IBM Support

WKWebView support

Release Notes


Effective with MEG 3.0, MaaS360 upgrades to WKWebView class from UIWebView to embed web content in Secure Browser app.


WKWebView offers a lot of benefits over UIWebView such as smooth scrolling, interactive web content, improved rendering performance, and so on. However, users can also switch to UIWebView anytime they want.


  • Requires iOS 11 and later.
  • MaaS360 will extend WKWebView support to MaaS360 Enterprise Gateway customers with MEG 3.0 beta, which will be released in April. MEG 2.0 customers must switch to UIWebView to access intranet sites until MEG 3.0 is released.
  • The changes are applied to Secure Browser on relaunch of the app.
Switching to UIWebView

Non-Gateway customers facing issues with WKWebView can use the following advanced configuration flag to switch to old UIWebView

  1. Navigate to Persona policy > WorkPlace > Security > Advanced Configuration Details and then provide the following key and value:
  • Advanced Configuration Flag Name : secureBrowserUIWebViewEnabled
  • Value of the flag : Yes/No (Yes - UI & No - Wk)
After switching, the Configuration Change message is displayed in Secure Browser to ensure that the configuration is applied.
Behavior changes in WKWebView
  • The Settings > Accept Cookies > From Visited option is disabled.
  • Custom headers are not supported.
  • Opening of multiple windows is supported.
  • If a website enforces downloading of a file using "content-disposition: attachment; filename" header in the response, Secure Browser automatically downloads such files and displays in quicklook controller.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 July 2020

