IBM Support

New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above



Several new COBOL run-time messages have been added to IBM z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages. While the online resource is being updated, the new messages and their associated COBOL Runtime APARs can be found below.


For the complete list of COBOL Runtime messages, please refer to IBM z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages.

New message added via PH59864

IGZ0389S A dynamic call to program-object-name failed in the mixed AMODE 31/64 environment because the called subprogram is not COBOL.

Explanation: A dynamic call between AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 programs failed because the called program was not a COBOL program. Non-COBOL programs are not supported by COBOL dynamic call in the mixed AMODE 31/64 environment.                                   

Programmer response: Change the called program to a COBOL program. If the called program was AMODE 64 COBOL which was bound with assembler programs, the ENTRY binder control statement CELQSTRT may be needed to identify it as the primary entry point. This error may also occur if some assembler CSECT has been mistakenly identified as the primary entry point.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0C5

New message added via PH57152

IGZ0344W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the CCSID (ccsid-number) of an ENCODING phrase was found to be invalid or unsupported.

Explanation: JSON PARSE statement was specified with ENCODING phrase whose CCSID value was invalid or unsupported. The value must be one of the CCSIDs supported for JSON documents. See the CCSIDs supported for JSON documents in the COBOL Language Reference Manual.                                    

* The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 109, an exception condition.                                            

* This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.                                        

Programmer response: Modify the CCSID of the ENCODING phrase in the JSON PARSE statement to specify one of supported CCSIDs.                                        

System action: No system action was taken.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AO

New message added via PH56627

IGZ0383S A call was attempted between AMODE 31 amode31-program and AMODE 64 amode64-program programs without COBOL runtime option AMODE3164.

Explanation: The COBOL runtime option AMODE3164 was required for a call between different AMODE programs but it was not specified.         

Programmer response: Make sure the COBOL runtime option AMODE3164 is specified. This runtime option can be specified using the IGZOPTS DD.              

System action: The application was terminated.                            

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BV


IGZ0384S A call was attempted between AMODE 31 amode31-program and AMODE 64 amode64-program programs without Language Environment AMODE interoperability support.

Explanation: The support was not available in the current Language Environment for a call between different AMODE programs.                    

Programmer response: Install PTFs for Language Environment APAR PH28966.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0C0


IGZ0385S A dynamic call from AMODE 31 amode31-program-name to AMODE 64 amode64-program-name failed because it failed to query target function or load target DLL (target-name). Make sure the callee was correctly built as a DLL application. For example, to build a COBOL DLL, specify the compiler options EXPORTALL and DLL, and the binder options AMODE=64, RENT, and DYNAM=DLL.

Explanation: The call failed to query target function or load the target DLL. A dynamic call between AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 programs can only be done via dynamic CALL and the called program must be a DLL. To build COBOL DLL subprograms:                                                    

* When building a COBOL DLL, specify the compiler options EXPORTALL and DLL, and the binder options AMODE=64, RENT, and DYNAM=DLL             

* The program-id in the DLL program must be the same as the DLL module name. Otherwise, the DLL cannot be called using dynamic call.       

Programmer response: Ensure that the called program is a DLL and available.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0C1


IGZ0386S A dynamic call from AMODE 64 amode64-program-name to AMODE 31 amode31-program-name failed because it failed to query target function or load target DLL (target-name). Make sure the callee was correctly built as a DLL application. For example, to build a COBOL DLL, specify the compiler options EXPORTALL and DLL, and the binder options AMODE=31, RENT, and DYNAM=DLL.

Explanation: The call failed to query target function or load the target DLL. A dynamic call between AMODE 31 and AMODE 64 programs can only be done via dynamic CALL and the called program must be a DLL. To build COBOL DLL subprograms:                                                    

* When building a COBOL DLL, specify the compiler options EXPORTALL and DLL, and the binder options AMODE=31, RENT, and DYNAM=DLL             

* The program-id in the DLL program must be the same as the DLL module name. Otherwise, the DLL cannot be called using dynamic call.       

