows the new version will be installed automatically when the fix
pack is installed and will be removed if the fix pack is removed.


Install the gskta.rte and gsksa.rte packages from the installation
media using the installp command, for example, assuming the media
containing the fix pack is the current directory:

installp -ac -d. gskta.rte gsksa.rte

The level of GSKit provided with this fix pack,, requires the
following system patches (listed by version of AIX) to be installed
before GSKit is installed.

AIX 5.2.0:
xlC.aix50.rte. or later

AIX 5.3.0:
xlC.aix50.rte. or later
If running Technical Level 5, bos.rte.libc: or greater is required


Shut down all WebSphere MQ applications and any other products that are
using GSKit. Before installing the WebSphere MQ fix pack uninstall the
old level of the GSKit packages using the commands:

pkgrm gsk7bas

pkgrm gsk7bas64

During the uninstallation process you will be warned that other
products have a dependency on the GSKit packages, reply 'Yes' to
continue the uninstallation process.

When installing the WebSphere MQ fix pack the new GSKit packages
gsk7bas and gsk7bas64 will be listed with the WebSphere MQ package.

If the system uses SSL channels, or will use SSL channels, these should
BOTH be selected for installation.

This is because both 64-bit and 32-bit processes may need to load GSKit

The level of GSKit provided with this fix pack,, requires the
following system patches (listed by version of Solaris) to be installed
before GSKit is installed.

Solaris v8 for SPARC(for both 32 and 64 bit GSkit binaries):
108434-14 or later,
111327-05 or later,
108991 or later,
108993-31 or later,
108528-29 or later,
113648-03 or later,
116602-01or later,
111317-05 or later,
111023-03 or later,
115827-01 or later

Solaris v9 for SPARC(for both 32 and 64 bit GSkit binaries):
111711-08 or later


Before installing the WebSphere MQ fix pack upgrade the GSKit packages
using the rpm -U command as follows ( xxxx represents the architecture
string for the platform )

For a system where a 32-bit version of GSKit is installed:
rpm -U gsk7bas-7.0-4.23.xxxx.rpm


For a system where a 64-bit version of GSKit is installed:
rpm -U gsk7bas64-7.0-4.23.xxxx.rpm

Ensure that, on 64-bit platforms, BOTH packages are installed. This is
because both 64-bit and 32-bit processes may need to load GSKit

The level of GSKit provided with this fix pack,, requires the
following system patches (listed by version/flavour of Linux) to be
installed before GSKit will install.

Linux on PPC32 / PPC64:
RHEL v5.0 requires compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61 or later

Linux on x86:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 ES requires compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3
or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 ES requires compat-libstdc++- 33-3.2.3-61
or later

Linux on s390:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 AS requires compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3
or later
RHEL 5.0 requires compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61 or later

Linux on x86_64:
RHEL 4.0 WS/AS/ES requires compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3 or later
RHEL 5.0 ES requires compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61 or later

Linux on s390x:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 AS compat-libstdc++- 33-3.2.3-47.3 or
RHEL 5.0 compatlibstdc++-33-3.2.3-61 or later


The GSKit packages are included in the same depot as the WebSphere MQ
fix pack. Selection of the MQSERIES filesets for installation will
automatically select the appropriate GSKit packages.

The level of GSKit provided with this fix pack,, requires the
following system patches (listed by version of HP-UX) to be installed
before GSKit will install.

32-bit HP-UX 11i:
PHSS_26946 or later,
PHSS_33033 or later,
PHCO_34275 or later

64-bit HP-UX 11i:
PHSS_26946 or later,
PHSS_33033 or later,
PHCO_34275 or later

2.1.3 Reverting to an earlier level of GSKit

If you need to revert to an earlier level of GSKit you should
uninstall the currently installed level using the appropriate
uninstall command for your operating system and reinstall the required
level from the media on which it was supplied using the instructions
that came with it.

Note that you should normally use the highest level of GSKit required
by any product in use on the system.

2.2 Versions of this fix pack with and without GSKit.

For WebSphere MQ V5.3 there were two packages of each fix pack: one
containing all fixes and new versions of GSKit and one without the
GSKit fixes. For WebSphere MQ V6.0 one version of the package is
available. This package can be used to update products which have
been installed with, or without, the GSKit function.

2.3 Installing on 64-bit Windows operating systems.

Release includes support for the V6.0 32-bit WebSphere MQ product
and 32-bit applications running on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition,
Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition and Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
x64 Edition.

