IBM Support

New features and other changes in Rational ClearCase version 9.0.2.x

Question & Answer


What are the new features and other changes in ClearCase®?


Descriptions of the changes are organized by version-specific tabs.


Decorate eclipsing resources in dynamic/automatic views

On the preferences page of Rational® ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) for Eclipse, the Decorate eclipsing resources in dynamic/automatic views option is renamed to Decorate eclipsing resources in dynamic/automatic views (requires restart). If you want to decorate or not decorate eclipsing resources in the ClearTeam Details view, you should enable or disable this option and restart CTE.


  • When installing or updating or uninstalling ClearCase on a Windows platform, the installation process is improved to avoid a reboot of your system if the MVFS is successfully loaded or unloaded. If you are installing ClearCase on a system for the first time or reinstalling after a successful uninstall, then a reboot is not required. Some situations might still require a reboot, which is normal. However, if you are uninstalling ClearCase, or updating to a newer version, ensure that there are no open references to MVFS resources to avoid the reboot. The ClearCase Control Panel now displays a list of processes that have reference to MVFS resources when you press the Stop ClearCase button on the Services tab. By closing the processes with references to MVFS resources, you can avoid the need for a reboot. For more information, see technote
  • The rcleartool command-line interface is now automatically configured by the installation process. The setup process that was previously required when running rcleartool for the first time is now not required.

IBM Rational ClearCase Admin Console GUI

On the IBM® Rational ClearCase Admin Console GUI on Windows, when you click the View Name in All Views section or VOB Name in All VOBs, the respective Properties dialog opens as expected.

Cadence Virtuoso integration enhancements

When you set the CCASE_CDS_SIMPLIFIED_MSG environmental variable to TRUE, now Cancel check-out messages will also be logged into the Command Interpreter Window in a simplified form along with the existing check-in and check-out messages.

Changes to commands

The lsbl command, when executed with the -stime_desc option, can print the baseline list in reverse or descending order based on the timeline.

New platform support

For platform requirements, see the Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) tool.

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote


Cadence Virtuoso integration enhancements

The Restore Manager option is now available in the Library Manager (earlier, it was in the Work Area Manager). You can restore uncataloged elements using Restore Manager.

Microsoft Visual Studio integration enhancements

  • After integrating IBM® Rational ClearCase with Microsoft Visual Studio, projects added in ClearCase® now show glyphs and context menus when you open a project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and later versions. Additionally, now you can check out the project. For more information, see technote
  • After integrating ClearCase® with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, you can now create a new project from the Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 UI. You can still create a new project from Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 after clearing the cache or resetting the user data.

Eclipse 4.25

The IBM® Rational ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) plugin offering now supports Eclipse 4.25.

New platform support

For platform requirements, see the Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) tool.

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote


Cadence Virtuoso integration enhancements

The Restore Manager option is now available on the ClearCase menu of the Work Area Manager (WAM). You can restore uncataloged elements using Restore Manager.


ClearCase® and later now support RHEL 9. The prerequisite packages for RHEL 9 are different from RHEL 8. For more information about the prerequisite packages, see technote

AWS Government Cloud (GovCloud)

AWS Government Cloud (GovCloud) support was added to ClearCase®, updating our AWS support for secure cloud solutions. For more information, see the updated ClearCase® in AWS white paper.

Eclipse 4.22

The IBM® Rational ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) plugin offering now supports Eclipse 4.22.


The JRE delivered with this release has new trusted public certificate authorities in the truststore. If you have customized your truststores in previous releases, take the new truststores from this release and reintegrate in your local changes. For information about upgrading to a new release when you configure SSL certificates, see the "Upgrading to a new release" section in technote

Depending on your operating system, these are the updated truststore file paths. You can compare the updated templates to your versions in the corresponding path names without the .template suffix.

  • UNIX: /var/adm/rational/clearcase/config/cacert.pem.template
  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\config\ccrc\ccrc_ucmcq_key.*.template

New platform support

For platform requirements, see the Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) Tool

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote


Cadence Virtuoso integration enhancements

In the Check In dialog box, there is now a Comment field for you to add a comment after you have selected the Apply Label Post Checkin checkbox for checking in and labeling the files simultaneously.

