IBM Support

Frequently Asked Questions for Cloud Storage Solutions





You are in: IBM i Technology Updates > IBM Cloud Storage Solutions for i > Frequently Asked Questions for Cloud Storage Solutions

Do I need to add anything to my library list to use the commands?

All commands for the application were copied to the QSYS library; therefore, no additional libraries need to exist in the library list to use the application.

Are any special authorities required to work with the application?

When you are copying files to the cloud, you need read authority on the file to be copied and execute authority on all of the directories in the file path.

When copying files from the cloud, you need execute authorities on each directories in the target path for the file copy.  You also need write authority on the last directory in the file path.  If the file exists in the path, write access to the file is required.

What happens if the file is copied again?

FTP – file names are not case-sensitive outside of the /QOpenSys file system.  If names that match (regardless of case) are placed outside of the /QOpenSys file system, the are overlaid.  When a directory name is included that does not exist in the FTP server, it is added.

Why is a file with extension ".mta" created when copying to an FTP server?

For every file copied to an FTP server by using the CPYTOCMD, a second file is created that has the same name as the file copied, with an extension of ".mta".  The MTU file stores the CCSID and file size of files copied to an FTP server by the CPYTOCLD command.  If a file copied from an FTP server back to the IFS does not have a MTA file, the CCSID of the file copied back to the IFS is set to 65535.

When creating resources, the authorization key or login password are visible.  Can anyone see the data if you change or display the resource?

When you change a resource, the authorized user and key for Cloud Storage, and the login ID and login password for an FTP resource are always *SAME.  The data is encrypted in the files.  These fields do not display when displaying a resource record.

The Submit to Batch parameter is *YES on a CPYTOCLD or CPYFRMCLD action but the job is not running.

See whether the QICCSBS system is active:  WRKACTJOB SBS(QICCSBS)

When the subsystem is active, see whether the JOBQ is held:  WRKJOBQ QICC/QICCJOBQ

When a JOBQ is held, release it with this command:  RLSJOBQ QICC/QICCJOBQ

When the subsystem is not active, start it with this command:  STRSBS QICC/QICCSBS

What could be wrong if you see “file not found” error when using the CPYTOCLD command?

The directory path or file name specified in the "Local File Name" parameter does not exist in the IFS.

What causes a file not to be copied when using the CPYTOCLD command?

These error conditions cause a failure with the CPYTOCLD command:

1.  Invalid resource name specified
2.  A resource record has an invalid authorized user, invalid authorization key, invalid container, or invalid URI
3.  An FTP resource record has an invalid login ID, invalid login password, invalid root directory, or invalid URI. 
                a.  The fully qualified domain name must be specified in the URI field
4.  The local file name path has an invalid directory path or file name specified
5.  The Cloud file name path included the name of the container or the root directory (for FTP) that was specified on the Resource record.


What versions of FTP are supported?

You can also use any IBM i, Linux (Only Red Hat is tested), or AIX computer with FTP installed as the cloud server.

Why was a new directory created when copying a file to an FTP server?

If a directory name included in the Cloud file name path does not exist in the path for the FTP server, it is created with the CPYTOCLD command.

Is there a way to view the login ID and password for an FTP resource?

These values are encrypted in the database and are not viewable when you change or display an FTP resource.

How do I change an existing cloud storage or FTP resource?

Use the Change Resource command (CHGSLRICC) or the Change FTP Resource command (CHGFPRICC).

Is there a way to see a list of all resources created?

Use the Work with ICC Resources command (WRKCFGICC) to see a list of all resources in the database.  On this panel, a record can be added, changed, displayed, or deleted.

What is the difference between the root directory on an FTP resource and the cloud file name on a copy to/from command?

The root directory defined on the FTP resource is the static location under which all directories and files are placed.  Since this value typically does not change, it is defined once on the resource and appended to the Cloud file name path on the copy "to" or "from" command.


FTP root directory =  /backupdir
Cloud file name = /monthly/Z244592.iso
Actualized path =   /backupdir/monthly/ Z244592.iso

Example when the root directory is included in the cloud file name path:

FTP root directory =  /backupdir
Cloud file name = /backupdir/monthly/Z244592.iso
Actualized path =   /backupdir/backupdir/monthly/ Z244592.iso

What causes a file not to be copied when the CPYFRMCLD command is used?

These error conditions cause a failure with the CPYFRMCLD command:

1.  Invalid resource name specified
2.  A resource record has an invalid authorized user, invalid authorization key, invalid container, or invalid URI
3.  An FTP resource record has an invalid login ID, invalid login password, invalid root directory, or invalid URI. 
                 a.  The fully qualified domain name must be specified in the URI field
4.  The Cloud file name path included the name of the container or the root directory (for FTP) that was specified on the Resource record.
5.  File names are case-sensitive; incorrect case was specified in the Cloud file name path for the file.
6.  The local file name path has an invalid directory path or file name specified


Why was a new directory created when I copy a file from Cloud storage?

If a directory name included in the Local file name path does not exist in the IFS, it is created with the CPYFRMCLD command.

Why was a new directory created when I copy a file from an FTP server?

If a directory name included in the Local file name path does not exist in the IFS, it is created with the CPYFRMCLD command.

Do the files names have to be the same on a CPYTOCLD or CPYFRMCLD command?

The file names do not have to be the same.  If different names are specified, multiple copies of the same file are created.

How do you remove a file from Cloud Storage or an FTP server?

The Delete from Cloud command (DLTCLDF) is used to delete a file from Cloud Storage or an FTP server.

How do you delete a resource record?

Use the Delete ICC Resource command (DLTRSCICC) or the Work with ICC Resources command (WRKCFGICC) to delete a Cloud or FTP resource.

What libraries are used in this product?

The program library is QICC and the files library is QUSRICC.

Were any user profiles created when the application was installed?

The QICC user profile was created with password set to *NONE.  This profile is the owner of the QUSRICC library and its content and the objects in the QICC library.

Is there a limit to the size of a file that can be copied?

The maximum size depends on the Cloud Storage Provider.  In order to leverage these larger sizes, you must also use the multi part size and multithread support. For details on the multi part:  Multithread multi part enablement

There are no file size limitations to copy to an FTP server, other than having enough space on the server for large files.

Can the Work with ICC Status (WRKSTSICC) panel be filtered?

There are 2 ways to filter data for the Work with ICC Status panel:

  1. Key the WRKSTSICC command and press F4.  Set the filter criteria before you display any data.
  2. On the Work with ICC Status panel, press F17=Subset to filter the data.

What jobs display on the Work with ICC Status (WRKSTSICC) panel?

All copy to, copy from, and delete cloud file jobs are displayed on the Work with ICC Status panel.

How can you tell whether a "Copy to" or "Copy from" job was run in batch versus interactively on the Work with ICC Status panel?

Job names that begin with “L” followed by a numeric value are batch jobs.  The other jobs are interactive and have job name which is the same as the user’s display station.

What do the * represent in the Graphic% or Complete% column on the Work with ICC Status panel?

The asterisks graphically show the completion status.  Each asterisk represents 10% of the job.  As a job works toward completion, an asterisk is added from left to right.  When the percentage is between a tenth, the number to the right of the last asterisk indicates the fractional percentage.  When a job completes successfully 10 asterisks display.


**2 = 22%
********1 = 81%
********** = 100%

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 October 2021

