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IBM Data Replication Community Wiki - IIDR CDC New Features By Release

Product Documentation


This replaces the IBM Data Replication Community Wiki - IIDR CDC New Features By Release page. It has the features released up until 2015.


What's New in IIDR for LUW 11.4

IIDR for LUW has moved to a Continuous Delivery model.

Please find the latest enhancements described in  IBM Docs "What's new in Version 11.4"

The latest fixes can be found in Announcements for IBM Data Replication patches .

What's New in IIDR  for LUW 11.3.3

The latest fixes can be found in  IIDR 11.3.3 Replication Engines for Linux, Unix and Windows - Patches

What's New in IIDR  for LUW - Released Nov 25, 2015 


Documentation for IIDR can be found in the IBM Docs

From this point forward, the CDC agents for all Linux, Unix, Windows platforms will all be released at the same time.

2 Supportability Information

Required Version of Management Console (MC):

IIDR CDC components released for:

  • Source and Targets include
    • Oracle Redo
    • DB2 LUW
    • Informix
    • MS SQL Server
    • Sybase
  • Targets only include:
    • Netezza
    • FlexRep
    • DataStage
      • Flatfile
      • Direct Connect
      • HDFS
      • WebHDFS
      • Cloudant
    • Teradata
    • Event Server

Database and Platform Support for IIDR 11.3.3 in Clearinghouse

3 New Features In Depth (roll-up of builds 7 to 19)


  • Single installer per operating system for all IIDR CDC Linux, Unix and Windows products. 


  • Significant performance improvements have been made to the CDC apply on Linux, Unix, and Windows.   Results are most notable when using Fast Apply.

New Database/System Support



  • Can now replicate encrypted columns using a GETCOL derived expression



  • Now supports Sybase 16


  • Now supports NPS 7.2.1, including the NZ JDBC driver included with NPS 7.2.1
  • Improves performance when deleting rows on NULLable columns for NPS 7.2.1
  • Now supports specifying non-default Netezza session priority for bulk loads
  • Now supports configuring an instance on a PureData System for Analytics appliance with multiple schema support enabled
  • Performance improvements in bookmark processing


  • Supports replicating data using Multi-node Active Cluster for High-availability connections
  • Embeds an updated Informix JDBC driver, version 4.10.JC5

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

TPUMP apply is no longer available for the CDC Teradata target

What's New in IIDR  for LUW - Released June 30, 2015 


Documentation for IIDR can be found in the IBM Docs

Feature Overview Presentation for IIDR

2 Supportability Information

Required Version of Management Console (MC): 11.3.3 build 5101  

Note:  You cannot use the GA build of MC/AS 11.3.3, you need to get the latest build which is 5101 or later.

IIDR CDC components released for:

  • Source and Targets include
    • IBM i
    • Oracle Redo
    • DB2 LUW
    • Informix
    • MS SQL Server
    • Sybase
  • Targets only include:
    • Netezza
    • FlexRep
    • DataStage
      • Flatfile
      • Direct Connect
      • HDFS
      • WebHDFS
      • Cloudant
    • Teradata
    • Event Server

Database and Platform Support for IIDR 11.3.3 in Clearinghouse

3 New Features In Depth


  • New GUI panels for easier configuration for HDFS flat file

WebHDFS Support 

  • New WebHDFS support uses Rest APIs
    • Allows much greater flexibility on where the CDC target is installed
  • Removes the restriction on what underlying file system is being used
    • As such, now supports replicating to Hadoop on GPFS
  • Allows CDC to interact with a Hadoop install which is configured to use Kerberos security

Enablement Presentation on IIDR WebHDFS Support


Cloudant Target Support

  • New CDC target engine that applies directly to Cloudant
    • Receives changed data based on “relational” tables and transforms the data to
      equivalent JSON documents
  • Apply behavior is to replicate source data regardless of the document existence in Cloudant
  • Full CHCCLP scripting support available

