IBM Support

ITCAM for Transactions - Application Management Configuration Editor (AMCE) fails to open

Technical Blog Post


ITCAM for Transactions - Application Management Configuration Editor (AMCE) fails to open


IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions
~ How to do stuff
By Kevin Baldwin -

How to.....How to.....
Identify and fix problems opening AMCE caused by jar file conflicts


The following problem has been reported by a number of users after upgrading ITCAMfT and/or ITM:
AMCE doesn't open and the icon in the TEP toolbar is greyed out.

If your environment has application support installed for one or both of the following products...

yj   IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for J2EE
yn   ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications

It is possible that the problem is a coexistence issue between jar files supplied in application support from T3, YJ and YN agents. Specifically, tk_jflt.jar (YJ & YN) conflicts with kt3com.jar (T3).

The problem will only be seen when using the TEP Browser or Java Webstart to open the TEP console.

To check if the fix described below applies in your case, you should enable tracing for the JRE.

If the AMCE problem is a result of a jar file conflict the output from the Java trace will contain something like this:

Exception in thread "Common config launcher" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: class ""'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

The versions of application support needed to fix this problem are determined by the version of T3 being used and the versions of YJ and/or YN currently installed.

  • If you have YN and YJ application support installed, these are the recommended versions of application support that you should install:

    YJ IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for J2EE or later
    YN ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications           or later
    T3 ITCAM Console                                    or later

  • If you've only got YN application support installed, you need:

    To work with... T3 ITCAM Console or later
    YN ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications           or later


    To work with... Older T3 ITCAM Console 07.40.01 versions
    YN ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications           -

The appropriate application support needs to be installed on all TEMS, RTEMS and the TEPS. There's no need to upgrade the agents.

Use information found in the following links to locate and download the packages needed to install the required application support files:

Please note... When the correct application support has been installed, make sure the Java cache is cleared before opening the TEP console.

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[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSVJUL","label":"IBM Application Performance Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"}}]

