IBM Support

nextract Plus for HMC REST API Performance Statistics

How To


nextract pulls statistics from the Power Systems HMC by using the HMC Performance and Capacity Monitoring REST API in to three useful formats or graphs. This is called "nextract plus" as it extracts performance statistics, energy statistics (Temperature and Watts) and Shared Storage Pools (SSP) statistics.

This nextract tool is not an IBM product, so there is no IBM support.
It is the personal project of the author.
All of the program Python source code and sample data is available in the download file.


Nigels Banner


About nextract_plus generally:
  • Extracts data from the Hardware Management Console (HMC) REST API and is written in Python 3.
    You must have a recent version of Python available. Python 2.x is not supported at all.
  • This version gets every available Performance Statistics for Power Servers, Virtual I/O Server, Hypervisor, Logical Partition (virtual machine) and writes it to an InfluxDB for graphing with Grafana (or other tools).
  • Included in this version are the Python programs for Power Systems energy (electrical Watts and Temperatures) and Shared Storage Pools (SSP).
  • The matching Grafana dashboard for the performance statistics offers 70+ performance graphs many covering multiple statistics, 24 information single statistic, or configuration detail panels.
  • The statistic data can be saved to a
    1. Saved to a comma-separated values file (CSV)
    2. Used to generated Google chart webpages of graphs
    3. More importantly save the data to the InfluxDB time-series database for graphing by Grafana.
      This later option is the recommended use as it allows long-term data collection of the statistics and flexible user graphing.
This version includes:
  • Many bug fixes, code refactoring, and enhancements.
  • The Python programs are:
    • for the Performance statistics.
    • for the Watts and temperatures.
    • for the Shard Storage Pool (SSP).
    • a Python module for used to hide the complexity of the HMC REST API as it returns multiple level XML, file name lists, and JSON data.
    • for generating the webpage (.html file) that uses JavaScript calls to the Google Chart library for graphing.
    • Also, some sample config files.
  • A single JSON file is used for the parameters of all the Python programs

Data flow diagram of nextract_plus
  • I am using Red Hat Enterprise 8 and AIX 7.3. You could use other versions of Linux but Nigel can't offer full support on them.
  • AIX 7.3 includes Python 3.9 but you can install Python on AIX 7.2 from the AIX open source toolbox.
  • nextract_plus draws data from the HMC so it needs an HMC user account to log in. To make it obvious in a list of user accounts on the HMC, I use an account called nextractplus.
  • (in the diagram) also includes the and programs.
  • All the programs can share a single JSON format configuration file.  I use one config per HMC to keep things simple.
  • Depending on the config the data is saved to a .csv file, a .html web page file or directly into InfluxDB.

UPDATE: Notes for running Python on AIX:
  1. Use a freshly installed AIX 7.3 release as it includes Python 3.9 in the default installation and best for using AIX Open Source Toolkit packages.
  2. Install python3 pip module: 
    # dnf install python-pip.noarch
  3. Then, install the influxDB python client module 
    # python3 -m pip install influxdb
  4. I access python 3 using the command (from the $PATH list) /usr/bin/python3, which is a symbolic like to /usr/opt/python3/bin/python3.9
  5. Make sure the and python programs refer to /usr/bin/python3 in the "hash bang" first line.
    $ head
    # nextract_plus for InfluxDB and Grafana graphs
    import hmc_pcm as hmc
    import time
    import sys
    import json
    measures = 0
  6. And it then works with no changes.

HMC Assumptions 
It is assumed:
  1. You have a log in account on an HMC with hscroot user access rights.
  2. Your Power Systems are POWER8 S822, POWER8 S824, POWER9 S922, POWER9 S924, Power10 S1022, or Power10 S1024. 
  3. The Enterprise Servers do not appear to support the energy REST API. In particular: E880, E980, and E1080.
  4. POWER7 scale-out servers are unreliable.
  5. Your HMC is running version 9 or version 10 software with all available updates. 
It is assumed:
  1. You are running nextract_plus on Linux or AIX. It can work on MacOS or Windows as Python, InfluxDB and Grafana are available but you are on your own.
  2. You have InfluxDB 1.9.* (not tested on InfluxDB 2+ yet) and Grafana 9.* available.  Do not use older versions. Both tools come in 3 editions: 
    1. The open source edition - free to download and use on a wide range of AMD64 hardware and operating systems. For Power Systems AIX or RHEL download from and
    2. Enterprise edition (to run on your own AMD64 based server) - requires a purchase or
    3. Cloud edition (to run on the vendors servers within their Cloud service) - requires renting the service.
    4. Any edition works - Nigel is using the open source edition as it is cheap and simpler to get going.
  3. You have Python 3 available.

