IBM Support

TroubleShooting: WebSphere Compute Grid Problems for WebSphere Application Server



Troubleshooting for WebSphere Compute Grid problems in WebSphere Application Server should help address common issues with this component before calling IBM support and save you time.

Resolving The Problem

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TroubleShooting steps to help resolve WebSphere Compute Grid problems

In this section you will find common WebSphere Compute Grid problems & solutions that may help resolve your Compute Grid problems.

WebSphere Java Batch common issues and how to troubleshoot
How to Configure Java Batch environment in WebSphere V8.5

Webcast: WebSphere Application Server Java Batch concepts, configuration, troubleshooting and common issues
Webcast Replay: Overview of Batch features in WebSphere V8.5.x

SupportTV videos:
How to configure Compute Grid in WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 and later versions
How do I configure WSGrid in WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5 and later versions?
Configuring the Java batch job scheduler through the admin console in WAS

Common Compute Grid Problems and their solution

Debugging connectivity issues between the|bat client and the server:

If any connection problems happens between the client side|bat script and the Application Server, please first try to use the HTTPs port instead the HTTP port.

For further debugging the following instructions can be tried:

Enabling traces when using|bat:
1. Pick a directory, say /mytrace and copy file $WAS_HOME/properties/ to it as /mytrace/

2. Edit contents of this trace properties file:

one line with exact trace spec:*=all:org.apache.*=all

another line with trace file name (or stdout):
traceFileName=c:/MyTraceFile.log # (or stdout)

3. Edit script (best is to copy to,
copying it to the $WAS_HOME/bin directory or the <profile_root>/bin directory. Add the directory containing your trace properties file to the classpath by changing to:


set CLASSPATH=%WAS_HOME%/runtimes/;%WAS_HOME%/plugins/;C:/mytrace

4. Export javaoption shell variable:

From Unix shell (or cygwin):
export javaoption=""

Please notice: Base name only, does NOT include directory name

From Windows cmd:
set javaoption=""

For each platform, you would append any other space-separated props. within the double-quoted string. Do this rather than trying to use -javaoption on the CLI. For example:
export javaoption=" -DsomeOtherProp=someOtherVal"

5. Run your with the normal options. For example:
../ -host=localhost -port=9082 -debug -cmd=getJobsByClass -class=Default

Enabling traces when using|bat:

1. Pick a directory, say /mytrace and copy file $WAS_HOME/properties/ to it as /mytrace/


if $WAS_HOME/properties is writable, you could copy to $WAS_HOME/properties/ and avoid the need to copy/edit the script in step 3 below.

2. Edit contents of trace properties file above. One line with exact trace spec. For example:*=all:WSGrid=all

another line with trace file name (or stdout):
traceFileName=c:/MyTraceFile.log # (or stdout) - Note the forward slash in c:/...

3. Add the directory containing your properties file to script classpath (if you didn't use $WAS_HOME/properties). For this you will have to edit WSGrid.bat/ (best is to copy to myWSGrid.bat/, copying it to the $WAS_HOME/bin directory or the <profile_root>/bin directory.

An easy way is to locate this line:

then add this new line:
JMS_PATH=$JMS_PATH:/mytrace # Use ';' path separator on Windows

4. Windows only - edit script WSGrid.bat
- Comment out this line
@REM set javaoption=

5. Export javaoption shell variable:

From Unix shell (or cygwin):
export javaoption="" # Base name only, does NOT include directory name

From Windows cmd:
set javaoption="" # (or if you used that)

For each platform, you would append any other space-separated props. Do this rather than trying to use -JVMOptions on the CLI. E.g:
export javaoption=" -DsomeOtherProp=someOtherVal"

6. Run your (myWSGrid.bat) normally. For example:
../ ctrl.props job.xml

What to do Next?
If the preceding troubleshooting steps did not solve your problem, see the MustGather for WebSphere Compute Grid problems to continue investigation.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"9.0;8.5.5;8.5;8.0;7.0","Edition":"Liberty;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