Programmer response: Ensure that the called program is a DLL and available.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0C2


IGZ0387S A call from AMODE 31 amode31-program-name to AMODE 64 amode64-program-name was attempted. However, it failed because the attempted call type was not supported.

Explanation: A call between different AMODE programs can be done via only dynamic call, but a different call type was attempted and failed. For example, a call between different AMODE programs using a procedure pointer is not supported.                                                 

Programmer response: Ensure that the called program is called via COBOL dynamic call.  

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0C3


IGZ0388S A call from AMODE 64 amode64-program-name to AMODE 31 amode31-program-name was attempted. However, it failed because the attempted call type was not supported.

Explanation: A call between different AMODE programs can be done via only dynamic call, but a different call type was attempted and failed. For example, a call between different AMODE programs using a procedure pointer is not supported.                                                  

Programmer response: Ensure that the called program is called via COBOL dynamic call.  

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0C4


New message added via PH43141


IGZ0382S The record length specified for the SYSPUNCH dataset was invalid.


Explanation: The record length specified for the SYSPUNCH dataset was either less than 80 or greater than 255.


Programmer response: Correct the record length specified for the SYSPUNCH dataset so that it is greater than or equal to 80 and less than or equal to 255.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BU


New message added via PH40684 / PH40348 <-- (AMODE64):


IGZ0377S Library module module-name could not be found. Check the STEPLIB DD in the JCL or the environment variable LIBPATH to make sure the module is available.

Explanation: The library module could not be found.

Programmer response: Make sure the module is available in the STEPLIB DD (if the program is running using JCL) or in the LIBPATH environment variable (if it is a DLL).

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BP


IGZ0378S An error was encountered when calling library module module-name. The module may be built or installed incorrectly.

Explanation: The module was found and loaded, but caused an error when it was used.         

This could happen if the module was installed incorrectly.  

Programmer response: Make sure the module is installed correctly, and is available in the STEPLIB DD (if the program is running using JCL) or in the LIBPATH environment variable (if it is a DLL).                                 

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BQ


IGZ0379S An error was encountered when initializing the COBOL special register JNIENVPTR.

Explanation: The JVM could not initialized or located.

Programmer response: Make sure the Java environment is set up properly. This includes the values of the LIBPATH and CLASSLIB environment, and any JVM options specified to initialize the JVM. If the Java environment is already initialized when the COBOL program is run, make sure there is only one JVM running in the system.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BR



IGZ0380S An excessive number of JVM initialization options were specified.

Explanation: More than 255 options were specified in the environment variable cobjvminitoptions.

Programmer response: Reduce the number of JVM initialization options.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BS


IGZ0381S An attempt was made to switch between AMODE 31/64 during dynamic call.

Explanation: Support was not available in the current runtime environment for AMODE 31/64 switching in dynamic call.

Programmer response: If the runtime environment supports mixed AMODE dynamic call, make sure the COBOL runtime option AMODE3164 is specified. This runtime option can be specified using the IGZOPTS DD. Alternatively, make sure the caller and the subprogram are in the same AMODE.                                                                    

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BT


New message added via PH31133:


IGZ0372S Argument argument-number for function function-name in program program-name on line number line-number was less than 1 or greater than 3067671.

Explanation: The integer date specified must be greater than or equal to 1 which represents a starting date of January 1, 1601 and less than or equal to 3,067,671 which represents an end date of December 31, 9999.

Programmer response: Correct the integer date value in the indicated statement.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BK


IGZ0373S Argument argument-number for function function-name in program program-name on line number line-number was less than 0 or greater than or equal to 86400.

Explanation: The standard numeric time specified must be greater than or equal to 0 which represents 0 seconds past midnight at 00:00:00 and less than 86400 which represents the end of day at 23:59:59.

Programmer response: Correct the standard numeric time value in the indicated statement.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BL


IGZ0374S Argument argument-number for function function-name in program program-name on line number line-number was less than -1439 or greater than 1439.