Enablement Presentation on IIDR Cloudant Apply Support


Extended Customer Flat File formatter 

  • Allows users to write custom user exits that supports customizing temporary flat file and hardening flat file names
  • Supports customization for DS flat file generated on both LUW and Hadoop file systems (HDFS)
  • Allows users to suppress update before images to be logged in the flat file

Oracle Exadata ASM & Flex ASM Support 

  • CDC can be locally installed on Exadata and seamlessly read from ASM
  • CDC now seamlessly supports ASM automatic rebalancing
  • CDC now supports Oracle 12c Flex ASM


CDC i Enhanced Refresh While Active Support 

  • Now CDC i has the option to acquire a lock for a very short period of time before refreshing the table to ensure that a mirroring point is established in the log (journal)
    • As such, you can now do a refresh while active (*RWA) and respect the commit boundaries on the target apply
  • For example on LUW target engines the system parameter mirror_commit_on_transaction_boundary no longer needs to be set to false
4 Platform Specific Features

New Database/System Support



  • Windows Oracle Redo Log support
  • New recovery mechanism for use after an Oracle DataGuard fail-over

MS SQL Server

  • CDC now transparently handles index rebuilds and reorgs on tables that CDC is replicating
  • Thus, if no structural table change was performed before the index rebuild or reorg, mirroring will just continue normally


  • VARBINARY datatype is now supported.

What's New in IIDR  for LUW 11.3.3 - Released April 10, 2015 


IBM InfoSphere Data Replication V11.3.3 and IBM InfoSphere Data Replication for Apache Hadoop V11.3.3 support secure, near real-time integration for big data announcement letter.

Documentation for IIDR 11.3.3 can be found in the IBM Docs

Base Content Feature Overview Presentation for IIDR 11.3.3.

2 Supportability Information

Required Version of Management Console (MC): 11.3.3

IIDR 11.3.3 CDC components released for:

  • Source and Targets include
    • IBM i
    • Oracle Redo
    • DB2 LUW
    • Informix
    • MS SQL Server
    • Sybase
  • Targets only include:
    • Netezza
    • FlexRep
    • DataStage
      • Flatfile
      • Direct Connect
      • HDFS
    • Teradata
    • Event Server

Database and Platform Support for IIDR 11.3.3 in Clearinghouse

3 New Features In Depth


  • Large number of Management Console enhancements including:
    • Ability to run additional Management Consoles or Access Servers on the same machine
    • Automatic Datastore connection recovery
    • Ability to create a CHCCLP script from a Management Console subscription configuration
    • New CHCCLP commands
4 Platform Specific Features

New Database/System Support


Windows Server 2012 for all CDC Windows engines



  • Inspur K-UX
  • Power Linux Little Endian on Power 8


  • Oracle 12c
    • Includes support for pluggable databases

MS SQL Server

  • MS SQL Server 2014


  • Teradata 15

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • Oracle Trigger, including MS Windows Trigger version which is superceded by Oracle Redo on MS Windows
  • HP UX PA-RISC & HP UX Itanium
  • Oracle 10g

What's New in IIDR  for LUW 11.3.0 - Released June 27, 2014 


IBM InfoSphere Information Server V11.3 and InfoSphere Data Replication V11.3 support agile information integration announcement letter.

Documentation for IIDR 11.3.3 can be found in the IBM Docs.

Feature Overview Presentation for IIDR 11.3.0

2 Supportability Information

Required Version of Management Console (MC): 11.3.0

IIDR 11.3.0 CDC components released for:

  • Source and Targets include
    • FlexRep target
    • CDC i 6.1 FP2

Database and Platform Support for IIDR 11.3.0 in Clearinghouse

3 New Features In Depth

FlexRep Target

  • Generic JDBC Target Engine
  • FlexRep CDC target engine can be configured to use any JDBC4 driver
    • Driver must be SQL92 standard compliant
  • FlexRep does not check the database or JDBC driver and thus enables users to employ any JDBC4 compliant driver for use with any SQL92 compliant database
    • IBM will only accept PMRs for the databases/JDBC drivers specifically listed as supported

FlexRep Enablement Presentation



  • CHCCLP Enhancements:
    • Support for CDC i
    • Support for new FlexRep target engine
    • Notification configuration support
    • System parameter configuration support
    • Support for generating a performance snapshot
      • The command writes performance snapshots until you hit an endtime or # of collection points
  • MC Performance Snapshot capability
    • Ability to save and share performance snapshots
    • Ability to view snapshots for multiple subscriptions simultaneously
    • Gap will indicate when no statistics collected, but snapshot will continue

What's New in IIDR  for LUW 10.2.1 - Released November 29, 2013 


IBM InfoSphere Data Replication for LUW V10.2.1 delivers high-volume, low-latency data replication technologies and solutions announcement letter.

