IBM Support

How to modify Controller to use a different location for its temporary cache files



Customer would like to modify the folder that Controller uses to store its temporary/cache files.


Customer is experiencing a problem which is being triggered by the fact that Controller is storing its cache files inside the following (default) folder: %APPDATA%\Cognos\CCR

  • For examples of what symptoms the customer may be experiencing, see separate IBM Technotes #1394239, #1391066 and especially #1386354.


Controller creates and uses many cache files, inside a subfolder of the Windows system variable %APPDATA%.

By default, %APPDATA% is on the C: drive of the client device.

  • Specifically, for modern Windows versions it is here: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming

This means that the default temporary/cache folder is: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Cognos\ccr
  • For more details, see separate IBM Technote #1347422.

Resolving The Problem

Use the "CacheDir" parameter to cause the Controller local client to move the storage location of the 'cache files' (*.DSS and *.DSD) into subfolders of the CacheDir.


For example, if "CACHEDIR" is configured to be the value "D:\Controller\Cache" then these files will created/stored inside folders such as:

    • D:\Controller\Cache\Windows_Username1\Cognos\CCR
    • D:\Controller\Cache\Windows_Username2\Cognos\CCR
    • etc.
NOTE: The configuration file (CCR.CONFIG) is unaffected by this parameter, and will stay inside the default location (%APPDATA%\Cognos\ccr)


  • Do NOT modify the location of the "Cache Dir" to either (a) a mapped network drive or (b) a network UNC path.
  • Doing this will seriously affect the performance/speed of Controller, and also the stability (may create error messages).

Steps - if PC already has "Local" version of Controller client installed:

  1. Logon to client PC using the *same* Windows user that launches/runs Controller
  2. Create a folder which will be used to store the cache files (for example: D:\Controller\Cache).

  • Do not choose a network drive letter (or UNC path).
  • Instead, you MUST choose a location which is on one of the client device's local hard drives.
    • This does not need to be its C: drive, although it must be a local hard drive
    • For example, you could choose: D:\Controller\Cache

3. Launch Windows Explorer
4. Open the folder where Controller is installed.
  • For example, for Controller 10.3.1 by default this is here: C:\Program Files\ibm\IBM Cognos Controller Local Client

5. Open the file "CCR.exe.config" inside Notepad
6. Search for the entry similar to the following:
    <add key="CacheDir" value=""/>

7. Modify this entry appropriately, for example similar to the following:
    <add key="CacheDir" value="D:\Controller\Cache" />

8. Save and test

You will notice that, after launching Controller, now all the cache files are created inside the following folder: D:\Controller\Cache\<Windows_Username>\Cognos\CCR


Steps - if PC does NOT have "Local" version of Controller client already installed:

  1. Logon to the client device (for example PC/laptop) as a Windows administrator
  2. Create a folder which will be used to store the cache files (for example: D:\Controller\Cache). IMPORTANT: Do NOT choose a network drive letter/UNC path. Instead, you MUST choose a D:\Controller\Cache\Windows_Username1\Cognos\CCRlocation.
  3. Inside "Add/Remove Programs" uninstall any current version of Controller
  4. Download the "Controller Local Client" version from the Controller application server's website (default location = http://servername/ibmcognos/controllerbin/CCRLocalClient.Msi
  5. Double-click on "CCRLocalClient.Msi" to launch install wizard
  6. Click "Next"
  7. Inside "Choose Setup Type" choose "Custom"
  8. Modify file location if desired, and choose "Next"
  9. Inside the "Server URLs" choose the value for WSS URL. TIP: By default, this is: http://<servername>/ibmcognos/controllerserver
  10. Choose the value for Help URL. TIP: By default, this is: http://<servername>/ibmcognos/ControllerHelp
  11. Choose the value for CACHE DIR (for example "D:\Controller\Cache")
  12. Click "Next" then "Install"
  13. Afterwards, click "Finish"

You will notice that, after launching Controller, now all the cache files are created inside the following folder: D:\Controller\Cache\<Windows_Username>\Cognos\CCR

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9S6B","label":"IBM Cognos Controller"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Controller","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.3.1;10.3;10.2.1;10.2.0","Edition":"Not Applicable","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 June 2018