ClearCase Remote Client Repair Discordance

As of ClearCase®, the NullPointerException error is no longer displayed when a repair discordance action is run on a VOB root element inside a web view in the ClearCase® Remote Client even when the client and server state are in sync and there is no actual discordance. For more information, see

New platform support

For platform requirements, see the Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) Tool

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote


OS native installer for MVFS, Linux only

As of this release, on Linux only, the multiversion file system (MVFS) is installed through the OS native installer when using IBM Installation Manager. Note that the Configuration panel in the Installation Manager related to the MVFS module is no longer displayed. In the unlikely case that the installation of the MVFS fails, a warning displays at the end of the installation. The installation of the rest of ClearCase completes normally.

Cadence Virtuoso integration enhancements

  • Added new environment variable CCASE_CDS_SIMPLIFIED_MSG. If the environment variable is set to TRUE, the check-in and check-out messages will be logged into the Command Interpreter Window (CIW) in a simplified form.
  • Now, a warning message is displayed in the Cannot CheckIn/Cannot Cancel Checkout dialog box when you accidentally do a check-in or do a check-out of an edited view in the Library Manager. This helps to avoid an override of the changes.
  • While checking in files from the Library Manager or Work Area Manager (WAM) or cellview editors, now you have the option to do the check-in and label simultaneously. To do this, select the Apply Label Post Checkin checkbox on the Check In dialog box and enter the appropriate values in the Label Operations and the Label Options fields.

Changes to commands

Now, the composite and recommended baselines from the public and private VOBs cannot be removed by default when using the rmbl command. When the rmbl command is executed with the [ –public ] argument, only the composite and recommended baselines from the public VOB cannot be removed.

ClearTeam Explorer (CTE)

  • IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer now supports derived objects.
  • For IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer, the ClearCase Search feature is enabled for Dynamic views. On the ClearCase Search dialog box, use the Checked out resources option to do a search for the checked-out files at the View level only. For more information, see also technote


  • While installing the ClearCase product package using the Installation Manager GUI, you can now select the versions of Microsoft Visual Studio that you want to integrate with ClearCase. This feature is only enabled when Microsoft Visual Studio is already installed on your computer. For supported versions of Microsoft Visual Studio, see the Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) Tool
  • The name of the Automatic View Client feature is changed to Automatic Views in the ClearCase product package.

ClearCase CCRC WAN servers on Apache Tomcat

You can now use the Tomcat server to host an automatic view WAN server. For more information, see technote

New platform support

For platform requirements, see the Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) Tool

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote

Other features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs

To learn about features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs, see technote For example, as of, ClearCase® can support running the CCRC WAN server in Tomcat; and as of, ClearCase® can support automounting of VOB tags and asynchronous license acquisition. All features and changes made available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs are also included in 9.0.2 and later.


Cadence Virtuoso integration enhancements

The Check-out function and the Check-in function now support multiline comments.

Changes to commands

By default, the checkvob command skips an element that is already locked and indicates the element was skipped. Now, the checkvob command can analyze the locked element for a problem if invoked with the -process_locked argument. Additionally, the checkvob [-process_loc/ked] command indicates for any issue found in the locked element, though the issue cannot be fixed.

ClearTeam Explorer (CTE)

While logging in to CTE using the SmartCard option, now you can use a customized friendly name instead of the default name CTESmartCardCert for the authentication. To use the customized friendly name, create the file .cte_cert_label (for ClearCase®) or .cmi_cert_label for (for ClearQuest®) under the HOME directory on the client side. Additionally, the file must contain the same friendly name as provided in the SmartCard certificate.


Ubuntu 20.04.01 supports only 64-bit ClearCase®.

New platform support

  • Windows 10 CU 20H2
  • WebSphere Application Server / IBM HTTP Server 
  • Samba 4.12.6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.3
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.9
  • Ubuntu 18.04.5
  • Ubuntu 20.04.01
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP2

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote

Other features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs

To learn about features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs, see technote For example, as of, ClearCase® can support running the CCRC WAN server in Tomcat; and as of, ClearCase® can support automounting of VOB tags and asynchronous license acquisition. All features and changes made available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs are also included in 9.0.2 and later.


Audited Build Executor

For parallel or distributed builds, clearmake is updated to address a specific scenario related to a build host override with the NOTPARALLEL targets. This change helps to prevent an Audited Build Executor (ABE) reassignment that could result in a stuck build. This update is applicable to override builds, or builds where makefiles or environment variables contain the CCASE_BLD_HOST variable, and the build server host list changes for different targets.