Documentation for IIDR 10.2.1 can be found in the IBM Docs

Feature Overview Presentation for IIDR's CDC 10.2.1

2 Supportability Information

Required Version of Management Console (MC): 10.2.1

IIDR 10.2.1 CDC components released for:

  • Source and Targets include
    • Oracle Redo
    • DB2 LUW
    • DB2 z

Database and Platform Support for IIDR 10.2.1 in Clearinghouse

3 New Features In Depth

DDL Replication for DB2 LUW

  • DB2 LUW now supports Rules Based Replication
  • For homogeneous replication between like databases only
    • Source and Target database must have identical versions and table structures must be identical
  • Supported on DB2 LUW 10.1 and above
  • Supports DDL Operations including:

Performance Enhancements

  • Smart Ship
    • Extension of work to minimize amount of data applied to the target
    • Source and target will negotiate to determine the optimal amount of data to send
  • Minimize Network Load
    • Allows user to indicate preference when having minimal network data sent is a more important factor than having low latency
    • Default setting is off
    • In general opportunities available to CDC for reducing network data sent will also reduce overall resource consumption and reduce latency, but this is not always the case
  • Improved Handling of Large Objects (LOBs) for Oracle and DB2 LUW
    • If the size of a LOB is small enough that the database will inline the LOB data in the log, then CDC will be able to process the LOB change from the log and not have to query the source table
    • The smart ship feature can provide especially significant benefit in the case where a table has large LOB columns that are often not changed when Update operations are done (as CDC will no longer have to query the database tables for the LOB columns when not required)
  • Fast Apply
    • Support Fast Apply for a DB2 DPF source
    • Improved scalability of Fast Apply


  • Enhancements to External Refresh Command and CHCCLP
    • External Refresh now also supported for Rule Based Mappings
      • Note that DDL operations during an external load or Refresh is not handled
    • dmmarkexternalunloadstart and dmmarkexternalunloadend can also be called at a subscription level
    • CHCCLP scripting enhanced to support rules based syntax
  • Simplified tracing for Communications
    • Communication tracing is now always enabled & collected with dmsupportinfo
  • Event Messaging/Tracing Improvements
    • Event messages for DB2 LUW now include contextual information in addition to SQL error code
    • New event ID 2952 produced to indicate a transaction that has been open for over 2 hours
  • Improved Data Guard Log Shipping configuration for Oracle
    • Ability for CDC to reference the standby database's DataGuard instance to determine availability of archive logs (logs can be shipped using DataGuard log shipping, or manually and then registered with the DataGuard instance on the standby database)
4 Platform Specific Features

New Database/System Support



  • DB2 LUW v10.5 Support
    • Support equivalent to what CDC provided for DB2 v10.1
    • CDC now supports replicating tables with extended row sizes
  • CDC supports use of a remote apply configuration to target PureData appliances (Pure Data for Analytics and Pure Data for Transactions)
    • Fast load is not supported for refresh, JDBC refresh is used instead
  • DB2 LUW source will now replicate TRUNCATE (CLEAR) operations
  • As of IIDR 10.2.1 IF 17 of DB2 LUW, there is enhanced support on the ddmmarkexternalunloadstart command to support marking all the tables in a rule-based subscription without having to specify the -t option
    • In a rule-based subscription if you use the dmmarkexternalunloadstart command and omit the -t option (i.e. don't specify any tables), then command will default to marking all tables in the subscription
    • Note that a DDL change to a table during the external unload is not supported


