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ITCAM for Transactions - Internet Service Monitoring - Configure and View Historical Data

Technical Blog Post


ITCAM for Transactions - Internet Service Monitoring - Configure and View Historical Data


IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions
~ How to do stuff
By Kevin Baldwin -

How to.....How to.....

Configure and view data in ISM Historical Workspaces

The ITCAMfT Users Guide chapter describing ISM Workspaces states that you must enable Historical Data Collection to view data in History workspaces, but doesn't specify which ISM Attribute Groups need to be configured for the default workspaces and views available.

This blog fills in the gaps.

The default ISM historical workspace views need historical collection to be configured and distributed to the agent.

In addition to configuring historical collection for the individual monitors you also need to configure attribute groups to populate specific history workspace views.

The following table provides links in the "Workspace / View" column to product documentation where you will find detailed descriptions of the selected workspace or view.

The "Workspace / View" column has been arranged to reflect the workspace hierarchy.

The "Attribute Group" column contains the name of the Attribute Group that needs to be configured and distributed to ISM agents to:

  • View Historical Data via the "Time Span" option in Status / Statistic views

  • View any data in History views

The "Short Term History (STH) file" column contains the name of the file used on the agent or TEMS to store data to be warehoused for the corresponding attribute group.

 Workspace / View Attribute Group Short Term History (STH) file

 Internet Service Monitors / Service Status

 Host Statistics / Hosts

 Select: Host > Link to Host Elements



 Monitor Status / Services

 Select: ServiceType (eg. http) > Link to ServiceType

            Select: Any row > Link to Element History

 KIS [Monitor] (eg. KIS HTTP)

 KIS [Monitor] (eg. KIS HTTP)

 KIS[Monitor] (eg. KISHTTP)

 KIS[Monitor] (eg. KISHTTP)

 Profile Statistics / Profiles (*)

 Select: Profile > Link to Services (*)
            Select: Service > Link to Elements (*)

                       Select: Any row > Link to [Monitor] Element History

                       Select: Any row > Link to Service Level History
 Historical data not available in this view 

 Historical data not available in this view

 Historical data not available in this view

 KIS [Monitor] (eg. KIS HTTP)


 KIS[Monitor] (eg. KISHTTP)


 Service Statistics / Services

(*) The query used to retrieve data for these views uses the "Group By" function which makes a query ineligible for displaying historical data.

Configuring Historical Data Collection

If you are not familiar with Historical Collection Configuration, and configuring Summarisation and Pruning, it is important that you read the information in the following ITM documentation: IBM Tivoli Monitoring User's Guide - Historical collection configuration

To confirm that historical data collection has been distributed to the agent you can check the contents of the ISM agent operations log:
Unix/Linux:   [ITM_HOME]/logs/[hostname]_IS.LG0
Windows:     [ITM_HOME]\tmaitm6\logs\[hostname]_IS.LG0

For each attribute group configured and distributed you should see UADVISOR entries that look something like this:

1150225121949875KRAIRA000 Starting Enterprise situation UADVISOR_KIS_KISICMP <2972714144,831522646> for KIS.KISICMP
1150225121949906KRAIRA000 Starting Enterprise situation UADVISOR_KIS_KISHTTP <2972714319,831522581> for KIS.KISHTTP
1150225125209375KRAIRA000 Starting Enterprise situation UADVISOR_KIS_KISHSTATS <3270511205,858785474> for KIS.KISHSTATS.
1150225125210390KRAIRA000 Starting Enterprise situation UADVISOR_KIS_KISMSTATS <273680449,917505731> for KIS.KISMSTATS
1150225125211375KRAIRA000 Starting Enterprise situation UADVISOR_KIS_KISSSTATS <2865758970,844105408> for KIS.KISSSTATS
1150225130212422KRAIRA000 Starting Enterprise situation UADVISOR_KIS_KISSISTATS <930089818,900728511> for KIS.KISSISTATS


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