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Physical System Perspectives



Physical System Perspectives


  • In Collection Services package
    • Physical System folderphysical system charts

physical system 2

These charts all require data in the collection file QAPMBUSINT.  

Attached is a presentation from a Architecture Work Group - I/O Performance which resulted in these perspectives to provide HSL & InfiniBand (12X) performance assessments:  Baker - HW0624_PDI.pdf

Collection of cross partition data must be enabled through a setting in the HMC: HMC Option to Turn On Collection of Full Frame Performance Data

Full System I/O Architecture - This chart shows data throughput rates (megabytes per second) for selected I/O architecture components and their utilization for all the 12X loops and PCIe Gen2 enclosures over time for the selected collections. Use this chart to select a bus for viewing its detailed statistics.

Uses data from QAPMBUSINT BUTYPE = 4 (12X Loop) and 6 (I/O hub)

All 12X Loops - This chart shows data throughput rates (megabytes per second) for selected I/O architecture components and their utilization for all the 12X loops over time for the selected collections. Use this chart to select a bus for viewing its detailed statistics

Uses data from BUTYPE = 4 (12X Loop)

All PCIe Gen2 - This chart shows data throughput rates (megabytes per second) for selected I/O architecture components and their utilization for all PCIe Gen2 enclosures over time for the selected collections. Use this chart to select a bus for viewing its detailed statistics.

Uses data from BUTYPE = 6 (I/O hub)

If no data for the BUTYPE exists in the database collection file QAPMBUSINT, then the chart will be blank and the table data behind the chart will be empty.






Field Information:

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date and time. The date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
BUNBR Bus number. The hardware assigned number associated with the bus or hub. B (9, 0)
Bus type. Supported bus types are:
  • 4 - 12X Loop
  • 6 - I/O hub (may be imbedded in the backplane)
B (4, 0)
BUDFMT Bus data format. This field is being provided to help understand what data is instrumented by the hardware components of the bus should there be future differences. Char (4)
BUATTR1 Bus attribute 1. The meaning of this field depends on the bus type (BUTYPE) field.
  • Type 4: Port identifier. One record will be present for each supported port
    • 0 = even port
    • 1 = odd port
  • Type 6: Category
    • 0 = Topside port
B (4, 0)
BUPKTSND Packets sent.

Note: not supported for type 6 
B (18, 0)
BUPKTRCV Packets received.

Note: not supported for type 6
B (18, 0)
BUBYTESND Bytes sent.

Note: not supported for type 4
B (18, 0)
BUBYTERCV Bytes received.

Note:  not supported for type 4
B (18, 0)
BUMAXRATE Maximum byte rate. The estimated maximum rate that data may be both sent and received in bytes per second. B (18, 0)
BUDATA1 The meaning of this field depends on the type (BUTYPE) field:
  • Type 4: Reserved
  • Type 6: Command bytes sent
B (18, 0)
BUDATA2 The meaning of this field depends on the type (BUTYPE) field:
  • Type 4: Reserved
  • Type 6: Command bytes received
B (18, 0)

Note: only fields applicable to these perspectives are included)

Field Information:

Field Name Description Attribute
BUKBYO Kilobytes DMAed out PD (11,0)
BUKBYI Kilobytes DMAed in PD (11,0)
BUCAT Bus category.  This field indicates if this bus record  has some special characteristics, which may require a special interpretation of its performance data. Each bit in this field has an independent meaning:
  • X'00' = no special category applies
  • X'01' = this bus is attached to an I/O hub
  • X'02'= This record represents a switch. The data reported is the sum of all buses under the switch. The bus number reported is the first bus under the switch.
BUHUB Hub number. If this bus is associated with an I/O  hub, this is the number of that hub. (Note: an I/O hub may be imbedded in the backplane) B(9,0)
BUMAXRATE Maximum byte rate.  When available from hardware, this is the estimated maximum rate that data may be both sent and received in bytes per second through the hardware port.  B(18,0)
BUCBSND Command bytes sent.  When available from hardware, this is the number of command bytes sent through the  hardware port. B(18,0)
BUDBSND Data bytes sent.  When available from hardware, this is the number of data bytes sent through the hardware port.  B(18,0)
BUCBRCV Command bytes received. When available from hardware, this is the number of command bytes received through the  hardware port.  B(18,0)
BUDBRCV Data bytes received. When available from hardware, this is the number of data bytes received through the  hardware port.  B(18,0)

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 April 2023