  • Oracle Log Shipping Enhancements for running off standby server
  • Extended support for Index Organized Tables
  • As of IIDR 10.2.1 IF 10 of Oracle, there is enhanced support on the dmmarkexternalunloadstart command to support marking all the tables in a rule-based subscription without having to specify the -t option
    • In a rule-based subscription if you use the dmmarkexternalunloadstart command and omit the -t option (i.e. don't specify any tables), then command will default to marking all tables in the subscription
    • Note that a DDL change to a table during the external unload is not supported

What's New in IIDR  for z.OS 10.2.1 - Released October 25, 2013 


IBM InfoSphere Data Replication (IIDR) 10.2.1 is first being released for the z/OS platform

IBM InfoSphere Data Replication for DB2 for z/OS, V10.2.1 delivers high-volume, low-latency data replication technologies and solutions announcement letter.

IIDR 10.2.1 for z/OS IBM Docs

2 Supportability Information

Upgrade to IIDR 10.2.1 for CDC z/OS can be done directly from the following releases:

  • IIDR 10.2
  • CDC 6.5 at a current PTF level
  • CDC 6.2.1 at a current PTF level
3 New Features In Depth

Performance Enhancements

  • IFI Filtering
  • Sending Keys & Changes Only
  • Sending Changed LOB Only
  • Journal Control Field Optimization
  • Enhanced SMF Data


  • Configuration Review Report
  • Automated Mitigation of Decompression errors
  • Enhancements to Bookmark Management Utilities
4 Platform Specific Features
4.1 New Database/System Support

  • Enhanced option to react to ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN DDL
  • DB2 v11 Tolerance
    • Support for Extended RBA LRSN
    • Work-around to deal with Unicode Columns in EBCDIC Tables

InfoSphere Classic Change Data Capture for z/OS 10.1.0

There is a new IBM InfoSphere Classic Change Data Capture for z/OS which supports replication from IMS. Information on this release can be found in the Software Support Life Cycle for InfoSphere Classic CDCpage.


InfoSphere Change Data Capture a component of IBM InfoSphere Data Replication

InfoSphere Change Data Capture provides log-based replication between heterogeneous database products. It runs as a process on the same server as the CDC source (a database to be replicated) or as the CDC target (the database product that will be replicated to.) Each process as a whole is referred to as a CDC instance. CDC includes a Config tool used to create CDC instances, and which can also be used to start and stop instances.

Multiple CDC instances can be run on the same server. Instances are configured through the Management Console, a GUI tool that allows for the selection from a wide range of available options that allow CDC to meet many different replication needs.

There are separate installers for each of the following CDC-supported database platforms:

  • Oracle (log-based replication) (Source or Target)
  • Oracle (trigger-based replication) (Source or Target)
  • MS SQL Server (Source or target)
  • Sybase (Source or target)
  • DB2 for LUW (Source or target)
  • Informix (Source or target)
  • Event Server (Target as xml)
  • Teradata (Target)
  • Datastage (Target)
  • Netezza (Target)
  • CDC z (Source or Target)
  • CDC i (Source or Target)... the CDC i 6.1. FP1 has been packaged.

These databases are supported on a wide range of operating systems, with an OS-specific installer for each.


What's New in IIDR 10.2 - Released March 29, 2013 


IBM InfoSphere Data Replication (IIDR) 10.2 contains the following product components:

  • InfoSphere Change Data Capture (CDC)
  • InfoSphere Replication Server
  • InfoSphere Replication Server SQL Replication
  • InfoSphere Data Event Publisher

The InfoSphere Replication Server component has the additional main enhancements:

  • DB2 Temporal Table Support (LUW source/target)
  • Performance
    • Provide the same conflict detections and handling for uni-directional subscriptions that is used in bidirectional subscriptions
    • Use MQ performance enhancements to reduce bufferpool overrun, improving Q Apply throughput
    • Send Queue Multiplexing - Q Capture will use multiple send queues and channels for the same receive queue. Transactional consistency is preserved, and the overall throughput is improved by preventing the build up of messages at the source.
  • Dashboard included multiple usability enhancements per customer requirements