To install the MQ v6.0.2.1 or later fixpack on x64 version operating systems the
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable package must be installed before
the fixpack is installed. The language specific version of "vcredist_x64.exe"
is included in the downloadable zip file and should be run prior to performing
the fixpack installation on x64 Windows operating systems.

The fixpack installation checks to ensure the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
redistributable version 8.0.50727.42 is correctly installed before allowing
installation of the fixpack. If, during the fixpack installation, the correct
files are not detected, a message is displayed asking the user to install the
bundled redistributable "vcredist_x64.exe" on the x64 operating system.
The fixpack installation does not need to be cancelled in this case. After
installing the correct redistributable select Retry on the message box to
continue the fixpack installation.

When running a silent fixpack installation, no message box is displayed
if the correct level of Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable cannot be
detected. Instead, the fixpack installation fails and an entry is written
into the fixpack log file detailing the problem.
To automate the fixpack installation silently, the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
redistributable can also be silently installed prior to installing the
MQ fixpack using "vcredist_x64.exe /Q" option"

2.3.1 Install directories used on 64-bit Windows operating systems.

On 64-bit Windows, the default installation location is
'C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ'. On 32-bit windows the default is
'C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ'.

If the user modifies the default location to 'C:\Program Files\....' the
Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) will change this to
'C:\Program Files (x86)\....'. If the user sets the default location to some
other value, MSI does not change its value.


The 6.0.1 Release Notes are updated and shipped as a README file with this
fix pack and should be reviewed for updates, limitations, and known problems
and Documentation updates.

The following manuals have been updated since their initial V6 release,
and are included in the updated media pack or can be downloaded from

Updated and made available with version
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX Quick Beginnings GC34-6479-01
WebSphere MQ for Linux Quick Beginnings GC34-6480-01
WebSphere MQ Migration Information SC34-6604-01
WebSphere MQ Security SC34-6588-01
WebSphere MQ for Solaris Quick Beginnings GC34-6477-01

Updated and made available with version
WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide SC34-6584-01
WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide SC34-6595-01
WebSphere MQ Using Java SC34-6591-01
WebSphere MQ Using .NET GC34-6605-01

Updated and made available with version
WebSphere MQ for Solaris V6 Quick Beginnings GC34-6477-02
WebSphere MQ for AIX V6 Quick Beginnings GC34-6478-01
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX V6 Quick Beginnings GC34-6479-02
WebSphere MQ for Linux V6 Quick Beginnings GC34-6480-02
WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference SC34-6597-01
WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and
Administration Interface SC34-6598-01

Updated and made available with version
WebSphere MQ Using Java SC34-6591-02
WebSphere MQ for Windows V6 Quick Beginnings GC34-6476-01
WebSphere MQ Security SC34-6588-02
WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide SC34-6584-02
WebSphere MQ for HP-UX V6 Quick Beginnings GC34-6479-03

Updated and made available with version
(All documentation updates for are available on the online
Information Center only)
WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference
WebSphere MQ Intercommunication
WebSphere MQ Migration Information
WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide
WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide
WebSphere MQ Queue Manager Clusters
WebSphere MQ for Linux V6 Quick Beginnings

An updated Information Center containing these new versions of the
manuals is available from

Updated downloadable zip files of the Information Center for Linux
and Windows are available from:

3.1 Documentation APARs included.

The updated books made available with version contain updates
for the following DOC APARs:

System Administration Guide

IC47307 Unable to find 'IBM MQSeries MSCS' resource type.
IC47542 AMQ4043 error trying to use SSL for Explorer connection.
IY63486 Recommend that customers run all WMQ commands in foreground
not background.
IY69688 System Administration Guide highlights 'YES' as the default
value of KeepAlive in the TCP stanza of queue manager
configuration. 'NO' is actual default.
IY71224 Need to add more explanation about '@class' records.
IY74891 The status displayed by the DSPMQ command is not documented.
IY77647 Configuring MQ to use 32-bit and 64-bit Exit or XA switch
load files.
IC47778 ThreadOfControl=PROCESS and toc=p must be specified for WMQ
Base Java applications utilizing JDBC/JTA coordination with

Application Programming Guide

IY78841 Incorrect compile statements in Application Programming Guide
for API exits, on UNIX platforms.

Using Java

IC47778 ThreadOfControl=PROCESS and toc=p must be specified for WMQ
Base Java applications utilizing JDBC/JTA coordination with
IY76882 Update to the Using Java manual to clarify requirements for

The updated books made available with version contain updates
for the following DOC APARs:

WebSphere MQ for Solaris V6 Quick Beginnings

IY76103 WebSphere MQ for Solaris quick beginnings V6 book says
UNLIMIT when this should be ULIMIT.
IY77743 shmmni to be included under "Kernel Configuraiton" of Sol QB.
IY80793 Attempts to install WebSphere MQ into a Solaris Zone fail due
to read-only access to /usr
IY81087 Clarification of documentation of crtmqlnk and dltmqlnk.

