IBM Support

About ClearCase automatic views

Question & Answer


What should I know before using ClearCase® automatic views?



Notes on using automatic views

CM API: folder read omits removed files

In an automatic view, a local read (readProperties()) of the Folder.CHILD_MAP or Folder.CHILD_LIST properties omits files is removed; for instructions on accessing the omitted files, see


Automatic views do not support all of ClearCase® functionality. For a list of limitations, see

Known issues

Automatic views are affected by the following problems:


New support

Automatic views now support the following features:

  • Unix and Linux servers, with the limitations that Solaris x86 and multicomponent VOB tags are not supported
  • Integrations with ClearQuest®, Rational Team Concert, Visual Studio, and Rational Desktop products
  • ClearCase® MultiSite
  • The rcleartool remote command line interface

Support for rcleartool

This release introduces new rcleartool commands and changes to several existing commands to support automatic views. Some limitations apply.

New commands

rcleartool hijack pname ...

Hijacks file elements. This command is supported in an automatic view only.

  • pname specifies the file that is to be hijacked; you cannot specify a directory or a symbolic link.

rcleartool unhijack [-keep] pname ...

Unhijacks hijacked file elements. This command is supported in an automatic view only.

  • -keep creates a view-private copy of the file named element-name.keep.
  • pname specifies the file that is to be unhijacked.

Changed commands

  • The edcs command has separate synopses for web and automatic views:
    • Web view: edcs [ –ove/rwrite | –ren/ame ] [ –pti/me ] [ file ]
    • Automatic view: edcs [ –ove/rwrite | –ren/ame ] [ file ]
  • The mkview command for automatic views includes a new -ptime option:
    • mkview –automatic –tag automatic-view-tag ] [ –tco/mment tag-comment ] [ –tmo/de { insert_cr | transparent | strip_cr } ] [ -ptime ] [ –str/eam stream-selector ] [ –clt/xt_storage cltxt-cache-storage-pname ] automatic-view-storage-pname
  • The setcs command has separate synopses for web and automatic views:
    • Web view: setcs [ –force ] [ –ove/rwrite | –ren/ame ] [ -ptime ] pname
    • Automatic view: setcs [ –force ] [ –ove/rwrite | –ren/ame ] pname
  • The update command has separate synopses for web and automatic views:
    • Web view–update elements: update [ –print ] [ –ove/rwrite | –nov/erwrite | –ren/ame ] [ –ptime ] [ pname ... ]
    • Web view–load elements: update –add/_loadrules [ –print ] [ –ove/rwrite | –nov/erwrite | –ren/ame ] [ –ptime ] pname [ ... ]
    • Automatic view–update elements: update [ –print ] [ –ove/rwrite | –nov/erwrite | –ren/ame ] [ pname ... ]
    • Automatic view–load elements: update –add/_loadrules [ –print ] [ –ove/rwrite | –nov/erwrite | –ren/ame ] pname [ ...]

Support for disconnected mode

The use of rcleartool in disconnected mode is not fully supported.

Unsupported commands

The following rcleartool commands are not supported in an automatic view (they are supported in a web view):

  • chactivity
  • checkin -atomic
  • deliver
  • diff
  • get
  • merge
  • mkbl
  • mkbranch
  • rebase

About VOB symbolic links

Some limitations affect VOB symbolic links in the context of an automatic view:

  • You cannot supply a path that includes a symbolic link as an argument to an rcleartool command such as checkout.
  • Similarly, the objects selected by rcleartool find might not include VOB symbolic links.

However, the interactive traversal of symbolic links is supported; for example, you can use the rcleartool cd command to navigate paths that include symbolic links.

Note: You cannot create symbolic links in ClearTeam Explorer, regardless of the view type.


Automatic views do not support the following features:

  • Atomic checkin
  • Version-extended pathnames from non-ClearCase tools
  • Client-side shared-cleartext cache scrubbing
  • Unix or Linux client support
  • Proxy server support
  • Authenticating firewall support

Modifying a ClearCase installation to add automatic view support

Some configuration is required after you modify an installation to add automatic view support; for instructions, see

Known issues

Automatic views are affected by the following problems:


Changes to rcleartool commands

This release introduces a new rcleartool command and changes to some existing commands to support automatic views:

Unsupported commands

In this release, the following rcleartool commands are not supported in an automatic view (they are supported in a web view):

  • checkin -atomic
  • mkbranch

Notes on using automatic views

Refer to the following technotes about using automatic views:

About VOB symbolic links

Some limitations affect VOB symbolic links in the context of an automatic view:

  • You cannot supply a path that includes a symbolic link as an argument to an rcleartool command such as checkout.
  • Similarly, the objects selected by rcleartool find might not include VOB symbolic links.

