IBM Support

Selectable Sort Perspectives



Drilldown perspectives - sort by selected metric


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Drilldown perspectives - sort by selected metric

The Collection Services perspectives package has some selectable sort perspectives. Instead of having several choices for the same perspective with different sorts of the data on the drilldown actions menu, a user can select a metric on the current chart and then have the drilldown perspective sorted by that metric.

The changes only affected the Collection Services content package
(Note - changes are coming for Job Watcher)

If you select a metric before drilling down into one of these perspectives, the resulting chart will be sorted based on that selected metric.
If you do not select a metric before doing the drill down action, the chart will be sorted based on a default metric. The default is also used when the perspective is chosen from the initial Investigate Data Perspectives screen where no select is available.

Here is a list of the perspective changes to sort based on selected metric:

default sort by Dispatched CPU Time

     "All waits by thread or task"
     "Waits by job or task"
     "Waits by Generic job or task"
     "Waits by Job User Profile"
     "Waits by Job Current User Profile"
     "Waits by pool"
     "Waits by subsystem"
     "Waits by server type"
     "Waits by job priority" 

default sort by:

     "Disk overview by IOP name"
     "Disk overview by adapter name"
     "Disk overview by disk pool"
     "Disk overview by disk unit"
     These Disk Overview perspectives result in 2 views
     V1: Average Response Time view - default sort is by Average Response Time
     V2: Percent Disk Busy view - default is sort is by Percent Disk Busy

"Disk overview by disk path"
     V1: Average Response Time view - default sort is by Average Response Time
     V2: Percent Path Busy view - default sort is by Percent Path Busy

default to sort by Average Response Time:

     "Disk details by IOP name"
     "Disk details by Adapter name"
     "Disk details by disk pool"
     "Disk details by disk unit"
     "Disk details by disk path"

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 January 2020