Cadence Virtuoso integration enhancements

  • The WorkArea Manager (WAM) can now recover items with a version as "checkedout but removed" in a dynamic view. As part of this change, Recover checkedout but removed files is now available on the ClearCase menu.
  • In the ClearCase-Cadence integration, if a user cancels a checkout of a version and provides the -keep option, then the _keep file is created irrespective of any change made to the checked-out file. The _keep backup file is created only if the element is changed and the CCASE_CDS_CANCEL_WITH_KEEP environment variable is set.

Changes to commands

The setcs command now provides an option to update the configuration specification (also referred to as the config spec) separately if invoked with the -nupdate argument without updating the snapshot view. To update the snapshot view, you can use cleartool update. The setcs -nupdate command helps to update the config spec successfully irrespective of existing or non-existing load rules.


ClearCase® now supports Installation Manager 1.9.x.

New platform support

  • Windows 10 CU 2004
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.2
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.8

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote

Other features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs

To learn about features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs, see technote For example, as of, ClearCase® can support running the CCRC WAN server in Tomcat; and as of, ClearCase® can support automounting of VOB tags and asynchronous license acquisition. All features and changes made available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs are also included in 9.0.2 and later.


Audited Build Executors

For parallel or distributed builds, the Audited Build Executor (ABE) session tracking limits the number of ABEs to be equal to the -J value or the number of build server hosts, whichever is smaller. This update is applicable to override builds, or builds where makefiles or environment variables contain the CCASE_BLD_HOST variable and the build server host list changes for different targets.

ClearTeam Explorer (CTE)

When you use the Add to Source Control option in ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) and select the Include descendant artifacts of the selected directories option, then the Checkout artifacts after adding to source control option is disabled. This update helps to avoid the automatic deletion of files from a folder when you select the Undo Checkout option.

Changes to commands

Clearmake builds now execute correctly with the -v option during the normal Clearmake executions. Previously, clearmake builds executed with the -v option used to cause an inadvertent error message even though the build continued successfully (Error: Unable to invoke operation "compare" for manager "text_file_delta": No child processes).

New platform support

  • Windows 10 version 1909 (November 2019 Update)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1
  • Ubuntu 18.04.03 with 4.15.0-55 and 5.0.0-23 (HWE) kernels
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server or Desktop 12 SP5
  • AIX 7.2 TL4
  • Eclipse 4.11

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote

Other features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs

To learn about features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs, see technote For example, as of, ClearCase® can support running the CCRC WAN server in Tomcat; and as of, ClearCase® can support automounting of VOB tags and asynchronous license acquisition. All features and changes made available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs are also included in 9.0.2 and later.



  • Launchpad is no longer available. If you want to use IBM® Installation Manager to install ClearCase® and you do not already have it, you must manually download and install Installation Manager. To get Installation Manager, see technote
  • The Roll Back function in IBM® Installation Manager is not supported between major ClearCase® product versions such as 9.0.2 and 9.0.1.x. For more information, see technote


Crypt::SSLeay v0.72 is removed from the product due to incompatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1d.

If you use ratlperl, ccperl, cqperl, SSL/TLS connections, LWP::UserAgent, and Crypt::SSLeay in your own perl scripts, you are affected by this change.

The suggested fix is to stop importing the Crypt::SSLeay SSL implementation module in your perl scripts and letting LWP::Protocol::https default (or explicitly use) to the provided IO::Socket::SSL module.

About upgraded Net::SSLeay to version 1.88, for change history and usage, see

About upgraded IO::Socket::SSL to version 2.066, for change history and usage, see

If you use ratlperl, ccperl, cqperl, and use either Net::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL, then you are affected by these changes. See the corresponding module documentation for interface changes.

ClearCase on AWS

ClearCase® can run successfully on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. AWS provides virtual machines and other services that can be used to run ClearCase® servers and clients. For more information, see the article Using ClearCase in AWS.

Status of the feature level

The ClearCase® VOB feature level is unchanged in this release. For more information on feature levels and ClearCase® releases, see technote

Changes to automatic views

The functionality of the automatic views feature is unchanged in this release. For more information about automatic views, see technote

Other features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs

To learn about features and changes that are available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs, see technote For example, as of, ClearCase® can support running the CCRC WAN server in Tomcat; and as of, ClearCase® can support automounting of VOB tags and asynchronous license acquisition. All features and changes made available in the 9.0.1.x fix packs are also included in 9.0.2 and later.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L0i5AAC","label":"ClearCase"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0.2","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 October 2023