Explanation: The magnitude of the offset from UTC (expressed in minutes) specified must be greater than or equal to 0 which represents no offset from UTC time and less than or equal to 1439 which represents 23 hours and 59 minutes offset from UTC time.

Programmer response: Correct the magnitude of the offset from UTC (expressed in minutes) in the indicated statement.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BM

IGZ0375S The contents of the time or the combined date and time in argument content-argument-number for function function-name in program program-name was not valid according to the specified time format or combined date and time format found in argument format-argument-number.

Explanation: If a time format is specified, the contents of the following argument shall be a time in that format. If a combined date and time format is specified, the contents of the following argument shall be a time in that format.

Programmer response: Correct the contents of the time or the combined date and time.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BN

IGZ0376S The contents of the date or the combined date and time in argument content-argument-number for function function-name in program program-name was not valid according to the specified date format or combined date and time format found in argument format-argument-number.

Explanation: If a date format is specified, the contents of the following argument shall be a date in that format. If a combined date and time format is specified, the contents of the following argument shall be a time in that format.

Programmer response: Correct the contents of the date or the combined date and time.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0BO


New message added via PH26783:


IGZ0342W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the value of JSON name/value pair with name JSON-name at offset offset was found to be one of the special values true or false. But, the matching COBOL data item data-name is not specified on a 'CONVERTING BOOLEAN' phrase of the JSON PARSE statement.

Explanation: The given JSON value was true or false. The value was not assigned to the COBOL data item <data-name>because the data item was not specified on   a 'CONVERTING BOOLEAN' phrase of the JSON PARSE statement.   

  • The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 107, an exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON value from the beginning of the JSON text.
  • This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified. 

Programmer response: Specify the data item on a 'CONVERTING BOOLEAN' phrase in the JSON PARSE statement.

System action: No system action was taken.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AM


Existing message updated via PH24531:


IGZ0153S Program program-name was compiled with a level of the compiler that requires service to be installed on z/OS or on the COBOL Runtime Component of the Language Environment, or both. Contact COBOL support for further assistance.

Explanation: An attempt was made to run a program that was compiled with a release or service level of the compiler that requires maintenance to be installed on z/OS or on the COBOL Runtime Component of the Language Environment, or both, but that maintenance has not been installed.

Programmer response: Contact your system programmer to ensure that the corresponding COBOL Runtime Component of the Language Environment maintenance and z/OS maintenance was installed as was indicated in the recent COBOL compiler version or maintenance that was installed. Contact COBOL support for further assistance.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ04P


New messages added via PH15921:


IGZ0350S Program program-name at displacement displacement was unable to get storage-length bytes of storage-type storage from Language Environment.

Explanation: The request made to obtain heap storage for COBOL WORKING-STORAGE failed from program program-name.                                          

Programmer response: Increase your region size for running this program or contact your system programmer to ensure that the size of the required storage does not exceed the maximum limit set on the system.                            

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AU


IGZ0351S An attempt was made to run a COBOL program with Language Environment that requires a higher level of z/OS Version minimum-version Release minimum-release.

Explanation: A COBOL program was executed on a level of Language Environment that was too low. The COBOL program must run with Language Environment which requires z/OS Version minimum-version Release minimum-release or greater.                                          

Programmer response: Run the program with the supported Language Environment Version and Release.                        

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AV


IGZ0352S A dynamic call to program-object-name failed because the called subprogram is not an AMODE 64 program. 

Explanation: A dynamic call was made from an AMODE 64 COBOL program to an AMODE 24 or AMODE 31 program. Only dynamic calls from AMODE 64 COBOL programs to Language Environment-conforming AMODE 64 programs are allowed.                                                        

Programmer response: Change the called subprogram to a Language Environment-conforming AMODE 64 program.                                                         

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0B0


IGZ0353S A dynamic call to program-object-name failed because the called subprogram is not a Language Environment-conforming AMODE 64 program.

