IBM Support

Rebuild Collection Table



Rebuild Collection Table


You are in: IBM i Technology Updates > Performance Tools > Performance on the web > Tips and techniques > Rebuild Collection Table

The Collection Services Collection table (also called CCA table) keeps a list of all valid collections on the IBM i partition.  The table is used by Performance Data Investigator and Manage Collections to view and perform actions on the collections.  The table includes data on these collections:

  • Collection Services collections
  • Job Watcher collections
  • Disk Watcher collections
  • PEX collections
  • Batch Models
  • Graph History collections

Use the provided commands specific to collection services to Save and Restore these collections (SAVPFRCOL, RSTPFRCOL).  Using the correct commands keeps the table in sync with the collections that are on the partition.  The full list of commands is:


If other commands are used to restore, copy or delete collections, the table will not be up-to-date with the actual collections available on the system.  

If the table gets out of sync with the actual collection on the partition, you need to rebuild the collection table so it is up to date.  To synchronize the table, use the Rebuild Collection Table command.

In IBM Navigator for i, select Manage Collections.  Then, select Actions-> Maintain Collections-> Rebuild Collection Table

Select OK.  Rebuilding the collection table can a long time since it goes through every library on the system to look for collections and recreate the table.

Note: You must close the PDI Investigate Data panel and reopen from the left side or navigate to the selected perspective from the left to get the accurate and up to date table information.

This is also a CL command available to rebuild the entire collection table or one library at a time (faster).  

Rebuilding the collection table from the green screen

To rebuild the collection table from a command line, you must call program QPMCCRBD.

The program has three parameters.

  1. Collection format (10 character blank-padded string)
       Allowed values: '*ALL      ', '*CSFILE   ', '*CSMGTCOL ', '*PEXFILE  ',
                  '*PEXMGTCOL', '*JWFILE   ', '*DWFILE   ', '*BCHFILE  '
  2. Pointer to error feedback structure
       Pass in a null pointer by using value x'00000000'
  3. Library name (10 character blank-padded string) *only available in release 7.2 and later*
       Allowed values: '*ALL      ' or 10 character blank-padded library name string


  • Rebuild all collection formats in all libraries:
       CALL QSYS/QPMCCRBD ('*ALL      ' x'00000000' '*ALL      ')
  • Rebuild only *CSFILE collections in all libraries:
       CALL QSYS/QPMCCRBD ('*CSFILE   ' x'00000000' '*ALL      ')
  • Rebuild all collection formats in library QPFRDATA
       CALL QSYS/QPMCCRBD ('*ALL      ' x'00000000' 'QPFRDATA  ')
  • Rebuild only *CSFILE collections in library QPFRDATA
       CALL QSYS/QPMCCRBD ('*CSFILE   ' x'00000000' 'QPFRDATA  ')

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 September 2021

