IBM Support

Order not released even after passing override IgnoreReleaseDate flag as 'Y': changeOrderSchedule - ToExpectedShipDate



Order not released even after passing override IgnoreReleaseDate flag as 'Y': changeOrderSchedule - ToExpectedShipDate


NOTE: The resolution provided is for a specific scenario. In general, the changeOrderSchedule API can be called whenever the Order Schedule needs to be changed for releasing the order on a need basis rather than relying on system calculated dates. This solution explains the behavior of releaseOrder with respect to ToExpectedShipDate passed in the changeOrderSchedule API.

In this particular issue, the users were trying to release an order which had the release date in future by passing the IgnoreReleaseDate flag as Y.

Error Message

The orders do not get released and are stuck in scheduled status.

Resolving The Problem

For the changeOrderSchedule API to work as expected, the parameter "ToExpectedShipDate" needs to be passed.

The following details the behavior of releaseOrder with respect to the parameter "ToExpectedShipDate" passed in the changeOrderSchedule API:

Assumption: ExpectedShipDate/ExpectedDeliveryDate is calculated as: 2010-02-10T19:47:00

If ToExpectedShipDate is in the past but not within shift timing -- releaseOrder backorders the order.
If ToExpectedShipDate is in the past and within shift timings -- releaseOrder releases the order.
If ToExpectedShipDate is on the same day within shift -- releaseOrder releases the order.
If ToExpectedShipDate is in the future but not within shift such as 2010-02-11T00:00:00-- releaseOrder backorders the order.
If ToExpectedShipDate is in the future and within shift timing 2010-02-11T09:00:00-- releaseOrder releases the order.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym

[<p><b>]Function Area[</b><p>];Orders;[<p><b>]Severity[</b><p>];Normal

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

