IBM Support

About the Requirements Interchange Format

Question & Answer


What is the Requirements Interchange Format that is used in IBM Rational DOORS?


Need to exchange DOORS data in XML format.


The Requirements Interchange Format (RIF) is a standardized format that you can use to exchange requirement information between requirements databases and requirements tools.

You can send Rational DOORS data for editing to another Rational DOORS database or another requirements tool. After the data has been edited, it is returned to the originating Rational DOORS database, and, if appropriate, merged with the original data.

You need to be using a Rational DOORS or later Database Server, and the server must be configured to use a minimum client version of to make the RIF functionality fully available.

How you use the RIF functionality depends on which task you need to complete:

  • Sending data for review or edit
  • Receiving and editing Rational DOORS data in a RIF file

Sending data for review or edit

If you are sending data for review or edit, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Packaging the data
  • Exporting the data
  • Importing the data
  • Merging the data
  • Packaging the data

The first step in packaging the data is to identify the modules that contain the data that you want to send to a third party. You can send a whole module, or a subset of the data in the module. If you want to send only a subset of the data in a module, use Rational DOORS views to determine the data that is sent.

After you have set up your data, you must create a RIF definition.

A RIF definition is comprised of the following items:

  • One or more formal modules
  • A view of the data in each module
  • The locks to apply to the data

If you are sending data to be edited by a third party, you need to lock the local copy, to make it read-only. Similarly, if you are sending data to the third-party to be viewed and not edited, you need to lock the exported copy.

Each piece of data in the RIF definition is either locked in the local Rational DOORS database or locked in the exported copy. You cannot edit the same data in both places.

Exporting the data

The RIF definition is exported as a RIF package, which copies the data determined by the RIF definition to an XML file. The RIF package can contain data from formal modules and link modules from the same Rational DOORS project. It can also contain baselined data.

Links are only included in the RIF package if both ends of the link and its link module are included in the RIF package. External links are not included.

Layout DXL is included in the RIF package as read-only text.

Importing the data

After the third party has edited the data, they return the file and you import it into the local database. When you import the XML file, Rational DOORS recognizes that the data in the file is associated with the RIF definition that you originally created, and imports it under that definition.

Merging the data

You merge the returned data with the original data. If the third party has finished the updates, then the locks are removed. Locks are removed if the imported file returns the locks to you. If the file was an update, and the third party plans to send you more edits, then they might keep the locks.

Receiving and editing Rational DOORS data in a RIF file

If you are receiving RIF data, and need to edit it with Rational DOORS, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Receiving and importing the data
  • Exporting the data

Receiving and importing the data

You receive the RIF data in an XML file, which you need to import.

When you import the XML file, you must create a RIF definition, which you will use when you are ready to return the data. You must also create a new folder to contain the imported RIF data.

After the RIF data is imported, it is displayed as modules. It is probable that some of the data in the modules will be editable, and some will be read-only.

Exporting the data

When you have completed your review or your edits, you select the RIF definition that you created for the import and export the data.

You can choose to return the edit locks, so that you cannot make any further updates to the data; or you can keep the locks, so that you can make further updates and pass them back.

The data is exported to an XML file, which you can return to the original Rational DOORS database.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSKR2T","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;;;9.3;9.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2020