However, the interactive traversal of symbolic links is supported; for example, you can use the rcleartool cd command to navigate paths that include symbolic links.

Note: You cannot create symbolic links in ClearTeam Explorer, regardless of the view type.


Automatic views do not support the following features:

  • Atomic checkin
  • Version-extended pathnames from non-ClearCase tools
  • Client-side shared-cleartext cache scrubbing
  • Unix or Linux client support
  • Proxy server support
  • Authenticating firewall support

Known issues

Automatic views are affected by the following problems:


Support for ClearCase features

Automatic views now support the following ClearCase® features:

  • Listing all view-private files that are associated with an automatic view in (in earlier releases, only view-private files in the current directory were visible).
  • UNIX-style multicomponent VOB tags (on Windows clients).
  • The clearmake build utility.

Changes to CM API

A new property and a new method that support automatic views are introduced in this release:

  • The CcDirectory.AGGREGATED_VIEW_PRIVATE_LIST property allows callers to retrieve a list of view-private files that does not include hijacks or checkouts.
  • The CcView.updateServerUrl() method allows users to continue to use their views after a server rename operation.

Unsupported commands

The following rcleartool commands are not supported in an automatic view (they are supported in a web view):

  • checkin -atomic
  • mkbranch

Notes on using automatic views

Refer to the following technotes about using automatic views:


Automatic views do not support the following features:

  • Atomic checkin
  • Version-extended pathnames from non-ClearCase tools
  • Client-side shared-cleartext cache scrubbing
  • Unix/Linux client support
  • Proxy server support
  • Authenticating firewall support

Known issues

Automatic views are affected by the following problems:

V8.0.1.11 through

No changes to automatic views were introduced in these releases.


Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

For more information on configuring SSL for all ClearCase® configurations, see technote

View schema change

The view schema is changed, with this effect: when an automatic view that was created in an older release is started after the view server host is upgraded to this release, there is a slight delay while the view is reformatted. This happens only the first time the view is started.

V9.0.0.1 through

No changes to automatic views were introduced in these releases.


Mapping an automatic view root directory to a drive letter on Windows

For more information on how to map an automatic view root directory to a drive letter on Windows, see technote


No changes to automatic views were introduced in this release.


No changes to automatic views were introduced in this release.


Mapping an automatic view root directory to a drive letter on Windows

For more information on how to map an automatic view root directory to a drive letter on Windows, see technote

Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux

For more information about the Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux (x86 and x86_64 hardware only), see technote

V9.0.1.3 through

No changes to automatic views were introduced in this release.

Note: The Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux was introduced in version and it continues through For more information about the Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux (x86 and x86_64 hardware only), see technote

V9.0.1.6 and later

As of, automatic views can now be mapped to a drive letter by using net use, similar to dynamic views.

Note: The Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux was introduced in version and it continues to be supported. For more information about the Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux (x86 and x86_64 hardware only), see technote

V9.0.2 and later

No changes to automatic views were introduced in these releases.

Note: The Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux was introduced in version and continues into the 9.0.2.x releases. For more information about the Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux (x86 and x86_64 hardware only), see technote


No changes to automatic views were introduced in this release.

Note: The Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux was introduced in version and it continues through 9.1.0. For more information about the Technology Preview of automatic view support on Linux (x86 and x86_64 hardware only), see technote

V9.1.0.1 and later

Full support for automatic views on Linux is now available. The functionality is the same as was introduced in the Technology Preview with refinements made during the preview period. Support for automatic views on Windows continues.

Server installation

For instructions on installing and configuring server-side components for automatic views, see technote

Key help topics

The automatic view combines certain features of the dynamic view with those of the web view. The following help topics contain important information that you must read before using this type of view:

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L0i5AAC","label":"ClearCase"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.0.1;9.0.0;9.0.1;9.0.2;9.1.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 December 2022

