IBM Support

Release notes for IBM Transformation Extender, Pack for Healthcare, V10.0.2.0

Release Notes


These release notes contain information on the location to download the software from, new features and enhancements, instructions on installation and configuration, known problems and workarounds, deprecated features, and the customer reported bugs that have been fixed among other information, for the IBM Transformation Extender, Pack for Healthcare, version


IBM Transformation Extender Pack for Healthcare V10.0.2.0 release notes.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014, 2019. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd, 2017, 2019. All Rights Reserved.



Where to find the software to download

The IBM Transformation Extender Pack for Healthcare can be obtained from Fix Central.




HIPAA component:

  • Support for versions 5010X298A1, 5010X299A1, 5010X300A1 of the Post Adjudicated Claims Data Reporting 837 transactions in the Compliance Check application.   
    • 5010X299A1, 5010X300A1 – From a compliance-check perspective, these are version changes only; the default are these versions now, and you need to set the parameter: Reject_Unsupported_5010_Version to “N”, if you wish to process the original transaction versions (5010X299, 5010X300) through compliance check.
    • 5010X298A1 - This includes new situational 2310F, 2420G, and 2420H NM1 loops relating to ambulance drop-off/pick up location information. HIPAA schemas and the compliance check application have been updated to support these new loops, including the two new Type 4 rules that are disabled by default for these loops.
Sample data has been updated for all 3 transactions.

HL7 component:

  • New examples for FHIR  - with mapping from FHIR input to HL7 V2 format, supported when imported on 10.0.2 Design Server.

NCPDP component:

  • Support for 2018 annual implementation and July 2019 emergency ECL updates. The updates include these new type trees:

    • ncpdp_v30_201810.mtt

    • ncpdp_v30_201810_ecl_201907.mtt

    • ncpdp_vd0_201810.mtt

    • ncpdp_vd0_201810_ecl_201907.mtt

Healthcare projects:

Healthcare projects for the ITX Design Server are included.

Documentation notes
See the IBM Transformation Extender online documentation for the latest documentation for this product.

Translated documentation:

The online documentation is provided in these languages:

  • English (United States)
  • French

For the latest product information, see the English version in the IBM Transformation Extender online documentation.

To display translated content in the online documentation:

  1. Open the online documentation. A typical URL to the documentation is shown below:
  2. Edit the URL to include the desired language code immediately after "/knowledgecenter":<language code>/SSVSD8_n.n.n/
  3. As an example, enter language code "/fr" to display French content.
  4. Remove the "/<language code>"  to return to the English display.


Exit libraries
The installation for the Pack for Healthcare, V10.0.2.0 contains a platform_support folder. The platform_support folder contains exit libraries which are used during system runtime executions for compliance checking.

IBM Transformation Extender 10.0.0 or or
The installation for the Pack for Healthcare for V10.0.2.0 provides the windows platform exit library in the platform support directory. For all other non-windows platforms, use the exit libraries in the IBM Transformation Extender runtime install\libs folder.
IBM Transformation Extender 9.0.0:
The installation for the Pack for Healthcare, V9.0.0 provides exit libraries for all supported operating systems in the platform support directory.

Installation prerequisites

Before you install this version of the pack, you must install one of the following versions of IBM Transformation Extender:


Installing the pack on Windows systems

To install the Pack for Healthcare on Windows systems, perform the following procedures:

  1. Obtain the image from Fix Central.
  2. Run either of the commands for the application and accept the license agreement: 
    hcp_1002_1002.exe, hcp_1002_1000.exehcp_1002_900.exe, or hcp_1002_841.exe
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Installation directories

The pack components are installed in the following directory:


Deployment to other operating systems

See the individual component documentation for information on deploying to other operating systems.

Uninstalling the pack

Follow these steps to uninstall the pack from Windows systems:

  1. Click Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Select the pack that you want to remove.
  3. Click Change/Remove and follow the prompts.


The following projects are extracted from the file when that file is unzipped. The projects are also in the UIProjectImports directory if you have installed over Design Studio.

The project import files are provided as a convenience and should not be used with windows based Design Studio implementations.

The UIProjectImports directory contains multiple zip files, each of which contains a project that can be imported into the Design Server.

You must have administrative privileges to import projects.

Each of the projects is described briefly in the following sections:

Project summaries

HIPAA - Compliance Check –
Contains maps, schemas and sample data for the HIPAA Compliance Checker. The maps are deployed and executed using one of the ITX API’s or with the command server to validate your data against the HIPAA 5010 Standards.

Contains maps, schemas and sample data to support the transformation and validation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 5010 Flat file format for Claims, Claim Status, and Payments.

