IBM Support

Rational Functional Tester Version 8.2.1 iFix01



This document describes how to download and install IBM Rational Functional Tester Version 8.2.1 iFix01.

Download Description

IBM Rational Functional Tester 8.2.1 iFix01 includes defect fixes to previous versions of Rational Functional Tester.

Information Center for Rational Functional Tester version 8.2.1.

Supported Domains
For details on the list of domains supported for functional testing, integration of Rational Functional Tester with other Rational products and compatible shell sharing products, see technote 7019698: List of domains supported for functional testing.


  • Before you update Rational Functional Tester, close the Eclipse and Microsoft Visual Studio IDEs, as well as any open Web browsers, and all other applications that are enabled by Functional Tester.
  • This interim fix requires IBM Installation Manager, version 1.4.4.
  • If you are installing or upgrading Rational Functional Tester on Microsoft Windows, to use the .NET Scripting feature, you must copy msvcp71.dll into the System32 directory (C:\Windows\System32), if it is not already available. You can copy the msvcp71.dll file from any other Windows operating system such as Windows XP or download it from Internet.

Note: For details on the list of supported platforms on which IBM Rational Functional Tester can be installed, see List of supported platforms.

Installation Instructions

Installing Rational Functional Tester, Version 8.2.1 iFix01

You can install Rational Functional Tester, Version 8.2.1 iFix01 in two ways:

  • Using IBM Installation Manager
If IBM Rational Functional Tester, Version 8.2 is already installed on your computer, you can install this update using the Update Packages wizard in IBM Installation Manager.
  • Local upgrade of an existing installation

  • 1. Download the Rational Functional Tester 8.2.1 iFix01 interim fix from the location specified at the bottom of this page.
    2. Extract the files to a temporary directory. For example, extract the file to C:\temp
    3. In the IBM Installation Manager click File > Preferences and add the temporary directory to the list of repositories, for example, C:\temp\rft821.update.disk1\disk1\.
    4. Use the Update Packages wizard of the Installation Manager to proceed with the update.

Installing .NET 2010 Scripting

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is installed with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2010. However, to use Rational Functional Tester with the Visual Studio .NET 2010 Integrated Development Environment, you must also install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5.

When you install Rational Functional Tester 8.2.1 iFix01 for Visual Basic .NET 2010, select .NET 2010 Scripting on the Features page and proceed with the installation.

During the installation, Rational Functional Tester .NET help is installed automatically.

Note: To view the Rational Functional Tester .NET Scripting help in the Visual Studio 2010 IDE, you must enable the local help option in the Help Library Manager.

Support available for the help installation:
Rational Functional Tester help system is configured to use remote help. An internet connection is required to access help or to download and install help locally. For more information about configuring and accessing help, see Configuring help content in the Rational Functional Tester information center.

For more information, see the following technotes:
Known problems
  • Find API does not work when a regular expression is passed as a value. Find always returns zero matches, even when one or more matches exist. Passing an equivalent literal string to the same find API call returns results. Contact the IBM Rational Support team for information about resolving this problem.
  • When attempting to uninstall, or upgrade, or rollback Functional Tester, using IBM Installation Manager (IM), if any processes or browsers enabled by RFT are running, the operation fails. For more information see technote 1698348.
Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at

As problems are discovered and resolved, the knowledge base is updated and maintained with new information. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.
The following links run customized queries of the live Support knowledge base:

[{"INLabel":"Rational Functional Tester 8.2.1 Release Notes","INLang":"English","INSize":"25389","INURL":""}]

Problems Solved

This interim fix contains fixes for these APARs:

PM46803Rational Functional Tester - Rational ClearCase integration - The Add Project to Source Control option does not check-in project directories.
PM26146Rational Functional Tester is unable to record list box selections in HTML applications in Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8.
PM42037On opening a detailed Rational Functional Tester - Rational Quality Manager log in Windows 7 64-bit, the error installscripts was unexpected at this time is displayed.
PM45079Playback is able to select a value in a disabled list box in an HTML web application.
PM46140The Rational Functional Tester Recorder does not record clicking a close button in a .NET application under test (AUT) correctly.
PM46141During playback, mouse clicks take a long time when using a .NET data grid with a large amount of data.
PM46998Playback becomes unresponsive on the find method against Win32 in HTML.
PM48129Rational Functional Tester scripts do not pick up the working directory properly when the test is executed from Rational Quality Manager.
PM48575On executing a Rational Functional Tester test script from Rational Quality Manager, unreadable characters are displayed.
PM49364Incorrect subitems are selected during playback.
PM49584When playing back a script which includes a timerStart and timerStop command, a 15-16 millisecond delay is occasionally added to the elapsed time.
PM49592Playback against a .NET application causes the AUT to shut down unexpectedly.
PM49984Siebel support - Rational Functional Tester reports exceptions for clicking Siebel buttons.
PM50027A.NET application containing a space in ProcessName is not recognized.
PM52454On clicking a custom SwingX control(Custom JTree control, an RFT Wrapped exception was thrown.
PM52456|n Windows 7 FDCC environments, it is not possible to launch Rational Functional Tester as a non admin user.
PM51581A Rational Functional Tester script fails with the java.lang.NullPointerException after upgrading to Rational Functional Tester 8.2.1.
PM52982If a link is word-wrapped in Internet Explorer 8.0, Rational Functional Tester is unable to click the link during playback.

[{"DNLabel":"RFT 8.2.1 iFix01","DNDate":"13 Dec 2011","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"1249385472","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSJMXE","label":"IBM Rational Functional Tester"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.2.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
04 July 2018

