IBM Support

MustGather: PropertiesBasedConfiguration problems in WebSphere Application Server



Collecting data for problems with the IBM WebSphere Application Server PropertiesBasedConfiguration group of commands. Gathering this MustGather information before calling IBM support will help you understand the problem and save time analyzing the data.

Diagnosing The Problem

Current limitations of properties file based configuration

  • You can extract configuration properties from one cell, and apply to another cell, only if both cells are identical with the same number of servers, nodes, clusters, and so on with the same name. This works better with WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Fix Pack 7 ( and higher. But, if you want to copy a small subset of configuration from one cell to another cell (such as Data Source, J2CResourceAdapter, and so on) it should work. In this case, the properties file extracted from one cell can be used to create similar configuration objects in another cell. However, it is better to use Fix Pack 7 (

  • You cannot apply a z/OS operating system properties file to a distributed operating system. Similarly, you cannot apply a distributed operating system properties file directly to a z/OS operating system.

Avoiding trouble when making configuration changes
  • Before making any configuration changes make a backup for all the profiles using backupConfig

  • Before making changes to the production machine, test the same in a test machine.

Error during wsadmin start
Start the wsadmin scripting tool with -conntype NONE (default language is Jacl, for Jython use -lang jython option)

profile_root/bin>wsadmin -lang jython -conntype NONE

Do you receive any errors when attempting to start wsadmin?
JACL Sample

For AdminTask ConfigProperties, there are only Jython samples in the information center. Use the following samples for Jacl.

wsadmin>$AdminTask extractConfigProperties {-propertiesFileName myServer.props -configData Server=server1}

wsadmin>$AdminTask createPropertiesFileTemplates {-propertiesFileName myServer.template -configType Server}

wsadmin>$AdminTask validateConfigProperties {-propertiesFileName myServer.props -reportFileName ErrorReport.txt -reportFilterMechanism Errors_And_Changes}

wsadmin>$AdminTask applyConfigProperties {-propertiesFileName myServer.props -validate true -reportFileName ErrorReport.txt -reportFilterMechanism Errors_And_Changes }

wsadmin>$AdminTask deleteConfigProperties {-propertiesFileName myServer.props -validate true -reportFileName ErrorReport.txt -reportFilterMechanism Errors_And_Changes}

Interactive mode for easy usage and sample command generation

You can also use interactive mode with these commands, as the following syntax demonstrates.

wsadmin>$AdminTask extractConfigProperties {-interactive}

wsadmin>$AdminTask createPropertiesFileTemplates {-interactive}

wsadmin>$AdminTask validateConfigProperties {-interactive}

wsadmin>$AdminTask applyConfigProperties {-interactive}

wsadmin>$AdminTask deleteConfigProperties {-interactive}

Resolving The Problem

Error during AdminTask.extractConfigProperties command
Error during AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates command
Error during AdminTask.validateConfigProperties command
Error during AdminTask.applyConfigProperties command
Error during AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties command

Error during AdminTask.extractConfigProperties command

wsadmin>AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName myServer.props -configData Server=server1]')

  1. Stop wsadmin:


  2. Clear the following files from the profile_root/logs/ directory:
    • wsadmin.traceout
    • wsadmin.valout

  3. Edit the file in the profile_root/properties directory. To enable trace, modify the following trace string:


  4. To:*=all:*=all

  5. Save the file.

  6. Recreate the AdminTask.extractConfigProperties error.

  7. Open a new Problem Management Record (PMR) for the AdminTask.extractConfigProperties problem, and forward the following to the IBM Support Team.

    Error occurred during AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates command
    wsadmin>AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates('[-propertiesFileName myServer.template -configType Server]')

    1. Stop wsadmin:
    2. wsadmin>exit
    3. Clear the following files from the profile_root/logs/ directory:
      • wsadmin.traceout
      • wsadmin.valout

    4. Edit the file in the profile_root/properties directory. To enable trace, modify the following trace string:


    6. Save the file.

    7. Recreate the AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates error.

    8. Open a new Problem Management Record (PMR) for the AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates problem, and forward the following to the IBM Support Team.
      • The actual AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates command used to recreate the error

      • Screen image or output from the wsadmin command-line

      • wsadmin.traceout

      • Created template file (for example, myServer.template even if you have partial and incomplete property file due to the error)

      • Gather data with the Collector tool.