HIPAA – Examples – 278N, HIX and 7030 –
Contains examples that demonstrate how you can enrich or transform your data using the Pack for Healthcare components.  Examples include maps and schemas for two transactions at HIPAA 7030 Draft stage, the 278 transactions for Heath Care Services Review, and the HIPAA FFE 834 Enrollment transaction.

HIPAA – Examples – X12N –
Contains schemas that support X12 standard integrity checking (WEDI SNIP Type 1 Validation) for a set of healthcare industry implementation guides produced by ASC X12's Insurance Subcommittee (X12N). These trees do not conform to the industry TR3s but to the base X12 standard. They are useful for data transformation purposes; they should not be used for data validation for any WEDI/SNIP level above 1.

HL7 Examples –
The NCPDP-SCRIPT/ HL7 mapping example is based on the NCPDP-HL7 Electronic Prescribing Coordination Mapping Document. This document provides mapping requirements for interactions between systems using HL7, and systems using NCPDP Script. This project also includes FHIR examples to map from FHIR input to HL7 V2 format.

HL7 Schemas –
The schemas describe the data exchange formats associated with Health Level Seven (HL7). The ITX user interface depicts the HL7 message structure as an expandable, contractible, set of hierarchical components. The schemas enforce compliance of HL7 transmission data with EDI Standard Integrity Testing rules.

HL7 Validation - Multiple files:

These zip files contain the maps and schemas for the HL7 Validation Utility. These maps and schemas leverage the information in the XSD schemas provided by HL7. These maps and schemas apply structure and data content rules from the schemas to the EDI data. Each zip file supports one version of HL7.
Before building the maps in any of the projects, update the settings for the HL7in card in the hl7main map to point to one of the sample files shipped with the project for that version:
 Where x is the version number. Or,  point to another data file to validate, that you added to the project after import.

HL7 Validation --
This zip file contains the maps and schemas for the HL7 Validation Utility. These maps and schemas leverage the information in the XSD schemas provided by HL7. These maps and schemas  apply  structure and data content rules from the schemas to the EDI data. In this project, only version 2.7 level messages are supported. The HL7 component in the Design Studio components supports all HL7 versions for which general schema support is provided.

NCPDP – Examples –
Contains maps and schemas to demonstrate the transformation and validation of the National Council of Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) Script standard for transmitting prescription information, and PACDR (Post Adjudication Claims Data Reporting) for detailed drug or utilization claim information.

Contains schemas that support the NCPDP retail pharmacy telecommunications (version D0), batch data (Version 1.2), and Medicaid Subrogation  (Version 3.0)  interchange formats as specified by the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP).

NCPDP Validation --
This zip file contains the maps, schemas, and sample data for the NCPDP Validation Utility.  This initial version of the NCPDP Validation Utility reports on missing mandatory segments and fields, as well as Not Used segments and fields.

In the same location as the project zip files, there is also a ncpdpValidationConfig.tar.gz file.
Before you import the file, follow these steps.
  1. Make certain that Design Server is installed and started.
  2. Create a temp directory called packs.
    For example: /home/user/packs
  3. FTP (in binary mode) the ncpdpValidationConfig.tar.gz to the packs directory defined in the previous step.
Perform the following steps in the temp directory:
  1. Untar the ncpdpValidationConfig.tar.gz file.
    For example: $ tar -zxf ncpdpValidationConfig.tar.gz
  2. Run the script.
    For example: $ ./
    This script copies the ncpdp_jexit.jar file to the ITX server.
  3. Restart Design Server: docker restart tx-server
     OPTIONAL: Run the script.
     For example: $ ./
     This script moves the ncpdp_jexit.jar file from the ITX server:
     Restart Design Server: docker restart tx-server


ICD-10 functionality

The use of International Classification of Disease, 10th Revision (ICD-10) in HIPAA had a compliance date of October 1, 2015. In order to be compliant, the type trees in the HIPAA EDI Component have been modified to allow only ICD-10 codes. The HIPAA EDI stand-alone component does not enforce the actual codes, but only the qualifiers that indicate the version of the ICD in the data.

To assist with the ICD-10 transition, the following type trees are now provided in the component to allow both the ICD-9 and ICD-10 qualifiers:


If these type trees are required, the following steps must be followed to replace the type trees in the compliance check application.

Replacing the ICD-10 compliant type trees

If both the ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes are required, you must replace the type trees in the following maps as described in the table.