Update if you intend to use InfluxDB and Grafana:
In addition to Python 3 and the "requests" python package (often installed as default with Python itself), you need the InfluxDB Client Python module.  This module sends the stats to InfluxDB. Use the following command:
$ sudo python3 -m pip install influxdb
Note: "pip" is used to download Python modules.  The influxDB reference here is for the Python module for the API to InfluxDB.
To check the modules installed, use: 
$ sudo python3 -m pip list
Package         Version
--------------- ----------
influxdb        5.3.1
Note: InfluxDB client module version is 5.3 or higher.
When your server has no Internet access:
If the server (virtual machine) being used to run InfluxDB or running nextract_plus is not on the Internet, then the "pip install" does not work. There can be other ways install but it worked for me.
On an Internet connected VM running Python3 do the following:
mkdir temp
cd temp
python3 -m pip download influxdb

# List packages
ls -1
Move these files to a fresh directory on the VM running I suggest tar and sftp.
# As root
python3 -m pip install *

Installing the Grafana Dashboard Graphs for nextract_plus
The dashboards are a JSON file that you import into your copy of Grafana that uses the admin account on your Grafana website.
The Dashboard can be found on the website -
You can search for "nextractplus" or go directly to here -
Click the panel to get more information, download the .json file, or if your Grafana server is connected to the Internet make a note of the Dashboard ID to import it directly
Grafana IDs: 
  1. nextractplus_v41_Performance ID = 17248
  2. nextractplus_v41_energy ID = 17259
  3. nextractplus_v41_SSP ID = 17261
Newer Grafana Dashboards require the Pie-chart plug-in.
See the following for installing the plug-in instructions - a simple one line command and a restart of Grafana


  • The nextract_plus code and matching Grafana Dashboard are not downloaded from GitHub:
    • Size: 54 KB
    • Date: Dec 2023
    •  Improved debug.
    • Added logging of the output statistics to InfluxDB.  Set log = 1 inside the file. Data saved to output_log.json
    •  Fix for connecting to InfluxDB 2+ using a URL, Organisation, and Token
    • Note: Upgrade the program. Collect data for 2 hours. Then, look at data from the last hour. Otherwise, you have data points in one graph with and without the new tags. This combination can be confusing.
  • License
    • Is only around 700 lines of simple Python code.
    • It is more like a "code sample" converting HMC REST API JSON format data into InfluxDB line protocol "measurement" JSON format data and adding sending the data to a InfluxDB time-series database. Both of these data formats are publicly documented by their vendors - IBM and Influxdata.
    • A code sample does not require a license or copyright.


On the HMC, setup "Data Collection" for your Servers

Log in to your HMC and the "All Systems" view

HMC list of logical partitions (Virtual Machines).

Select a POWER8 and POWER9 server and switch on "Data Collection":

  1. Click the tiny "pie chart" button.
  2. Select mini Pie chart
  3. If the upper right "Data Collection" is light green colored, then it is already on.
  4. If not, click the "O" button.  Note: "O" means off and a "|" means on.
  5. Switch on data collections
  6. You get a panel stating "Enable Data Collection"
  7. Enabled data collections
  8. Warning: This "Enabling" does not happen immediately but takes 10 minutes as a background activity.  The user interface does not get immediately updated, so don't bother trying to enable it again.
  9. Check that it worked about 20 minutes later for the green color and a "|".
  10. Now it is switched on

Data Collection

Each time you run the program, it collects the Performance data

  • For the previous two hours
  • At a sample rate of every five-minutes
  • In an aggregated format - the average over the five-minute interval.

