IBM Support

Penny mismatch in amount is calculated for LineTotal and OrderTotal.



Attempts to create a partial return on a Sales Order leads to mismatch in the amount by a penny in IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a return order with the following taxes and discounts :

    <Order DocumentType="0003" EnterpriseCode="DEFAULT" SellerOrganizationCode="DEFAULT">
     <OrderLine OrderedQty="3" ShipNode="N1" >
      <Item ItemID="Item1" UnitOfMeasure="EACH"/>
      <PersonInfoShipTo Country="US" />
      <LinePriceInfo UnitPrice="1"/>
                   <LineTax ChargeCategory="" ChargeName=""
                       ChargeNameKey="" InvoicedTax="0.00" Reference_1=""
                       Reference_2="" Reference_3="" RemainingTax="0.20"
                       Tax="0.20" TaxName="STATE TAX" TaxPercentage="0.065"/>
                   <LineTax ChargeCategory="" ChargeName=""
                       ChargeNameKey="" InvoicedTax="0.00" Reference_1=""
                       Reference_2="" Reference_3="" RemainingTax="0.06"
                       Tax="0.06" TaxName="CITY TAX" TaxPercentage="0.021"/>
                   <LineTax ChargeCategory="" ChargeName=""
                       ChargeNameKey="" InvoicedTax="0.00" Reference_1=""
                       Reference_2="" Reference_3="" RemainingTax="0.025"
                       Tax="0.025" TaxName="DISTRICT TAX" TaxPercentage="0.009"/>
                   <LineCharge ChargeAmount="0.285" ChargeCategory="Discount"
                       ChargePerLine="0.285" ChargePerUnit="0.00"
                       InvoicedChargePerUnit="0.00" IsBillable="Y"
                       IsDiscount="Y" IsManual="Y" IsShippingCharge="N"
                       Reference="" RemainingChargeAmount="0.285"

  2. On opening the order in the console or when getOrderDetails is called, there is a difference in the amount at line level and order level.


As per design , product only considers precision upto 2 decimal points.

Diagnosing The Problem

A mismatch in amount by a penny is seen in the calculation between LineTotal and GrandTotal (Order Level). This in turn affects the total amount to be refunded. This is usually seen when a partial return is created on a Sales Order which has Line level discount applied on the order.

Resolving The Problem

While creating the order, ensure that only 2 decimal values are passed.
When order total was calculated for the first time during order creation, the product expects pricing only upto two 2 decimals and this is rounded off just before it is saved in the database (yfs_order_header.total_amount.
The tax is also saved to the DB after the round off. During getOrderDetails API the sub total of the line is a calculated field and not pulled from the DB. Hence the calculation using the rounded off decimal of taxes gives you a penny less.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Distributed Order Management","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.2.1;9.2;9.1;9.0;8.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