Maps impacted Input card (number and name) Default type tree ICD-9 and ICD-10 type tree compliance check maps
x12t2precontentcheck #1 X12_Func_Group hipaa_x12_type_2.mtt hipaa_x12_type_2_icd9_icd10.mtt
x12t4precontentcheck #1 X12_Func_Group hipaa_x12.mtt hipaa_x12_icd9_icd10.mtt
xhipaasegmentdataaudit #1 Transaction_Set_Segments hipaa_x12_segment.mtt hipaa_x12_segment_icd9_icd10.mtt

Changes for each map impacted in compliance_check.mms

For each map impacted in the table above, make these changes:
  1. Open compliance_check.mms in the Design Studio.
  2. Double click on the executable map to select it for modification.
  3. Edit the input card for the map to point to the appropriate *_icd9_icd10 type tree instead of the default type tree.
  4. Select YES when prompted, to replace all similar type tree paths in all maps.
  5. Build the map.

Pass through maps
Maps impacted Input card (number and name) Default type tree ICD-9 and ICD-10 type tree compliance check maps
hipaa_x12_pass_through #1 HIPAA_X12_Inbound_Transmission hipaa_x12.mtt hipaa_x12_icd9_icd10.mtt
hipaa_x12_pass_through #2 HIPAA_X12_Outbound_Transmission hipaa_x12.mtt hipaa_x12_icd9_icd10.mtt
hipaa_x12_type_2 #1 HIPAA_X12_Inbound_Transmission hipaa_x12_type_2.mtt hipaa_x12_type_2_icd9_icd10.mtt
hipaa_x12_type_2 #2 HIPAA_X12_Outbound_Transmission hipaa_x12_type_2.mtt hipaa_x12_type_2_icd9_icd10.mtt

Changes to maps impacted in hipaa_x12_pass_through.mms

Follow these steps to change each map impacted in hipaa_x12_pass_through.mms:
  1. Use Design Studio to open hipaa_x12_pass_through.mms.
  2. Double-click on the executable map to select it for modification.
  3. Edit the input card listed to point to the appropriate *_icd9_icd10 type tree instead of the default type tree.
  4. Select NO when prompted to replace all similar type tree paths in all maps.
  5. Edit the Output card with the same number as the input card just modified to point to the appropriate *_icd9_icd10 type tree instead of to the default type tree.
  6. Select NO when prompted to replace all similar type tree paths in all maps.
  7. After all the maps are updated, build the maps.

Changes to other maps in the HIPAA EDI Component

The following changes must be made for any of the remaining maps:
  1. Use the Design Studio to open the map source.
  2. Double-click on the executable map to select it for modification.
  3. Edit the input or output card that is using the hipaa_x12.mtt as the default type tree to point to the hipaa_x12_icd9_icd10.mtt.

  4. When prompted, select YES to replace all similar type tree paths in all maps.

  5. After all maps are updated, build the maps.


Deprecated NCPDP report maps

The report maps listed below were previously located in the NCPDP directory: \ncpdp\maps. The maps listed have been removed as of this release.
These maps were only produced correctly if the NCPDP transactions had no errors. They are  now superseded by the true validation utility.

  • ncpcp_v3_0_request_report.mms
  • ncpcp_v3_0_response_report.mms
  • ncpcp_v5_1_request_report.mms
  • ncpcp_v5_1_ response _report.mms
  • ncpcp_vd_0_request_report.mms
  • ncpcp_vd_0_ response _report.mms
NCPDP Telecom
NCPDP Telecom type trees located in the NCPDP directory: \ncpdp\trees are removed. The only version mandated by HIPAA is VD.0. As a result the following type tress are deprecated
* ncpdp_v3_2.mtt
* ncpdp_v5_1.mtt

Versions of Telecom D.0 and Med Subrocation based on 2014 updates and earlier.

HIPAA X12 sample data
The HIPAA X12 sample data includes transmission data for the finalized HIPAA X12 transaction set definitions.
There is one file per version, or industry code, and one file that contains all of the sample data.
The naming convention includes the hipaa transaction version, and the x12 transaction numbers().

For example, the sample data for the 276 transaction defined in the HIPAA 5010X212 TR3 is named hipaa_5010_x212_276_sample.dat.
There is also a sample data file that contains all the transactions supported. This is named all_hipaa_5010_transaction_sets.dat.

CMS sample data
The CMS sample data includes transmission data for the flat file interface data formats associated with the HIPAA 5010 transaction definitions, and the finalized addenda definitions.

The sample data is based on transformations of the HIPAA X12 transaction sets data included with the Pack for Healthcare.

The naming convention includes the HIPAA transaction version, and x12 transaction number(s).

For example, the sample for the CMS 276 flat- file format is cms_flat_5010_x212_276_sample.dat.


For a list of APARs that are fixed in this version of the product, see the fix list.


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[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSQ9TT","label":"IBM Sterling Transformation Extender Pack for Healthcare"},"Component":"Pack for Healthcare","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 October 2022