Explanation: A dynamic call was made from an AMODE 64 COBOL program to an AMODE 64 program that was not Language Environment-conforming. The main entry point for a Language Environment-conforming AMODE 64 program must be CELQSTRT.

Programmer response: Change the called program object to a Language Environment-conforming AMODE 64 program. If the COBOL program was bound with assembler programs, the ENTRY binder control statement CELQSTRT may be needed to identify it as the primary entry point. This error may also occur if some assembler CSECT has been mistakenly identified as the primary entry point.   

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0B1


IGZ0354S A dynamic call to program-object-name failed because the called subprogram is not fetchable. 

Explanation: A dynamic call was made from an AMODE 64 COBOL program to an AMODE 64 C/C++, PL/I or assembler program that was not fetchable. Either use the #pragma linkage directive (C/C++) or the FETCHABLE option (PL/I), or bind with the CELQFMAN LE CSECT (assembler) when building the subprogram. This error may also occur if an AMODE 64 program is incorrectly bound with other AMODE 31 or non-LE assembler programs.                                        

Programmer response: Change the called program object to be a Language Environment-conforming fetchable program.                                                                     

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0B2


IGZ0355S Program program-name was optimized with a level of the Automatic Binary Optimizer that requires service to be installed on Language Environment.

Explanation: An attempt was made to run a program that was optimized with a release or service level of the Automatic Binary Optimizer that requires maintenance to be installed on Language Environment, but that maintenance has not been installed.                                          

Programmer response: Contact your system programmer to ensure that the corresponding Language Environment maintenance was installed as was indicated in the recent Automatic Binary Optimizer version or maintenance that was installed.

System action: The application was terminated.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0B3


IGZ0356I The run-time option option-name was an invalid COBOL run-time option. The option was ignored.

Explanation: option-name was not a valid COBOL run-time option, or was not supported with the combination of compilation options that were in effect. The latter may occur if LP(64) is used, for example.                                           

Programmer response: Check and correct the run-time option string.                          

System action: The option option-name is ignored.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0B4


New messages added via PH02099:


IGZ0348S Argument-1 for function function-name in program program-name at displacement displacement had a length that was not a multiple of byte-multiple bytes.

Explanation:  Input argument to the specified function was expected to have a length that is a multiple of the specified number of bytes.

System action:  The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Identify the data with the incorrect length and correct it.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AS


IGZ0349S The mantissa in argument-1 for function function-name in program program-name at displacement displacement  contained more than 16 digits.

Explanation: The total number of digits in the mantissa of the floating point number in argument-1 of the indicated function exceeded 16 digits.

System action:  The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Adjust the number of digits in the mantissa in argument-1 in the failing statement.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AT


New messages added via PI83544 / PI84516:


IGZ0319W The COBOL runtime option option-name specified in IGZUOPT is in conflict with option option-name; option option-name is ignored.

Explanation: The COBOL runtime options specified in IGZUOPT are in conflict.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Correct the option.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09V
IGZ0320W The COBOL runtime option option-name specified in IGZUOPT is invalid. It is ignored.

Explanation: The COBOL runtime option specified in IGZUOPT is invalid.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Correct the conflicting options.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A0
IGZ0321W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, no JSON name/value pair matched data item data-name, which was thus not modified.

Explanation: After processing any NAME phrase literals, the given COBOL data item had no matching JSON name/value pair. A match occurs when the JSON name (Unicode) and COBOL data name (EBCDIC) have an equivalent meaning at the same level ("qualification") between the JSON text and COBOL structure.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 1, a non-exception condition.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: If the referenced data-name should be modified by the JSON PARSE statement, modify the JSON text or COBOL data name or structure. If the referenced data-name does not need to be modified, then the message can be ignored.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A1
IGZ0322I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, no data item matched JSON name JSON-name at offset offset.