The following sections focus on the InfoSphere CDC enhancements. The main focus areas for the release were around User Experience, Performance, and extending Database support.  Some of the main advancements include:

  • Management Console Scripting Support - CHCCLP
  • Simplified Oracle Configuration
  • CDC z Apply Performance Enhancements
  • External Table Synchronization
  • Parallel Refresh of a single table (Oracle and DB2 LUW targets)
  • New Database tolerance - IBM DB2 v10, Teradata v15, Sybase 15.5, MS SQL Server 2012

IBM InfoSphere Data Replication V10.2 and InfoSphere Change Data Delivery V10.2 help streamline business processes through low-latency data replication announcement letter provides an overview of capabilities.

IBM InfoSphere Data Replication for DB2 for z/OS, V10.2 delivers high-volume, low-latency data replication technologies and solutions announcement letter.

IIDR 10.2 IBM Docs

2 Supportability Information
2.1 IIDR 10.2 CDC components released for:
  • Source and Targets include
    • Oracle Redo
    • Oracle Trigger
    • DB2 LUW
    • DB2 z
    • Informix
    • MS SQL Server
    • Sybase
  • Targets only include:
    • Netezza
    • DataStage
    • Teradata
    • Flatfile
    • Event Server

Clearinghouse - the official site for database and platform support for IIDR 10.2

3 New Features In Depth

Management Console Scripting Support- CHCCLP

  • New simpler CDC command line processor (CHCCLP) allows user to configure and monitor replication environment that: 
    • Closely resembles how the Management Console tasks work (connect to datastores, create subscriptions, map tables, control and monitor replication, etc)
    • Allows user to automate CDC actions using either:
      • Interactive command prompt
      • Command-line batch execution application
      • Embedded into a Java program interface

External Table Synchronization

  • Available on LUW and z
  • Simplifies the use of InfoSphere DataStage to perform table synchronization outside of CDC while enabling CDC to pickup mirroring afterwards 
  • Other external synchronization methods include database export/import, data movement tools, etc 
  • CDC Refresh operation handles the in-doubt (refresh while active) period when active changes are made to the tables during the table synchronization
  • Uses two new commands to mark the beginning and ending positions of the external table refresh
    • LUW
      • dmmarkexternalunloadstart
      • dmmarkexternalunloadend
    • z
      • SETMIRSTS,...,STATUS=REFRESH,LOGRANGE=(StartPosition,EndPosition)

Improved Supportability

  • IBM Support Assistant (ISA)
    • CDC's support assistant functionality is not available as part of ISA
    • PMR stamping to enable automatic extraction into a PMR
  • Significantly faster product tracing

Fast Apply

  • Extended to include Informix, SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata
  • Select optimization strategies to increase efficiency and parallelism when applying data to target databases. This can help achieve the high-volume replication required to address growing business needs.

Monitor APIs


Optimized Persistence

  • CDC now identifies long running transactions that contain few (if any) in scope changes and persists their contents periodically so as to significantly reduce the amount of data that may need to be read after an unplanned outage.
4 Platform Specific Features

CDC z Specific Enhancements

4.1.1 New Database/System Support

  • DB2 v10.1 Tolerance

Target Apply Performance Enhancements!!!

  • Pipelined Apply
    • Now formatting runs in a separate thread from the apply
  • Array Apply
    • Inserts are now batched up and applied as an array which is significantly more efficient for the database
    • Deletes are now batched up and applied in a single 'where' clause making purges much more efficient

Monitoring Support for CDC z

  • Made available as a PTF (UK71272) post CDC 6.5.0
  • Supports source and target bytes/insert/update/delete/latency stats
  • Table stats including refresh and busy table
  • Many additional lower level stats such as how much time is spent in the database

Viewing System parameters in MC

  • Can view the CDC z system parameters in the Management Console GUI

Detection and Mitigation for desynchronising actions by DB2 utilities

  • Ability to detect and provide configurable actions (stop, refresh,...) in response to DB2 utilities such as a LOAD
  • Made available as a PTF (UK70076) post CDC 6.5.0

