IBM Support

importOrder API description in JavaDocs needs update for Exchange/Refund <Order > element attributes



importOrder API description in JavaDocs needs update for Exchange/Refund element attributes


In Yantra 7x 7.5, the API JavaDocs documentation does not detail any of the specific attributes required when attempting to import an exchange/refund order via the importOrder API. These attributes are the same as used in the createOrder API but they are only documented under createOrder; importOrder does not have any such documentation.

These attributes, when *passed* to the importOrder API, work as described in the createOrder API JavaDocs. It is not the code functionality in question, just the lack of documentation with importOrder. A customer case was logged about this issue because they did not know how to import an exchange/refund order since it was not documented (linked case 34913).

These exchange/refund import order attributes include:

ReturnOrderHeaderKeyForExchange< br>
Simulation Steps:

1. Look up the Yantra 7.5 JavaDocs for importOrder API
2. Search for all of these attributes:

ReturnOrderHeaderKeyForExchan ge

They are not found.

3. Now look up the JavaDocs for createOrder API
4. These attributes are detailed there and should be detailed under importOrder as well since the functionality is embedded within both APIs

PART: API-OM 7.5 Platform
PRODUCT: Distributed Order Management
COMPONENT: importOrder
OS: HP-UX - 11i
DATABASE: Oracle -
WEB SERVER: Websphere AE - 5.1.1
WEB BROWSER: Internet Explorer - 6.0 sp1


Resolving The Problem

Update the Yantra 7x 7.5 API JavaDocs for importOrder to include attributes necessary for importing an exchange/refund order, including:

ReturnOrderHeaderKeyForExchang e

See JavaDocs for createOrder for details on each of these attributes. Since the code functionality in createOrder and importOrder handles each of these attributes today, the documentation for importOrder should also indicate such.


This issue was fixed under CR 66960 in Yantra 7x version 7.7 (BASE) and released on 07/05/2006.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