If you run the program, once an hour then you get one ours worth of overlapping data.  This overlap is not a problem as the overlapped data is exactly that same numbers. This overlapping data can be reloaded into InfluxDB with no problems and no duplication of data. To reduce the compute time running the program, you could run the program once every two hours but then you have to wait up to two hours to see recent data. You have to decided what you want to do.  There is not point in running it faster than once every 5 minutes.

I suggest:

  • Running hourly using your crontab
    • Once an hour, insures a good overlap that can help, if a virtual machine running the program or the machine running InfluxDB service is unavailable, being updated or rebooting.
  • And if you want the latest data, right now, then run the program by hand.
  • Make up your own mind. 
    • Capturing too often, does no harm but waits compute time.
    • Capturing not often enough, means gaps in your graphs.
Creating the InfluxDB version 1 database for nextract_plus data
If you have an existing nextract database for the older "nextract", for example, version 14 or 17 then do NOT use it for nextract_plus. Create a fresh database.
On the InfluxDB server:
$ influx
> show databases
> create database nextractplus
> show databases
> exit
After "" is edited and created the new database, you can run the extraction of the data.
Creating the InfluxDB version 2 database for nextract_plus data
  • These settings are determined during the initial InfluxDB setup that uses the InfluxDB graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Make a note of the organization, bucket, and token settings

The code and files:

  1. - unchanged from previous versions
  2. - new code to extract all the statistics.
    The previous version did the basics at Server level and totals for the LPAR (VM) level.
  3. nextractplus_v41_Performance-<number>.json The Grafana Dashboard definition, which matches this new code level.

The configuration parameters for the three nextractplus Python programs are stored in a JSON format config file.

To create a config file run:

$ ./ >example_config.json

$ cat example_config.json
Usage:  ./ version 41
./ filename.json - use the JSON file to find the parameters
Example config.json
"hmc_hostname": "hmc15",
"hmc_user": "pcmadmin",
"hmc_password": "panda123sausages!",
"output_nchart": 0,
"output_json": 0",
"output_csv": 0,
"comment1": "Valid setting for output_influx = 0 (off), 1 or 2",
"output_influx": 1,
"comment2": "InfluxDB 1.x options",
"ihost": "myinflux",
"iport": "8086",
"idbname": "nextractplus",
"iuser": "fred",
"ipassword": "blogs",
"comment3": "InfluxDB 2.x options",
"iurl": "",
"ibucket": "default",
"iorg": "IBM",
"itoken": "123456780..abcdefg_etc.",
"comment4": "other parameters are ignored",
"comment5": "last name=value line has no ending comma"

Remove those top three lines from the config file so it looks like this:

"hmc_hostname": "hmc15",
"hmc_user": "pcmadmin",
"hmc_password": "panda123sausages!",
"output_nchart": 0,
"output_json": 0",
"output_csv": 0,
"comment1": "Valid setting for output_influx = 0 (off), 1 or 2",
"output_influx": 1,
"comment2": "InfluxDB 1.x options",
"ihost": "myinflux",
"iport": "8086",
"idbname": "nextractplus",
"iuser": "fred",
"ipassword": "blogs",
"comment3": "InfluxDB 2.x options",
"iurl": "",
"ibucket": "default",
"iorg": "IBM",
"itoken": "123456780..abcdefg_etc.",
"comment4": "other parameters are ignored",
"comment5": "last name=value line has no ending comma"

Notes on these parameters:

