When trying to use bind variables such as :&PERSONID& and :&DATE& within communication templates. The problem is that the template seems to ignore the variables and just prints out ":&PERSONID&" instead of the real value.
The RTE (Rich Text Editor) is saving special bind variables of the form :&VARIABLE& as :&VARIABLE&. This is causing the variables to not be recognized & replaced by their values in emails.
Diagnosing The Problem
The following steps have been used to reproduce the problem:
1. Go to Communication template --> create a new template called BIND VARIABLES
Applies to SR
Put an email address in Send From field
In the message field --> enter :&PERSONID&
It resolves to the person id of the current logged in user.
It resolves to the current log in user name.
2. Click on Recipients tab --> E-mail(s) for Communication Template --> Enter your email address and check the box To
3. Save the change and make it ACTIVE
4. Go to SR and create a new SR or pick up an existing one
5. Click on Select Action --> Create a communication --> choose the one you created
At this stage in the message field, Maximo displays the bind variables rather than the value.
6. Click on SEND - You will get a mail with bind variables and not value you expected for current logged in user. But we noticed that bind variables without & seems to work fine.
Resolving The Problem
Scripting can be used to resolve this: See below example using Automation Scripting.
1. Create some dummy attributes whose names correspond to the desired information in the object (say SR):
dummy attributes
Instead of :&DATE&, etc. add these attributes to the communications template (applies to SR):
Create a script with an Object launch point (SR) to get the desired information from the Mbo or MXServer.
step 1
step 2
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Document Information
Modified date:
17 June 2018