IBM Support

Changing the Diff/merge Type Manager in CCRC 7.1.1 and later

Question & Answer


This technote provides you with information about how to change the type managers in IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC) 7.1.1 and later to use 3rd party compare/merge providers.


In earlier versions of CCRC (7.0.1.x) you would 'copy over' the native compare/merge file with the executable for the 3rd party compare merge tool (for example copying the executable for KDiff3 or Beyond Compare over 'ccrc_xmldiffmrg.exe' (refer to technote 1256807 for earlier versions of CCRC).

In ClearCase 7.1.1 this was changed. The 7.1.1 release added support for using 3rd party Compare/Merge Providers and for running preprocessing scripts or applications before a Compare/Merge operation.

These features can be specified on the new Compare/Merge Providers Preferences page. For more information, refer to the ClearCase Information Center under the topic of Compare/Merge providers preferences.


The steps of the example:

  1. In CCRC 7.1, go to the menu

    Window > Preferences > ClearCase Remote Client > Integration > Compare Merge > Manage Providers

  2. In the 'Provider Name' field fill in the 'Path' by browsing to the executable, here 'kdiff3.exe'
  3. Choose 'Supports Compare Operations'

    Fill in the arguments for compare:
    %contribs% -fname "%filename1%" -fname "%filename2%"
  4. Choose 'Supports Merge Operations'

    Fill in the arguments for merge: %contribs% -o %merge_out%
  5. Click 'Apply'
  6. Click 'New' (in the top of this window under Providers) to have KDiff3 show up on the list
  7. Click 'OK'
  8. Check the settings you now have now in the menu

    Window > Preferences > ClearCase Remote Client > Integration > Compare Merge > Manage Providers

    You now have KDiff3 listed under Providers at the top of the page with checkmarks under 'C' and under 'M'
  9. Now go one level up in the menu and select 'Compare Merge'

    Window > Preferences > ClearCase Remote Client > Integration > Compare Merge
  10. Under 'When comparing and merging files'
    1. Use this tool as the default: Choose 'CCRC Integrated (UTF-8)' in the drop down menu
      Choose 'Override the default tool for the following types'
    2. Click 'Add'
    3. Click under 'Resource..' at the beginning of the line 'CCRC Integrated (UTF-8)'

      A drop down list appears:

      For this example, choose *.java
    4. In the 'Compare Provider' drop down list choose 'KDiff3'
    5. In the 'CCRC Integrated (UTF-8)' drop down list choose 'KDiff3' as well
    6. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'
  11. Select one of your .java files under ClearCase source control: (right click and 'compare with predecessor')

    The 'KDiff3' diff/merge tool will come up instead of the default ClearCase diff/merge tool

Here is an example of the CCRC preferences screen when using kdiff3 as Compare/Merge Provider:

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"ClearCase Remote Client","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"}],"Version":"7.1.1;;;;;;7.1.2;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 November 2019