  1. The program parameters are JSON format file. JSON files are easy to parse into a Python dictionary. Any mistakes in the JSON format stop Python evaluating the parameters. Double check you have matching double quotation marks for string values and the item before the final curly closing brace does NOT have a comma.
  2. Set the hmc_hostname to the hostname of your Hardware Management Console (HMC). You need one config file for each.
  3. Set the  hmc_username, and hmc_password to an account on the HMC with full hscroot access.
  4. If you want a html webpage output, which uses Google charts for the graphs, set output_nchart = 1. 
  5. If you want the stats in JSON format, set output_json = 1. 
  6. If you want a comma-separated values file output, set output_csv = 1. 
  7. If you want the data sent to InfluxDB version 1, set output_influx = 1.
  8. If you want the data sent to InfluxDB version 2, set output_influx = 2.
  9. If output_influx = 1 then you need to set the following details
    1. Set ihost  - To the InfluxDB servers hostname.
    2. Set iport - To the network port being used by Influx 1. The default is 8086.
    3. Set idatabase - To the database that you created in InfluxDB 1. I recommend "nextractplus".
    4. If you set a username and password for InfluxDB access, then set iuser and ipassword. If iuser and ipassword are not needed, then they are ignored by InfluxDB.
  1. If output_influx = 2 then you need to set the following details
    1. Set iurl - To "https://" + the InfluxDB servers hostname followed by ":8086".  Assuming you are using the default InfluxDB port.
    2. Set ibucket - To the bucket (similar to a database name in InfluxDB 1), that you created as part of the InfluxDB setup. The default is "default". Advanced users can have multiple buckets too.
    3. Set iorg - To the users organization - that you created during the initial setting up InfluxDB 2.
    4. itoken - T0to the security token. You have to find the token on the Influx GUI for your user. The token is a long string of letters and numbers.
Creating the InfluxDB database for nextract_plus data
If you have an existing nextract database for the older "nextract", for example, version 14 or 17 then do NOT use it for nextract_plus. Create a fresh database.
On the InfluxDB server:
$ influx
> show databases
> create database nextractplus
> show databases
> exit
After "" is edited and created the new database, you can run the extraction of the data.
Run nextract_plus

Have all the Python programs in the same directly.

Simply run the Python code: ./

The output starts like this (the sample includes a server called P9-S924-red):

$ ./
-> Logging on to hmc15 as hmc_username nag
-> Get Preferences
-> Parse Preferences
-> ALL servers:
-> Server name=P8-S822-lemon    agg=false longterm=false - remove 
-> Server name=P9-S924-red      agg=true  longterm=true  - OK 
-> Server name=P7-p730b-green   agg=false longterm=false - remove 
-> Server name=P7-p710b-cyan    agg=false longterm=false - remove 
-> . . . 
-> Servers with Perf Stats

--> Server=1 Getting filenames for P9-S924-red
---> Received 17 file(s) in 3.26 seconds
---> Server=P9-S924-red File=1 ManagedSystem_0870cd27-ae34-3421-89e3-4825132237ce_20210119T104500+0000_20210119T124400+0000_30.json
---> Server=P9-S924-red File=2 LogicalPartition_5F0A663B-4EB1-424F-8643-7F417A8C9C97
---> Server=P9-S924-red File=3 LogicalPartition_085A4C6C-2ADF-4016-A33B-6602FA85665F
---> Server=P9-S924-red File=4 LogicalPartition_20D78650-9D62-415E-A882-C903A3DBAA2F
--->  . . .

---> Save readable JSON File=1 bytes=5088640
----> ServerInfo name=P9-S924-red mtms=9009-42A*7804930 type=Processed frequency=30 seconds
----> ServerInfo----> ServerInfo Date=2021-01-19 start=10:45:00 end=12:44:00
----> Server=P9-S924-red Filenames XML File=2 bytes=1319
----> Server=P9-S924-red Filenames XML File=3 bytes=1319
----> Server=P9-S924-red Filenames XML File=4 bytes=1319
----> Server=P9-S924-red Filenames XML File=5 bytes=1319
---->  . . .

Influx added 25089 records Server=P9-S924-red

The output is then followed by the details for each server.

If you get errors like this

* ERROR Server:P8-E850-ruby LPAR vm96withSSDviaVIOS3-4: status=2 errId=4002 from=VirtualIOServer
* ERROR Description="=vios: 3 is not in running state on Managed System: 8408-E8E*21D494V"

* ERROR Server:P8-E850-ruby LPAR vm96withSSDviaVIOS3-4: status=2 errId=3004 from=ManagedSystem
* ERROR Description="=Failed to fetch SRIOV adapter physical port statistics due to a technical error."

Then, nextract_plus keeps going but you need to investigate.

