IBM Support

How to perform Return Shipping Label integration using Pierbridge?

Question & Answer


How to perform Return Shipping Label integration using Pierbridge?


Configurations required in Sterling Multi-Channel Fulfillment Solution:

1. Item-level configuration
In Product Management -> Items -> Primary Info -> Reverse Logistics -> Returnable flag should be selected to 'YES'
Under the same panel select either Return Shipping Label at SKU Level or Return Shipping Label at package Level.

2. Carrier-level configuration
In Platform -> Select the corresponding Carrier -> For Ex: FEDX -> Roles and Participation -> Navigate to Parcel Services -> Select the Service -> For Ex: Ground,
check the checkbox 'Supports Integration for Return Shipping Label'.

Once the above configurations are done, shipments should be created using the same Carrier service for which return shipping label integration is supported.

How to ensure that return shipping label integration is successful?

1. In the input xml of the UPSPLD sent to Pierbridge, system will send the return shipping labels element as below :

<ReturnShippingLabels Carrier="FEDX" EmailReturnLabel="N"

        <ReturnShippingLabel Carrier="FEDX" ConsigneeAddress1="Street1"
            ConsigneeAttention="WMS01  " ConsigneeCity="Lowell"
            ConsigneeCompanyName="" ConsigneeCountry="US"
            ConsigneeEmailAddress="" ConsigneePhone="9785136859"
            ConsigneePostalCode="01851" ConsigneeStateProv="MA"
            DoNotExitAPI="Y" EmailLabelExpDate="20091025"
            LabelFormatValue="S" PackageActualWeight="110.00"
            PackageHeight="4.00" PackageLength="80.00"
            PackageWidth="4.00" ReturnShipIndicator="2"
            SenderName="BUYER1  " SenderPhone="9785136859"
            ShipID="100000021" ShipmentChgType="PRE"
            ShipperAccountNumber="tsuser" ShipperAddress1="Street1"
            ShipperAddress2="" ShipperAddress3="" ShipperCity="Lowell"
            ShipperCompanyName="" ShipperContactName="BUYER1  "
            ShipperCountry="US" ShipperEmailAddress=""
            ShipperPhoneNumber="9785136859" ShipperPostalCode="01851"
            ShipperState="MA" ShipperStateProv="MA"
            ShipperZipCode="01851" ThermalLabelPrinterID="" UOMDim="IN"
            UOMWeight="LBS" UPSServiceType="First Overnight"/>

2. In the xml dump directory provided in the, there will be two files generated on successful integration:

 Forward shipping label: FEDX100000020.txt
 Return shipping label: FEDXReturnLabel100000020.txt

3. Pierbridge will return the return tracking number.

The return tracking information will not be visible in the UI. Query to yfs_cntr_ret_track table for an entry to the shipment_container_key will show up the return_tracking_number.

Sample query: select return_tracking_number from yfs_cntr_ret_track where shipment_container_key='CKEY1';

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