Notifications - Ability to select specific messages to be sent to the console

  • An enabler for use with automation tools

Ability to either stop replication or idle table on an add column

  • Made available as a PTF (UK79132) post CDC 6.5.0

Miscellaneous Performance Enhancements

  • Log Cache Subscription Awareness
    • The log cache will continue to move forward only when there is at least one subscription consuming the data
    • Truncate immediate on refresh
      • Now uses TRUNCATE IMMEDIATE if configured to clear tables instead of DELETE ALL
      • Made available as a PTF (UK63467) post CDC 6.5.0
  • Target Only instance optimization
    • Instances that are only ever used as targets can be more efficient by not performing work required as a source.
    • Made available as a PTF (UK67794) post CDC 6.5.0
  • Ability to select which index is used on the target table
  • Performance Improvement for large number of tables
    • Made available as a PTF (PM37880) post CDC 6.5.0
  • Staging Space Performance Improvement
    • Removes the 2 gigabyte restriction on the Staging Store
    • Made available as a PTF (PM43358) post CDC 6.5.0

New Datatype support

    • Source only
    • No support for expressions or filtering

Temporal Table support

  • Source only support
  • Can use full temporal table support when targeting DB2 LUW temporal tables

Support for InfoSphere DataStage data lineage feature

  • Made available as a PTF (UK79704) post CDC 6.5.0

Support for 2-level Table Paths in MC

  • Previously table paths in MC were displayed in 3 levels (<db>.<owner>.<table>), now use <owner>.<table>

Reporting Enhancements

  • New reporting capabilities for source such as a Refresh Error Report, and a Mirror Error Report

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • Support for DB2 V8.1 
  • Support for DB2 V9.1 compatibility mode (NFM supported for v9.1)

DB2 LUW Specific Enhancements


New Database/System Support

  • DB2 v10.1 Tolerance

Temporal Table support

  • Allows users to replicate system and bitemporal tables
  • Business temporal tables are replicated based on database-level changes just like regular tables
  • New option in MC to specify at a subscription level to use 'source history' or 'target history'
  • Users can query using their local time zone
  • User exits supported

New Datatype support


Refresh Performance Improvement

  • Parallel Refresh for a single table if/when it can refresh tables in parallel
  • For the current table being refreshed, CDC will use four concurrent apply threads
  • CDC DB2 LUW will use parallel refresh with the JDBC apply mechanism 

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • AIX®, version
  • Linux Red Hat version 4—x86/x64
  • Sun Solaris, version 2.9—SPARC
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003—x86/x64
  • IBM®DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows, version 9.1

Netezza Specific Enhancements


New Database/System Support

  • Also supported on SUSE Linux x64, in addition to previous RedHad Linux x64 and zLinux

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • Linux Red Hat version 4—x86/x64
  • Netezza® database version 6.0.2

Oracle Specific Enhancements


Simplified Oracle Configuration

  • Configuration tool (dmconfigurets) now support advanced Oracle configuration settings
  • Simplified log shipping, RAC. ASM configuration
  • Reduced DB Dependencies
    • CDC no longer requires DBA privileges
    • DBMS_FLASHBACK package no longer required
    • Simplified and reduced supplemental logging requirements

Reduced Impact on Customer Database

  • DRSESSIONHISTORY now maintained internally instead of customer's Oracle database
  • Journal Control fields supported in Read-Only configurations

Supplemental Logging Changes

  • CDC will not try to configure supplemental logging if it is already in place (resolves issue of refreshing a table and having locks to re-add supplemental logging before starting mirroring)
  • Configuration of supplemental logging can now be fully maintained by the customer

Refresh Performance Improvement

  • Parallel Refresh for a single table
  • For the current table being refreshed, CDC will use four concurrent apply threads
  • CDC Oracle will use parallel refresh with the fastload mechanism

Oracle Specific Enhancements


New Datatype support

    • Full range of Oracle precision, including BC dates
    • Support for Oracle Redo
    • Support for Oracle Redo
    • Either offsets or region names

