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ITCAM for Transactions - RPT test script - Response Time Breakdown

Technical Blog Post


ITCAM for Transactions - RPT test script - Response Time Breakdown


IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions
~ How to do stuff
By Kevin Baldwin -

How to.....How to.....

Understand Response Time measurements seen in RRT workspaces for RPT playbacks
The data available in Robotic Response Time (RRT) workspaces in the TEP is determined by the type of script being run:

Robotic script type Client time Network time Server time
BSD Oracle ERP scripts Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester Citrix Yes No No
Rational Performance Tester HTTP/HTTPS Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester SAP GUI Yes No No
Rational Performance Tester SAP Web Interface Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester Siebel Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester Socket Extensions Yes No No
Rational Performance Tester Web Services/SOA Yes No No
Rational Functional Tester Yes No No
Mercury LoadRunner HTTP/HTTPS Yes No No
Command-Line scripts Yes No No

For script types that report Client Time, Network Time, and Server Time, the following information describes how RPT collects various response time values. These RPT values are used by ITCAM for Transactions to calculate values displayed in Robotic Response Time workspaces and views in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring TEP GUI.

This table shows the name of the Rational Performance Test (RPT) measurement and how it is collected as represented by requests from a Client and returned by the Server. The "Calculation" column shows how the RPT measurement is calculated.

  • Transaction Response Time is the time taken to perform the whole transaction.
  • DNS Time is the time taken to perform DNS lookup.
    The time recorded here is used in the Network Time calculation.
  • Connect Time is the time taken to connect to server and receive acknowledgment.
    The time recorded here might include network and server time but there is no separate breakdown of these times so all time recorded is used in the Server Time calculation.
  • Resolve Time is the time taken to complete the request from client to server and receive the first character from the server.
    The time recorded here might include network and server time but there is no separate breakdown of these times so all time recorded is used in the Server Time calculation.
  • Delivery Time is the time taken for data to be returned from the server to client.
    The time recorded here is used in the Network Time calculation.

RPT measurements are then used to calculate extra times for use in ITCAMfT charts and tables.

  • Network Time: DNS Time + Delivery Time
    Other network time might be included in Connect and Resolve Time measurements, but the information is not available for use in this calculation. Therefore, Network Time in this case is only the time that can be confirmed as Network activity.
  • Server Time: Connect Time + Resolve Time
  • Network Time might be included in this measurement, but the information is not available for use in this calculation. Server Time in this case is inflated by whatever network time is included.
  • Client Time: Transaction Response Time - Network Time - Server Time
  • All time not identified as Network or Server Time is described as Client Time.
    Client Time is the time taken on the client side to perform all remaining tasks.

Example showing the RRT Applications workspace   :

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