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Qualified name option added to Generate SQL



Qualified name option added to Generate SQL


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By default, generated SQL includes schema/library qualification of objects.
IBM i Navigator and the QSQGNDDL() API are enhanced to include the Qualified name option, making it easier to redeploy generated SQL.
Any three-part names (object and column) are left unchanged.
Any schema qualification within the object which does not match the database object library name are left unchanged.
Qualified name option. The qualified name option specifies whether quailified or unqualified names should be generated for the specified database object. The valid values are:
0’ - Qualified object names should be generated. Unqualified names within the body of SQL routines will remain unqualified. (default)
1’ - Unqualified object names should be generated when the a library is found which matches the database object library name. Any SQL object or column reference that is RDB qualified will be generated in its fully qualified form. For example, rdb-name.schema-name.table-name and rdb-name.schema-name.table-name.column-name references will retain their full qualification.
The new option appears on the Generate SQL dialog 
The default behavior is to continue to generate SQL with schema qualification

Figure 1. Navigator - "Schema qualify names for objects" Generate SQL option


Figure 2. Comparison of Generate SQL output


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Document Information

Modified date:
15 January 2020