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • AIX®, version
  • Linux Red Hat version 4—x86/x64
  • Sun Solaris, version 2.9—SPARC
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003—x86/x64
  • Oracle 9i

Microsoft SQL Server Specific Enhancements


New Database/System Support

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Tolerance

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003—x86/x64
  • V5 Stored Procedure Interface

Sybase Specific Enhancements


New Database/System Support

  • Sybase 15.5 Tolerance

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • AIX®, version
  • Linux Red Hat version 4—x86/x64
  • Sun Solaris, version 2.9—SPARC
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003—x86/x64
  • Sybase ASE, version 12.5.3
  • Sybase ASE, version 12.5.4

Teradata Specific Enhancements


New Database/System Support

  • Supported on Linux x64, in addition to previous Windows x64, AIX
  • Teradata v14 Tolerance

    • With new NUMBER support in JDBC mode

Deprecated Items(no longer supported)

  • AIX®, version
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003—x86/x64
  • Teradata version 12.0
  • Teradata version 13.0

What's New in CDC 6.5.2 (IIDR 10.1.2) - Released December 16, 2011
1.1 IBM InfoSphere Change Data Capture V6.5.2, IBM InfoSphere Change Data Delivery V6.5.2, and IBM® InfoSphere® Data Replication version 10.1.2 introduce new capabilities that continue to extend and improve real-time data integration across heterogeneous environments. These advancements include:  The announcement letter provides an overview of capabilities.
2 Supportability Information
2.1 CDC 6.5.2 was released for:
  • Oracle Redo
  • DB2 LUW
  • Netezza
3 New Features In Depth
3.1 Fast Apply - Select optimization strategies to increase efficiency and parallelism when applying data to target databases. This can help achieve the high-volume replication required to address growing business needs.
3.2 XA Support - Capture data that was committed as part of XA transactions (global transactions that may span multiple resources). This capability is available for DB2 and Oracle sources.
4 Platform Specific Features
4.1 Netezza
4.1.1 New native apply for Netezza which supports all the current CDC sources.

What's New in 6.5.1 (IIDR V10.1.1) - Released September 16, 2011
1 Introduction
1.1 InfoSphere Change Data Capture V6.5.1 and InfoSphere Change Data Delivery V6.5.1 extend the CDC 6.5.0 capabilities to all the CDC database platforms, and introduces some key new capabilities. These advancements include:  The announcement letter provides an overview of capabilities.
2 Supportability Information
2.1 CDC 6.5.1 was released for:
  • DB2 LUW
  • Oracle Redo
  • Oracle Trigger
  • DataStage (Target)
  • MS SQL Server
  • Informix
  • Sybase
  • Event Server (Target)
  • Teradata (Target)
3 New Features In Depth
3.1 Metadata Server Integration - Productized integration with Information Server's Metadata Workbench allows InfoSphere Change Data Capture 6.5.1 to leverage its common metadata repository which is used to not only enable full data traceability from the source to target, but also serve as a base of common knowledge of the data to facilitate the understanding between Business and IT.
4 Platform Specific Features
4.1 Oracle
4.1.1 DDL for Oracle - Replication of DDL statements from Oracle to Oracle Databases are now supported. For dynamic business environments with rapid changes in data requirements (i.e. database tables are often changed, created, or dropped) InfoSphere Change Data Capture 6.5.1 now recognizes and replicates these changes to ensure minimal interruption to the business.
4.2 DB2 LUW
4.2.1 Sourcing from DB2 DPF - New support for replication from DB2 LUW sources with the Data Partitioning Feature (DPF). Ongoing data changes or updates from large DB2 environments, whether it is a partitioned DB2 database or InfoSphere Warehouse, can now be captured by InfoSphere Change Data Capture 6.5.1.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTRGZ","label":"InfoSphere Data Replication"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF051","label":"Linux on IBM Z Systems"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Product Synonym

IIDR;IDR;CDC;IBM Data Replication;IBM InfoSphere Data Replication;IBM Change Data Delivery

Document Information

Modified date:
18 April 2022