The first ERROR line points out that I have a Virtual I/O Server that is shut down. In my example case, it is a temporary test VIOS so that is not unexpected.

The second ERROR needs to be reporting by a PMR to be investigated

Note on ERROR:

  • The code eliminates the reporting of duplicates otherwise the same error can be reported for every LPAR = 100's of times.
  • Apparently, the HMC reports issues that are not a hard error, more like warnings or observations.

Setting up the Grafana Dashboard:

First, add the "nextractplus" InfluxDB database as a data source:

Adding a new data source

Click "Add data source" button:

Select the add data source button

Select InfluxDB from the list of support data sources:

Select the InfluxDB source type

Add the data source detail - I used mainly the defaults:

Set up the various fields

Add the Grafana Dashboard

Next, add the working example of the nextract_plus Grafana Dashboard:

Plus button then Import button

Click "Upload JSON file" button:


Select the file nextract_plus_v20-1611011229698.json from the downloaded the .zip compressed file. Check the data source (lowest field) has the "nextractplus" as the data source:


And click the "Import" button.

The graph dashboard is displayed.  Select a time-range suitable for the amount of data that you collected so for example, the last hour or 2 days, depending on how load you have regularly run nextract_plus.

The nextract_plus Dashboard

Here are the first few screens on my 27-inches screen:

top graphsgraph 2

graph 3

graph 4

graph 5

graph 6

Notes on the nextract_plus Dashboard:

  1. Select a suitable time range.
  2. There are many pages of graphs to scroll down too.
  3. Grafana does "lazy displaying".  The term means it does not draw the graphs that are not visible on the screen to reduce spikes on your workstation CPU as the dashboard is first displayed.  If you scroll down and the graph area is visible, it takes a few seconds to draw them.
  4. The three dashboard variables at the top named "Servername", "viosname", and "LPARname" are not interlinked. So the VIOS named might not be on the Server selected. The same goes for the "LPARname."  If you select a VIOS that is not on the selected Server, then you get "N/A" or "No Data" warnings.
  5. The "Graphs including All LPARS" means the LPAR on the Selected Server. These graphs show the LPARs on the Server selected - which is useful. But on Servers with 100's of LPARs is going to become a mess due to too many names and graph lines - best to zoom in on the graph.  Hint: hover the cursor over the graph and type: v
  6. The time per instruction often shows nothing unless the server is busy.
  7. The Dashboard needs more work.

Reporting problems:

  1. Make sure you have the usernames and password correct by trying them by hand.
  2. Switch on debug output in the "" program "debug=1
  3. Run the program and save all the output:
    ./ config.json  1>plus.out   2>plus.err
  4. Return the two files
  5. Run the following "influx" commands.  These commands are interesting, even if you have no problems as it confirms you have data in InfluxDB.
  6. $influx
    > show databases
    > use nextractplus
    > show measurements
    > select count(*) from server_details
    > select count(*) from vios_details
    > select count(*) from lpar_details
    > select LAST(*) from server_details
    > select LAST(*) from vios_details
    > select LAST(*) from lpar_details
    > exit
  7. Return the output

Warranty = none

  • It is strictly "at your own risk".
  • As nextract_plus only passively takes data from the HMC, it does not create any HMC objects. 
  • Recent HMC code versions seem to clean up failed REST API sessions.
  • If there are problems on the InfluxDB side, then disabling is easy.  Use the "influx" command to "drop database nextractplus" to remove all the old data and stops any data further saving of the data. 

Reference Material
This documentation is the definitions of the JSON data format that nextract_plus is extracting!
nextract_plus Uses the same variable names as found in the JSON data. If you raise a Support Case (PMR), consistent variable names are helpful.
Note: there are roughly 6 levels on nested data that needs simplification for InfluxDB.
HMC REST API for Performance and Capacity Management (PCM) JSON Spec from IBM Docs

