IBM Support


General Page

This command should be used as a replacement for the DLTUSRPRF command, and requires the same parameters as the DLTUSRPRF command.  It will first delete the user profile from the node on which it is running.  It will then pass that delete to all other nodes in the cluster by using the USRPRF cluster resource group (CRG).

*NOTICE - *ALLOBJ special authority is required for any user issuing the DLTPRFCLU command.


USRPRF - Profile to be deleted

OWNOBJOPT - Operations to be performed on the owned objects of the user profile

Element 1 - Owned object value

*NODLT - User profile is not deleted if it owns objects

*DLT - Owned objects are deleted and user profile is deleted

*CHGOWN - Owned objects are transferred to a specific user profile

Element 2 - User profile (if *CHGOWN is specified)

name - Name of user profile to assume new ownership

PGPOPT - Operations to be performed on objects for which the user profile is the primary group

Element 1 - Primary group value

*NOCHANGE - User profile is not deleted if it owns objects and is the primary group for all owned objects

*CHGPGP - The object for which the profile is the primary group are transferred to the specified user profile

Element 2 - New primary group (if *CHGPGP is specified)

name - The name of the user profile to assume the role as the primary group for all owned objects

*NONE - The owned objects will no longer have a primary group

Element 3 - New primary group authority (if *CHGPGP is specified)

*OLDPGP - New primary group has the same authority as the old primary group

*PRIVATE - If the new primary group has private authority to the object(s), it will become the primary group for the object(s) and maintain the same private authority.

                      If the new primary group has no private authority to the object(s), it will become the primary group for the object(s) but have no authority.

*ALL - The new primary group will have *ALL authority to the object(s)

*CHANGE - The new primary group will have *CHANGE authority to the object(s)

*USE - The new primary group will have *USE authority to the object(s)

*EXCLUDE - The new primary group will have *EXCLUDE authority to the object(s)

EIMASSOC - Specifies whether Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) associations should be deleted for this user profile in the local registry

*DLT - EIM associations will be deleted

*NODLT - EIM associations will not be deleted

Errors and Resolution

If the command fails on any node, or if the node is not active in the cluster, the profile will be stored in a cluster device domain data space, along with the parameters used.  This allows for the issue causing the delete to fail to be resolved, and the delete can be resubmitted.  Use WRKPRFCLU to check the list of profiles in error and take action.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 April 2020

