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ITCAM for Transactions - Agents fail to start and other problems due to ITM Framework and GSKit mixed versions

Technical Blog Post


ITCAM for Transactions - Agents fail to start and other problems due to ITM Framework and GSKit mixed versions


IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions
~ How to do stuff
By Kevin Baldwin -

How to.....How to.....

Identify and fix ITM Framework and GSKit related issues

This blog describes problems sometimes seen after installing ITM and/or ITCAMfT components and provides information to help resolve those problems.

In most cases, the underlying cause is 32-bit versions of the ITM Framework and/or GSKit not being the same as the 64-bit versions.

Check these examples which describe the type of problem that might be experienced to see if the links provided in the "Useful information and links" section might apply to you.

In all cases, the problem was overcome by upgrading 32-bit ITM framework which in some cases was needed to also upgrade 32-bit GSKit.

  • Error installing Web Response Time agent

    We receive the following error message that the library is missing:

    "KDY1008E The agent action SETCONFIG failed with a return code of 4 for product code t5.
    The command /opt/IBM/ITM/tmaitm6/lx8266/bin/kdy_xa -p -pc t5 produced the following error text: CandleExecute        : installer level 630 / 100.
    CandleExecute        :  running lx8266 jre.
    /opt/IBM/ITM/lx8266/t5/bin/t5_xa.bin: error while loading shared libraries: canno."

    cinfo output from the WRT sgent:
    ax   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries   li6263
    ax   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries   lx8266
    gs   IBM GSKit Security Interface             lx8266

  • WRT Agent won't start

    Error in <hostname>_t5_*.log:
    exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program kt5agent because of the following errors:
    0509-022 Cannot load module
    0509-150   Dependent module could not be loaded.
    0509-022 Cannot load module
    0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
    0509-022 Cannot load module kt5agent.
    0509-150   Dependent module /opt/IBM/ITM/tmaitm6/aix533/lib/libkglbase.a could not be loaded.
    0509-022 Cannot load module .

    This occurs because there is a 6.23 framework, but GSKit has been updated to version 8:

    ax   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries  aix523
    ax   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries  aix526
    ax   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries  aix533
    ax   IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries  aix536
    gs   IBM GSKit Security Interface            aix523
    gs   IBM GSKit Security Interface            aix526

  • No WRT/T5 data in the TEP

    The problem could be that the ITM infrastructure was upgraded, and now the WRT agent has a problem communicating with the TEMS.

    The cinfo shows that the Tivoli Framework used by the kt5agent process is at

    ax IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
    li6263  Version:
    lx8266  Version:

    gs IBM GSKit Security Interface
    li6243  Version:
    lx8266  Version:

    This can cause problems with agent to TEMS communications.
  • No ISM data in the TEP

    The ISM agent not reporting to the TEPS server.

    Information seen in the latest ISM agent logs show that the agent is failing to connect to the TEMS and GSKit errors:

    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6001-11:kdebeal.c,81,"ssl_provider_open") GSKit error 420: GSK_ERROR_SOCKET_CLOSED
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6002-F:kdepdpc.c,62,"KDEP_DeletePCB") 485007E9: KDEP_pcb_t deleted
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6003-F:kdcc1sr.c,485,"rpc__sar") Connection failure: "ip.spipe:#", 1C010001:1DE00045, 0, 5(2), FFFF/1, D140831.1:, tms_host:d3086a
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6004-F:kdcl0cl.c,142,"KDCL0_ClientLookup") status=1c020006, "location server unavailable", ncs/KDC1_STC_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6005-F:kraarreg.cpp,1781,"LookupAndRegisterWithProxy") Unable to connect to broker at ip.spipe:host03.sysdomain.local: status=0, "success", ncs/KDC1_STC_OK
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6006-F:kraarreg.cpp,1801,"LookupAndRegisterWithProxy") Exit: 0x0
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6007-F:kraarreg.cpp,1599,"LookupAndRegisterWithProxy") Entry
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6008-F:kdepnpc.c,138,"KDEP_NewPCB") 487007E8, KDEP_pcb_t @ 574018B8 created
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6009-12:kdebeal.c,81,"ssl_provider_open") GSKit error 420: GSK_ERROR_SOCKET_CLOSED
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.600A-F:kdepdpc.c,62,"KDEP_DeletePCB") 487007E8: KDEP_pcb_t deleted
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.600B-F:kdcc1sr.c,485,"rpc__sar") Connection failure: "ip.spipe:#", 1C010001:1DE00045, 0, 5(2), FFFF/2, D140831.1:, tms_host:d3086a
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.600C-F:kdcl0cl.c,142,"KDCL0_ClientLookup") status=1c020006, "location server unavailable", ncs/KDC1_STC_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.600D-F:kraarreg.cpp,1781,"LookupAndRegisterWithProxy") Unable to connect to broker at ip.spipe:host04.sysdomain.local: status=0, "success", ncs/KDC1_STC_OK
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.600E-F:kraarreg.cpp,1801,"LookupAndRegisterWithProxy") Exit: 0x0
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.600F-F:kraarreg.cpp,1453,"ConnectProxyUsingCMSLIST") Unable to find running CMS on CT_CMSLIST <ip.spipe:host03;ip.spipe:host04>
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6010-F:kraarreg.cpp,1461,"ConnectProxyUsingCMSLIST") Exit: 0x0
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6011-F:kraarreg.cpp,1121,"ConnectToProxy") CMS lookup: try #1 failed.
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6012-F:kraarreg.cpp,1123,"ConnectToProxy") Sleeping 600 seconds.
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6013-F:kraaulog.cpp,752,"IRA_OutputLogMsg") Active RAS1 Classes: EVERYT EVERYE EVERYU
    (2016/02/15,01:46:51.6014-F:kraaulog.cpp,755,"IRA_OutputLogMsg") CMS lookup failed.

  • AMC / AMCE depot communication problems

    When attempts are made to launch the AMCE, the error message; "T3 depot agent could not be contacted" is displayed.

    There is a problem with GSkit in host02_t3*.log:

    (56AF8C62.0004-1:kglcry.c,2810,"initializeICC") ICC initialization: failed to load ICC DLL Library /opt/IBM/ITM/li6243/gs/lib/

    Before that in the log, it shows that GSKit 7 libraries are loaded:
    +56AF8C60.0009 /opt/IBM/ITM/tmaitm6/li6263/lib/

    The next problem is this error:
    (56AF8CDA.000B-F:khdxdacl.cpp,598,"routeExportRequest") Export for object <AMC_Transaction> (table T3SNTRANS appl KT3) failed in createRouteRequest, Status = 8.

    This indicates that the T3 agent cannot communicate with the Warehouse Proxy.


Useful information and links:

Problems such as those described above have been seen when there are differences in version between 32-bit and 64-bit ITM Framework and/or GSKit libraries.

ITCAMfT agents are 32-bit so they use the 32-bit version of ITM Framework and when appropriate, the 32-bit version of GSKit. It's therefore important that the 32-bit version is at the same code level.

If any of the above examples look like the problem you're experiencing, even if it is for a different ITCAMfT agent, you may find the following links and information useful.

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