WebSphere MQ for AIX V6 Quick Beginnings

IY78588 Incorrect directory (/opt) listed in the QB guide for AIX.
IY79420 The quick beginnings guides for WMQ V6.0 on HP-UX and AIX
explicitly mention WMQ V5.3 in the migrating to WMQ V6.0
IY81087 Clarification of documentation of crtmqlnk and dltmqlnk.

WebSphere MQ for HP-UX V6 Quick Beginnings

IY46744 When using swinstall from a depot to install MQSeries CSD S
IY79420 The quick beginnings guides for WMQ V6.0 on HP-UX and AIX
explicitly mention WMQ V5.3 in the migrating to WMQ V6.0
IY81087 Clarification of documentation of crtmqlnk and dltmqlnk.
IY84324 WebSphere MQ 6.0 Quick Beginnings Guide for HP incorrectly
lists MQSERIES.MQM-MCCHINET as the fileset for the US man

WebSphere MQ for Linux V6 Quick Beginnings

IY80329 Some statements in the WMQ V6.0 documentation were not
updated to reflect the additional 64bit UNIX platforms now
IY81087 Clarification of documentation of crtmqlnk and dltmqlnk.

WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference

IY80122 Update define qremote docs with blank RNAME information.

WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface

IY70647 MQIACF_UNCOMMITTED_MSGS attribute values wrong in
IY76898 PCF Command Inquire Connection Response Parameter
ChannelName UOWStartTime.
IY83293 In WebSphere MQ V6 the runmqsc command DISPLAY QUEUE always
displays the TYPE.

The updated books made available with version contain updates
for the following DOC APARs:

WebSphere MQ Using Java

IC48570 When the setXXXProperty from the Message class is called from
an application, and for the name attribute if a string starting
with JMS (for example: "JMS_My_Property" or "JMS_New_Property")
is passed, an exception MQJMS1058 : Invalid message property
name is returned to the application.

This is because any string starting with JMS is considered to
be system property and only pre-defined System properties can
be passed to the setXXXProperty method.
IC49543 The WebSphere MQ "Using Java" manual is not clear on what
happens to poison messages if WebSphere MQ is being used in
conjunction with WebSphere Application Server.
IC50200 The property MQC.THREAD_AFFINITY has been deprecated in favour
of MQC.THREAD_AFFINITY_PROPERTY. The documentation relating to
using JTA/JDBC coordination with base WMQ java had not been
updated to reflect this.
IY81813 When a application sets the JMSMessageID for a message using
the setJMSMessageID method in the JMS API, this messageid is
ignored and a new JMSMessageID is set by the provider.
But using WebSphere base Java API's, it is possible to set
messageid for a message.
IY87832 As per the EJB specification, a send and receive of a message
cannot be made in the same method, because the send message
will only be committed when the method that calls it exits.

WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide

IC41131 The refresh option for the amqmdain command needs to be provided in
the System Administration guide.
IC48637 From the Topic "Connecting via another queue manager" in
Chapter 7: Administration using the WebSphere MQ Explorer, it
is not clear the set up that required to connect to a target
queue manager via an already connected queue manager
(local or remote) in the explorer.
IY74891 Document all the possible states of the Queue Manager which
can be displayed as a result of dspmq command.
IY78338 V6 System Administration Manual Appendix D - amendments to
process kill list.
IY81321 QMErrorLog queue manager configuration information stanza is
incorrect described in the WMQ V6.0 System Administration Guide.
IY83552 System Administration manual example use of MQ_SERVER_PID token is
missing the trailing '+' character.
IY84637 Channel configuration attribute AdoptNewMCA does not apply to
requester channels.
IY84742 In WMQ V6.0, the queue manager need not be stopped before
issuing endmqlsr command.
IY85566 For the versions of GSkit shipped with WebSphere MQ, the -label
parameter is mandatory when importing certificates.

WebSphere MQ for Windows V6 Quick Beginnings

IC47318 When the WebSphere MQ version 6.0 InfoCenter on Windows is
closed, a 'javaw' process that associated with the InfoCenter
is not terminated.
IC48858 Adding a note which explains the behaviour of ADDLOCAL property
if its a new installation.
IC49183 A restriction for MQ on Windows platforms. The user name should
not be same as domain/machine name.

