IBM Support

syncLoadedInventory api erroring out with "SQL Exception".



syncLoadedInventory api erroring out with "SQL Exception".


syncLoadedInventory api erroring out with "SQL Exception". The exception they are getting is: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (STERLING.YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM_I1) violated.

Configuration before simulating the issue:

1) reate a synchronous service. Start-> weblogic JMS-> end.
2) create a asynchronous service. start-> weblogic-> API-> End.
3) Configure the syncLoadedInventory API for the API section in the second service. Configure number of threads as "4".
5) Now import the DB Dump got from DSW.

6) After importing the tables, truncate YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM and YFS_INVENTORY_SUPPLY table.
7) Use the following SQL's to update YFS_INVENTORY_SUPPLY_TEMP table as this table have customer related data:

update yfs_inventory_supply_temp set inventory_item_key=' ' where shipnode_key in ('29_29092', '29_29160')
update yfs_inventory_supply_temp set shipnode_key='DC2' where shipnode_key='29_29160'
update yfs_inventory_supply_temp set shipnode_key='DC3' where shipnode_key='29_29092'
update yfs_inventory_supply_temp set organization_code='DEFAULT' where organization_code='DEFAULT'

8) Now thru the API tester, using the synchronous service configured, pass the following messages to the weblogic queue.

<Inventory ApplyDifferences="Y" CompleteInventoryFlag="Y" InsertInventoryItem="Y" ReasonCode="DAILY_STORE_INV" ReasonText="Daily Store Inventory"

<Inventory ApplyDifferences="Y" CompleteInventoryFlag="Y" InsertInventoryItem="Y" ReasonCode="DAILY_STORE_INV" ReasonText="Daily Store Inventory"

9) Start the intergration server and run the server where the asynchronous service is associated.

Current Scenario:

System is throwing the following error

<Error ErrorCode="java.sql.SQLException" ErrorDescription="" ErrorRelatedMoreInfo="ORA-00001: unique constraint (STERLING.YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM_I1) violated ">
<Stack>java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (STERLING.YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM_I1) violated

Resolving The Problem

There is nothing that product can do to prevent that SQLException as System is doing a mass insert into the YFS_Inventory_Item table from 2 different processes and inventory items are shared across all nodes. One solution of avoiding this is to preload your YFS_Inventory_Item with some values and avoid having to use the InsertInventoryItem option by loading that InventoryIemKey in as part of your SQL loader into the YFS_Inventory_Supply_Temp table.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym

[<p><b>]Escalation ID[</b><p>];178277;[<p><b>]Severity[</b><p>];Normal;[<p><b>]Type[</b><p>];NormalFix

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

