IBM Support

How to use Guide Me in Rational Rhapsody Version 8

Question & Answer


How can you create your own Guide Me file in order to provide a step-by-step guidance to your users?


From IBM Rational Rhapsody Version 8.0, a new Guide Me feature is offered to help users configure and use Rhapsody for a particular purpose. This is especially useful to new users who want to use Rhapsody for your specific needs.


In Rhapsody's Guide Me window, some guidance is provided, like System Engineering, AUTOSAR, and so on. And it's also possible for you to create your own guidance suitable for your special project.

General Information

    • Guide Me window can be opened by click the menu Help > Guide Me ...
    • The setting files about Guide Me feature are some xml files, whose style is defined in "GuideMe.xsl". Both the xml files and its xsl file are under the Guide Me folder <Rhapsody Root>\WelcomeWizard\[LANG]\GuideMe\.
    • For Windows, Rhapsody uses MFC's internal Microsoft Internet Explorer engine as an embedded browser to display the guidance pages. And for Linux, an external Eclipse-based web browser that uses Firefox's core engine (via XULRunner) is used. Of cause, you might be about to use an external browser to display it too.

Steps to Create:
  1. Create your own Guide Me file under the Guide Me folder.

    There are 7 elements can be used in it.

    For more information, refer the definitions in "GuideMe.xsl" file.
    • <cheatsheet >
      The root element

    • <intro>
      The introduce of this Guide Me

    • <item>
      The Guide Me items

    • <description>
      The description of item

    • <subitem>
      The subitems of item element

    • <rhpaction>
      Currently, there are only two types of commands can be used by rhpaction.

      GUIDE_ME_OPEN_MODEL acts like you click the File > Open menus. It has no parameters

      GUIDE_ME_NEW_MODEL acts like you click the File > New menus. It has two parameters: project type and project settings.

      <rhpaction command="GUIDE_ME_NEW_MODEL" param1="SysML"/>
      <rhpaction command="GUIDE_ME_OPEN_MODEL"/>

    • <viewlet>
      It should be used to call a demo video like below.


      Unfortunately, Rhapsody will add a prefix "" to the url parameter, what cause you can't use outside videos.

      Change request (RFE) 36929 is opened for this issue.

  2. Edit built_in_guideme_list.xml to add your Guide Me.
Now in the Rhapsody Guide Me window, your Guide Me item is able to be selected from a list in "Select a Guide-Me from the list".

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB2MU","label":"IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.0;8.0.1;8.0.2;8.0.3;8.0.4","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Product Synonym

Rational Rhapsody

Document Information

Modified date:
27 May 2022

