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Db2 for i Database Engineer (DBE) Enhancements



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Db2 for i Enhancement IBM i 7.5 IBM i 7.4 IBM i 7.3 IBM i 7.2
--- Enhancements from 2024 ---
QSYS2.SYSMEMBERSTAT SF99950 Level 7 SF99704 Level 28 Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.ACTIVE_QUERY_INFO - filter for the job's user SF99950 Level 7 SF99704 Level 28 Not supported Not supported
--- Enhancements from 2023 ---
QSYS2.PARSE_STATEMENT() table function - DDL information SF99950 Level 5 SF99704 Level 26 Not supported Not supported
SQL Error Logging Facility (SELF) - improved controls and insight SF99950 Level 5 SF99704 Level 26 Not supported Not supported
SYSTOOLS.SQLCODE_INFO() SF99950 Level 5 SF99704 Level 26 Not supported Not supported
Tracking Important System Limits - Improved Alerting SF99950 Level 5 SF99704 Level 26 Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.SYSCOLUMNS2 additional columns SF99950 Level 5 SF99704 Level 26 Not supported Not supported
 QSYS2.CANCEL_SQL procedure enhancement SF99950 Level 5 SF99704 Level 26 Not supported Not supported
SQE performance and compression enhancements SF99950 Level 4 Not supported Not supported Not supported
--- Enhancements from 2022 ---
SQL Error Logging Facility (SELF) SF99950 Level 3 SF99704 Level 23 Not supported Not supported
COMMENT on table function return columns SF99950 Level 3 SF99704 Level 23 Not supported Not supported
Online reorganize physical file member (RGZPFM) enhancement SF99950 Level 3 SF99704 Level 23 Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.MTI_INFO returns QRO hash and plan identifier information SF99950 Level 3 Not supported Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.SYSCOLUMNSTAT enhanced for variable length columns SF99950 Level 3 SF99704 Level 23 Not supported Not supported
New QAQQINI control PARALLEL_MIN_TIME SF99950 Level 3 Not supported Not supported Not supported
New QAQQINI control PARALLEL_MAX_SYSTEM_CPU Base Not supported Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.MTI_INFO Base SF99704 Level 20 SF99703 Level 28 Not supported
Maximum Binary Radix Index size increased to 16TB Base Not supported Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.GENERATE_SQL for long view names Base SF99704 Level 20 Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.GENERATE_SQL_OBJECTS for long view names Base SF99704 Level 20 Not supported Not supported
QSQGNDDL API for long view names Base SF99704 Level 20 Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.GENERATE_SQL option to generate comment for system object text Base SF99704 Level 20 Not supported Not supported
QSYS2.GENERATE_SQL_OBJECTS option to generate comment for system object text Base SF99704 Level 20 Not supported Not supported
QSQGNDDL API option to generate comment for system object text Base SF99704 Level 20 Not supported Not supported
Ragged flash Base Not supported Not supported Not supported
Query Supervisor CL exit programs Base SF99704 Level 20 SF99703 Level 28 Not supported
--- Enhancements from 2021 ---
QSYS2.ACTIVE_QUERY_INFO Base SF99704 Level 15 SF99703 Level 26 Not supported
QSYS2.SYSFILES Base SF99704 Level 15 SF99703 Level 26 Not supported
 IBM i System Limits pruning global variables Base SF99704 Level 15 SF99703 Level 26 Not supported
Query Supervisor Base SF99704 Level 13 SF99703 Level 24 Not supported
QSYS2.SYSCOLUMNS2 Base SF99704 Level 13 SF99703 Level 24 Not supported
QSYS2.SYSPACKAGESTAT Base SF99704 Level 13 SF99703 Level 24 Not supported
QSYS2.END_IDLE_SQE_THREADS Base SF99704 Level 13 SF99703 Level 24 Not supported
QSYS2.GENERATE_SQL procedure output to IFS Base SF99704 Level 13 SF99703 Level 24 Not supported
QSYS2.GENERATE_SQL_OBJECTS procedure output to IFS Base SF99704 Level 13 SF99703 Level 24 Not supported
QSQGNDDL API output to IFS Base SF99704 Level 13 SF99703 Level 24 Not supported
--- Enhancements from 2020 ---
RELATED_OBJECTS table function Base SF99704 Level 10 SF99703 Level 22 Not supported
SYSCOLUMNS2_SESSION view Base SF99704 Level 10 SF99703 Level 22 Not supported
QSYS2.SYSPARTITIONSTAT and QSYS2.SYSTABLESTAT views Base SF99704 Level 7 SF99703 Level 18 Not supported
OVERRIDE_QAQQINI procedure Base SF99704 Level 7 SF99703 Level 18 Not supported
--- Enhancements from 2019 ---
Allow RI children to be added without an exclusive lock Base SF99704 Level 4 Not supported Not supported
Extend ALLOW_DDL_WHILE_OPEN for grant and revoke authorities  Base SF99704 Level 4 SF99703 Level 16 Not supported
Add SUPPRESS_INQUIRY_MESSAGES Base SF99704 Level 4 SF99703 Level 16 Not supported
New columns added to QSYS2.SYSINDEXSTAT Base SF99704 Level 4 SF99703 Level 16 Not supported
Health attributes added to the SQL Plan Cache Properties Base SF99704 Level 1 SF99703 Level 15 Not supported
Alerts for IBM i System Limits Base SF99704 Level 1 SF99703 Level 15 Not supported
Tracking Important System Limits Base SF99704 Level 1 SF99703 Level 15 Not supported
--- Enhancements from 2018 ---
QSYS2.GENERATE_SQL_OBJECTS procedure Base Base SF99703 Level 11 SF99702 Level 23
QSYS2.SYSPARTITIONSTAT enhancement Base Base SF99703 Level 11 SF99702 Level 23
QSYS2.PARSE_STATEMENT() table function enhancement Base Base SF99703 Level 11 SF99702 Level 23
--- Enhancements from 2016 ---
QSYS2.PARSE_STATEMENT() table function Base Base SF99703 Level 3
SF99702 Level 14
--- Enhancements from 2015 ---
No lock option - ALLOW_DDL_CHANGES_WHILE_OPEN Base Base Base SF99702 Level 11
Add columns to QSYS2.SYSPROGRAMSTMTSTAT for SQL dependency level and IBM i Service dependency level Base Base Base SF99702 Level 11
Detail about the lock holder on SQL0913 failures Base Base Base SF99702 Level 11
Honor priority change for parallel index build Base Base Base SF99702 Level 5
ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION preserves spanning DDS keyed logical files Base Base Base SF99702 Level 5

Older Enhancements:

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CHeAAM","label":"IBM i Db2"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.2.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 April 2024