Explanation: After processing any NAME phrase literals, the given JSON name had no matching COBOL data item. A match occurs when the JSON name (Unicode) and COBOL data name (EBCDIC) have an equivalent meaning at the same level ("qualification") between the JSON text and COBOL structure.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 2, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON name from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: If the data associated with the named JSON value/pair is not important, then the message can be ignored or you could remove the JSON name/value pair from the JSON text. If the data associated with named JSON value/pair is important, use the NAME phrase to match the data-name to the JSON name, or create a new COBOL data item whose name is the same as the JSON name.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A2
IGZ0323I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, a duplicate JSON name/value pair at offset matched data item data-name. The duplicate value was accepted.

Explanation: More than one JSON name/value pair matched the given COBOL data item. The JSON values were identical, therefore the first assigned value was retained.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 4, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON name from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Ignore the message if the data in the COBOL group is OK, or remove the duplicate JSON name/value pairs from the JSON text.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A3
IGZ0324I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, JSON array with name JSON-name at offset offset had fewer elements than the matching table item data-name. The additional table elements were not modified.

Explanation: The given JSON array had fewer values than the matching COBOL table item, therefore the additional elements in the COBOL table item were not modified.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 8, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON name from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: If it is OK that all elements of the COBOL table are not modified, then ignore the message. If it is not OK, then modify the number of values in the JSON array, or the number of occurrences of the matching COBOL table item.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A4
IGZ0325I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, JSON array with name JSON-name at offset offset had more values than the matching table item data-name. The additional values were ignored.

Explanation: The given JSON array had more elements than the matching COBOL table item, therefore the additional values in the JSON array were ignored.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 16, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON name from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: If the data that was not stored in the COBOL group was not important, you could ignore the message or modify the number of values in the JSON array. If the data that was not stored was important, then modify the number of occurrences in the matching COBOL table item.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A5
IGZ0326I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, data item data-name was not changed because the value of the JSON name/value pair at offset offset was the special value null.

Explanation: The value of the COBOL data item was not changed because the JSON value null was interpreted as an instruction to skip the assignment.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 32, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON value from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: If the COBOL data-item was to be modified, then change the null value of the pair from the JSON text. If it is OK that the COBOL data-item was not modified, then ignore the message or remove the name/value pair with the null value from the JSON text.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A6
IGZ0327I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, JSON array with name JSON-name at offset offset included one or more null values. Corresponding elements in the matching table item data-name were not changed.

Explanation: The given JSON array had one or more null values. The corresponding elements in its matching COBOL table item were not changed because the JSON value null was interpreted as an instruction to skip the assignment.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 64, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON name from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: If all occurrences of the table were to be modified, then change the JSON text to not have null values. If it is OK that not all occurrences were modified, then ignore the message or modify the number of values in the JSON array and the maximum occurrence of its matching COBOL table item.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A7
IGZ0328I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, assignment of the value of the JSON name/value pair at offset offset to data item data-name resulted in loss of significance ("SIZE ERROR").

Explanation: The given JSON value was either string consisting of only decimal digits or number, and did not fit in its matching COBOL data item. The JSON value was truncated during the assignment.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 128, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON value from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Modify the JSON value or COBOL data item to ensure that they fit.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A8
IGZ0329I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, assignment of the value of the JSON name/value pair at offset offset to data item data-name resulted in a loss of information.

Explanation: The given JSON value was a string consisting of at least one non-decimal digit and did not fit in its matching COBOL data item. The JSON value was truncated during the assignment.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 256, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON value from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Modify the JSON value or COBOL data item to ensure that they fit.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0A9
IGZ0330I During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the value of JSON name/value pair with name JSON-name at offset offset resulted in one or more substitution characters when translated from Unicode to the CCSID specified by the CODEPAGE compiler option. The translated value was assigned to data-item data-name.

Explanation: The given JSON value was translated from Unicode to the CCSID before assigning it to its matching COBOL data item. During the translation, one or more of substitution character (X'3F') was substituted for the untranslatable characters.