WebSphere MQ Security

IY79142 When the certificate associated with a queue manager is a Global
Server Certificate, AMQ9631 errors are observed even though the
CipherSpecs on both sides of the channel match.
IY79410 The following statement in the WebSphere MQ Security book is
"Note that you cannot import a personal certificate that has
multiple OU attributes."
IY81603 The Security guide description of certificate chain completeness
checking is incorrect.

The updated books made available with version contain updates
for the following DOC APARs:

WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference
PK31776 - Changes to ACTCHL or MAXCHL parameters will only be
honoured in a running CHINIT if the new value is <= the
value at CHINIT Initialization.
IY93093 - Changes to Command Reference to show the correct default
value for the BACKLOG attribute of DEFINE LISTENER

WebSphere MQ Intercommunication
IY95974 - Corrections to the WMQ V6 Migration manual to rectify
information on "Setting the MQCD Version field" and
information on the definition of MQCD_VERSION_6.
IY93093 - Changes to Intercommunication Guide to provide details on
running the listener with backlog option switched on and
information on backlog of requests waiting for a TCP port for
a listener to accept the request.

WebSphere MQ Migration Information
IC47282 - Information on installing version 6.0 MQ Explorer while
migrating from MQ 5.3 to MQ 6.0.
IY75171 - Information on support provided for migration from
previous versions of WMQ.
IY75797 - Information on migrating from MQSeries V5.2 to WMQ V6
when LC_ALL was set to en_GB.
IY95974 - Corrections to the WMQ V6 Migration manual to rectify
information on "Setting the MQCD Version field" and
information on the definition of MQCD_VERSION_6.

WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide
IC51721 - Information update about recovery of a syncfile whilst
using circular logging.
IC52246 - Information on the registry key to be used for enabling
MQ errors to be ignored on WMQ clients.
IY90843 - Recommendation on length of the queue manager path
IY92127 - Information on release of IPC resources after a shutdown
of the queue manager
IY92710 - Corrected link to "Using a security exit".
109906 - Document PKCS7 support from WMQ in the manuals

WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide
IC48537 - Need to put command in double quotes if there are spaces
in the path
PK33550 - Updated information on persistence of reply messages
when CICS bridge is used.
PK39103 - Information on controlling extra trigger messages
introduced in v6.
PK34255 - Information update on conversations supported by the
IMS adapter.
IC50453 - Correct amqstrg0 information in the manuals

WebSphere MQ Queue Manager Clusters
105885 - DOC: REFRESH when re-adding QM to cluster

WebSphere MQ Security
109906 - Document PKCS7 support from WMQ in the manuals

WebSphere MQ for Linux Quick Beginnings

3.2 Documentation updates.

There is an error in WebSphere MQ Using Java Version 6(Second edition),
SC34-6591-01, chapter 13, "JMS messages".

The MapMessage subsection within the "Message body" section of this
chapter should read as follows:

is a string containing XML name/type/value triplets encoded as:
<elt name="elementname1" dt="datatype1">value1</elt>
<elt name="elementname2" dt="datatype2">value2</elt>
where datatype is one of the data types listed in Table 18 on page 387.
The default data type is string, and so the attribute t="string" is
omitted for string elements.

Previous versions of the WebSphere MQ JMS client used the following
format to encode the body of a map message:
<elementname1 dt="datatype1">value1</elementname1>
<elementname2 dt="datatype2">value2</elementname2>

The current version of the WebSphere MQ JMS client can read and
interpret either format. However, versions of the WebSphere MQ JMS
client prior to version 5.3 cannot read and interpret the current
format. If an application must be able to receive map messages encoded
in the current format, the application must use the current version of
the WebSphere MQ JMS client.

If you wish to send a map message to a client prior to V5.3 you must
call the method setMapNameStyle(JMSC.MAP_NAME_STYLE_COMPATIBLE) on the
MQConnectionFactory to specify that the client sends MapMessages using
the old style of encoding that is understood by all clients. By default
all MapMessages will be sent using the new style of encoding which is
only understood by V5.3 clients and above.

The character set used to encode or interpret the XML string that makes
up the MapMessage body is determined following the rules that apply to a

There is an error in WebSphere MQ Using Java Version 6,
SC34-6591-02, chapter 19, "Configuration for inbound communication".

The document states that the default value of the ActivationSpec
property useJNDI is "false". However, when the ActivationSpec is
deployed into WAS CE, this is not the case - if the property is not
explicitly set, useJNDI will default to the value "true".


Detailed instructions for contacting IBM are contained in the
product readme file. Before contacting IBM you are recommended to
view the web site
which has specific advice on problem solving and data collection for
WebSphere MQ.



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[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.0.2;6.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

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Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

