IBM Support

FAQs & Known issues: IBM Personal Communications v14 Refresh Pack update installer

This is a living document for PCOMM v14 Refresh Pack Update Installer and details the common FAQs and known issues that exist & the ones that are addressed in the upcoming Refresh Pack Update Installer releases.


Starting with IBM Personal Communications (PCOMM) v14.0.1.0, PCOMM is shipped in two types of delivery vehicles – 

1.     Refresh Pack

This is a complete installer image of the PCOMM product, which does not require any previous version of the product and can be installed independently. 

2.     Refresh Pack Update Installer

This delivery vehicle contains only the fixes developed after the release of the PCOMM v14.0 base version. Each update installer is cumulative in nature; in other words, a new update installer will also contain fixes from the previous update installers. This requires a PCOMM v14 base version or a Refresh Pack installed. 

This document provides answers to some of the FAQs and lists some of the known issues in the Refresh Pack Update Installer.

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

                   1.     Question 

Can I install PCOMM v14.0.0.0 (base version) over PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer v14.0.1.0? 


No, the v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer permits this downgrade installation, but it is not recommended.

If you have accidentally installed PCOMM v14.0.0.0 over PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer v14.0.1.0, uninstall both the v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer and PCOMM v14.0.0.0 (base version) first, and then proceed to install PCOMM v14.0.0.0.


   2.     Question 

After installing PCOMM v14.0.0.0, upgraded to PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer v14.0.1.0 or v14.0.2.0. Can I directly uninstall the base version? 


No, the base version should not be uninstalled without uninstalling the Refresh Pack Update Installer. If done accidentally, then uninstall the Refresh Pack Update Installer. 


  3.     Question 

Can I install PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer over previous PCOMM versions, viz. v12.x, v13.x? 


No, PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installers must be installed only on PCOMM v14.x installations. 

  4.     Question 

What happens when I install a newer PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer over a previous PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer? 


The PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer will be upgraded to the newer version. Since the Refresh Pack Update installer is cumulative, the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs shows the PCOMM base version and the latest Refresh Pack Update Installer version. 

Note:  In case of installing a newer PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer over PCOMM v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer, we advise not to roll back to the base version. This is due to Known Issue #1 documented under the Known Issues section.

  5.     Question 

Can a standard user perform the Auto-update?


Yes, A Standard User can upgrade to the latest version only with a base version of or higher. But, if the base version is less than the standard user cannot perform Auto-Update.


Known Issues 

   1.     Issue 

If a Windows User who is not an 'Administrator', tries to install PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer v14.0.1.0, the files of PCOMM v14.0 base version will not be backed up (before the installation) to aid the rollback feature. Failure to create a backup affects future Refresh Pack Update Installers. 

Note:  This known issue, Auto-update via Standard user is resolved in the PCOMM 14.0.5 version.


Installing PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer v14.0.1.0 requires an “Administrator” account. The problem occurs due to insufficient privileges provided to v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer, to update the Windows registry, “Program Files” folders, when installed from a Windows User other than “Administrator”. 

Resolving the Problem 

There is no resolution available. Because of this issue, v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer cannot be rolled back to the base version. 

The issue is fixed in v14.0.2.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer. 


There is no workaround available. We advise not to install the PCOMM Refresh Pack Update Installer v14.0.1.0 with any Windows user other than “Administrator”. 

2. Issue

​​​​​​                        Installed PCOMM v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack. On top of this, I have installed PCOMM v14.0.2.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer. 

When I try to uninstall PCOMM v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack, I am getting the following incorrect error message:

“Installation of IBM Personal Communications cannot proceed further as a similar version of the product is already installed on the system”.


When a User tries to uninstall v14.0.1.0 Refresh Pack, it prompts a message to restrict the uninstallation. This message is incorrect.

Resolving the Problem

Uninstall the Refresh Pack Update Installer, before uninstalling the Refresh Pack.

Starting with the v14.0.2.0 Refresh Pack, the erroneous notification message has been corrected as below:

“An IBM Personal Communications Update Fix/Refresh pack is found on this system. Uninstall the 'Update Fix/Refresh Pack' first to uninstall the IBM Personal Communications base package.”


Not applicable.

3. Issue


The Upgradation of Refresh Pack Update Installer IBM Personal Communications V14.0.3.0 over IBM Personal Communications Base package fails to upgrade for Korean IBM Personal Communications Refresh Pack update installer -x64 bit users.


Incorrect keypath for installer component, due to which, when a User tries to upgrade v14.0.3.0 Refresh Pack Update Installer, it prompts an error message which restricts the upgrade.

Error Message: Error 2715. The specified File key ('_A60E5A304D9DFE4E19825C54CFE4A91E') is not found in the File table.

Error Dialog:


Resolving the Problem

Please Contact IBM Support for assistance.


Not applicable.

4. Issue


When a refresh pack update installer of version is installed for PCOMM x32-bit, the “Session Manager -Online” (Managed PCOMM) application doesn’t startup. 


The “Session Manager – Online” application is dependent on the VC++ runtime libraries “msvcp100.dll” and “msvcr100.dll”, which are not installed with the refresh pack update installer.

Resolving the Problem

Install the x32-bit VC++ 2010 redistributable package that consists of the necessary runtime libraries and start the “Session Manager – Online” application.

Refer to the Download Link for downloading VC++ 2010 redistributable package.


Not applicable.

5. Issue


The Upgrade of the IBM Personal Communications Refresh Pack installer (RP6) on top of base package v14.0.5.0 fails to install on Windows x86 bit operating systems using auto-update option.


The IBM Personal Communications Refresh Pack installer(RP6) installer hangs on top of the base package.

Resolving the Problem

Not Applicable.


Install the IBM Personal Communications Refresh Pack (RP6) on top of the (v 14.0.5)base package, manually execute the MSI file.

6. Issue


After Upgrade of the IBM Personal Communications Refresh Pack (RP6) does not support Start or Configure Sessions -> Package -> Detect and Repair Menu option.. 


Start or Configure Sessions -> Package -> Detect and Repair does not support.

Resolving the Problem

Not Applicable.


Not applicable.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQ5Y","label":"Personal Communications"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CBWAA2","label":"PCOMM"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"14.0.1;14.0.2;14.0.3;14.0.4;14.0.5"}]

Document Information

More support for:
Personal Communications


Software version:
14.0.1, 14.0.2, 14.0.3, 14.0.4, 14.0.5

Operating system(s):

Document number:

Modified date:
14 March 2023



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