Additional Information

Hardware Management Console REST APIs document: 
Managed System nextract_plus Version 31 nextract_plus Version 32 onwards (if different from 31) Tested
systemFirmware server_details Yes
processor server_processor Yes
memory server_mem server_memory Yes
physicalProcessorPool server_physicalProcessorPool Yes
sharedMemoryPool (Active Memory Sharing = AMS) server_sharedMemoryPool NO 1
sharedProcessorPool server_sharedProcessorPool Yes
network sriovAdapters Ports server_sriovport server_sriov Yes
network HEAdapters Ports (older SRIOV type technology not available on POWER8 or POWER9) server_HEAport server_hea NO 2
VIOS vios_details Yes
memory vios_memory Yes
processor vios_processor Yes
network clientLpars list vios_network_lpars Yes
network genericAdapters vios_network_generic Yes
network sharedAdapters vios_network_shared Yes
network virtualEthernetAdapters vios_network_virtual Yes
network sriovLogicalPorts vios_network_sriov NO 3
storage clientLpars list vios_storage_lpars Yes
storage genericVirtualAdapters vios_storage_genericVirtual vios_storage_virtual Yes
storage genericPhyiscalAdapters vios_storage_genericPhysical vios_storage_physical Yes
storage fiberChannelAdapters vios_storage_FC Yes
storage sharedStoragePool vios_storage_SSP Yes
LPAR lpar_details Yes
memory lpar_mem lpar_memory Yes
processor lpar_processor Yes
network virtualEthernetAdapters lpar_net_virtual Yes
network sriovLogicalPorts
BUG totally the wrong name
lpar_net_sriov NO 4
storage genericVirtualAdapters lpar_storage_vSCSI 
NO 5
storage virtualFiberChannelAdapters lpar_storage_virtual_FC lpar_storage_vFC
  • The "network sriovLogicalPorts" had a large bug. It had the wrong measurement name and duplicate with "lpar_net_virtual".
  • The HMC some statistics are adapters and some ports, which then have adapters names and port details with is unnecessary - IMHO.
  • Some measurements are renamed for consistency and clarity.
  • From the tested column:
    • The rows marked with "Yes"are tested from my own HMC and servers and included in the new Grafana dashboard graphs for this new version 32.
    • The rows marked with a "NO" are resources that I do not have examples of so the HMC does not give details of what the stats look like. In particular, statistics like resource names and IDs.  A program was developed to fake these resources and so graph them but it is a shot in the dark. These graphs are at the end of the nextract_plus dashboard for version 32 onwards under a banner of Experimental Graphs.
    • If you have these resources, I would like examples from you in a JSON format file
    • Then, run a capture and send the file in the current directory called nextract_plus.json to me Compress the output file to reduce the file size with gzip or zip
Some useful Influx CLI commands
> show databases
name: databases

> use nextractplus
Using database nextractplus

> show measurements
name: measurements

> show field keys 
name: lpar_details
fieldKey      fieldType
--------      ---------
affinityScore integer
id            integer
name          string
osType        string
state         string
type          string

name: lpar_memory
fieldKey             fieldType
--------             ---------
backedPhysicalMem    float
logicalMem           float
virtualPersistentMem float

name: server_details
fieldKey          fieldType
--------          ---------
APIversion        string
assignedMem       float
frequency         integer
metric            string
mtm               string
name              string
nextract          string
utilizedProcUnits float

. . . .

name: vios_details
fieldKey      fieldType
--------      ---------
affinityScore integer
viosid        integer
viosname      string
viosstate     string

name: vios_memory
fieldKey             fieldType
--------             ---------
assignedMem          float
utilizedMem          float
virtualPersistentMem float

. . . .

> show tag keys 
name: lpar_details

name: lpar_memory

name: lpar_net_sriov

name: lpar_net_virtual

. . . . 

> select count(*) from server_processor where servername ='P9-S924-red'
name: server_processor
time count_availableProcUnits count_configurableProcUnits count_totalProcUnits count_utilizedProcUnits
---- ------------------------ --------------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
0    20909                    20909                       20909                20909

> select last(*) from server_processor where servername ='P9-S924-red'
name: server_processor
time last_availableProcUnits last_configurableProcUnits last_totalProcUnits last_utilizedProcUnits
---- ----------------------- -------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------
0    4.15                    16                         16                  9.6209

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG10","label":"AIX"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HW1W1","label":"Power -\u003EPowerLinux"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 December 2023