    Error occurred during AdminTask.validateConfigProperties command

    If AdminTask.validateConfigProperties is successful, wsadmin will return a 'true' message.

    wsadmin>AdminTask.validateConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName myCell.props]')

    If the 'true' message is not displayed, and if you notice any error, continue with the following steps:
    1. Stop wsadmin:


    2. Clear the following files from the profile_root/logs/ directory:
      • wsadmin.traceout
      • wsadmin.valout

    3. Edit the file in the profile_root/properties directory. To enable trace, modify the following trace string:


    4. To:*=all:*=all

    5. Save the file.

    6. Recreate AdminTask.validateConfigProperties error with -reportFilterMechanism and -reportFileName options.
    7. wsadmin>AdminTask.validateConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName myServer.props -reportFilterMechanism Errors_And_Changes -reportFileName ErrorReport.txt]')
    8. Open a new Problem Management Record (PMR) for the AdminTask.validateConfigProperties problem, and forward the following to the IBM Support Team.
      • Actual AdminTask.validateConfigProperties command used in recreate with -reportFilterMechanism and -reportFileName options

      • Screen image or output from wsadmin command-line

      • wsadmin.traceout

      • ErrorReport.txt (generated with the -reportFileName option)

      • Original properties file used in this test (for example: myServer.props) and variables.props file in case if you are using -variablesMapFileName option

      • Gather data with the Collector tool.

    Error occurred during AdminTask.applyConfigProperties command

    Make sure to validate the properties file using AdminTask.validateConfigProperties. If there is any problem with AdminTask.validateConfigProperties, follow validateConfigProperties section and open PMR for AdminTask.validateConfigProperties issues. If AdminTask.validateConfigProperties is successful and error occurred only during AdminTask.applyConfigProperties please continue.
    1. Stop wsadmin:


    2. Clear the following files from the profile_root/logs/ directory:
      • wsadmin.traceout
      • wsadmin.valout

    3. Edit the file located in the profile_root/properties directory. To enable the trace, modify the following trace string:


    4. To:*=all:*=all

    5. Save the file.

    6. Recreate the AdminTask.applyConfigProperties error with -reportFilterMechanism, -reportFileName and -validate true options.

      wsadmin>AdminTask.applyConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName myServer.props  -validate true -reportFilterMechanism Errors_And_Changes -reportFileName ErrorReport.txt]')

    7. Open a new Problem Management Record (PMR) for the AdminTask.applyConfigProperties problem, and forward following to the IBM Support Team.
      • The actual AdminTask.applyConfigProperties command used in recreate with -reportFilterMechanism, -reportFileName and -validate options.

      • Screen image or output from the wsadmin command-line

      • wsadmin.traceout

      • ErrorReport.txt (generated with -reportFileName option)

      • Original properties file used in this test (for example: myServer.props) and variables.props file in case if you are using -variablesMapFileName option

      • Gather data with the Collector tool.

    Error occurred during AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties command

    Make sure to validate the properties file using AdminTask.validateConfigProperties. If there is any problem with AdminTask.validateConfigProperties, follow validateConfigProperties section and open PMR for AdminTask.validateConfigProperties issues. If AdminTask.validateConfigProperties is successful and error occurred only during AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties please continue.
    1. Stop wsadmin:


    2. Clear the following files from the profile_root/logs/ directory:
      • wsadmin.traceout
      • wsadmin.valout

    3. Edit the file in the profile_root/properties directory. To enable the trace, modify the following trace string:


    4. To:*=all:*=all

    5. Save the file.

    6. Recreate the AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties error with -reportFilterMechanism, -reportFileName and -validate true options.

      wsadmin>AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties('[-propertiesFileName myThreadPool.props  -validate true -reportFilterMechanism Errors_And_Changes -reportFileName ErrorReport.txt]')

    7. Open a new Problem Management Record (PMR) for the AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties problem, and forward following to the IBM Support Team.
      • The actual AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties command used in recreate with -reportFilterMechanism, -reportFileName and -validate options

      • Screen image or output from wsadmin command-line

      • wsadmin.traceout

      • ErrorReport.txt (generated with -reportFileName option)

      • Original properties file used in this test (for example: myThreadPool.props) and variables.props file in case if you are using -variablesMapFileName option

      • Gather data with the Collector tool.

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Administrative Scripting Tools (for example: wsadmin or ANT)","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0;8.5.5;8.5;8.0;7.0","Edition":"Base;Express;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    15 June 2018