· The JSON parser continued and set the special register JSON-STATUS to 512, a non-exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON value from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Modify the value of the JSON name/pair to ensure it contains only characters translatable to the CCSID specified by the CODEPAGE compiler option.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AA
IGZ0335W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the JSON text in data-name was found to be invalid. At offset offset, JSON-token was found, but one of JSON-tokens was expected.

Explanation: The JSON-token from the JSON text was invalid and was expected to be one or more of the following JSON-tokens:


The character at the offset was expected to be a left or right curly bracket ({ or }).
The character at the offset was expected to be a left or right quotation mark (").
The JSON text at the offset was expected to be a beginning of one of JSON values (string, number, object, array, true, false, or null).
The character at the offset was expected to be a comma (,).
The character at the offset was expected to be a right square bracket (]).
The character at the offset JSON text was expected to be a colon (:).
The character at the offset was preceded by a backslash (\) and was expected to be a lowercase character u (u) or one of control characters (", \, /, b, f, n, r, t, or x).
NON-CONTROL CHARACTERS (Unicode U+0000 – U+001F)
The character at the offset was one of control characters (Unicode U+0000 - U+001F) and was expected to be escaped.
The character at the offset was preceded by a backslash and a character u (\u), and was expected to be one of hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F).
The character at the offset was part of JSON number, therefore was expected to be one of decimal digits (0-9).
The character at the offset JSON text was expected to be part of well-formed UTF byte sequences. See the byte validity for UTF data in the COBOL Language Reference Manual.
The character at the offset was expected to be a non-low surrogate because no high surrogate was proceeded.
The character at the offset was expected to be a low surrogate because a high surrogate was proceeded.

· The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 100, an exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON-token from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Modify the contents of the JSON text appropriately.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AF
IGZ0336W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the JSON text in data-name was found to be invalid. The JSON text was zero-length, or consisted only of white space.

Explanation: The JSON text being parsed was empty or had contents consisting of only white spaces. An acceptable JSON white space is one of space (Unicode U+0020), horizontal tab (Unicode U+0009), line feed/new line (Unicode U+000A), or carriage return (Unicode U+000D).

· The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 101, an exception condition.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Modify the JSON stream to contain only valid non-whitespace JSON text.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AG
IGZ0337W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the JSON text in data-name was found to be invalid. Superfluous characters text were found following the closing brace of the outermost JSON object.

Explanation: The JSON text was valid and complete. The outermost closing brace (}) was followed by one or more non-white space characters. An acceptable JSON white space is one of space (Unicode U+0020), horizontal tab (Unicode U+0009), line feed/new line (Unicode U+000A), or carriage return (Unicode U+000D).

· The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 102, an exception condition.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Remove the non-space characters following the outermost closing brace (}) from the JSON text.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AH
IGZ0338W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, JSON name/value pair at offset offset was a duplicate match to data item data-name, but with a value different from the first (leftmost) matching name/value pair. The value from the first matching JSON name/value pair was retained.

Explanation: More than one JSON name/value pair matched the given COBOL data item. The JSON values were not identical, therefore the first assigned value was retained.

· The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 103, an exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON name from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Retain only the one desired matching JSON name/value pair in the JSON text.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AI
IGZ0339W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the value of JSON name/value pair with name JSON-name at offset offset was found to be incompatible with the matching data item.

Explanation: The given JSON name found its matching COBOL data item and its value was one of the following:

1. The JSON value was one of string, number, true, or false, but its matching COBOL data item was a group.
2. The JSON value was an array, but its matching COBOL data item was not a table.
3. The JSON value and its matching COBOL data item resulted in an invalid move, per the JSON PARSE rules in the COBOL Language Reference Manual.

· The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 104, an exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON value from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Modify the JSON text or COBOL data item or structure.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AJ
IGZ0340W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, the value of JSON name/value pair with name JSON-name at offset offset was found to be one of the special values, true or false.

Explanation: The given JSON value was true or false. The special values true and false are not supported.

· The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 105, an exception condition. The offset refers to the byte offset of the JSON value from the beginning of the JSON text.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Remove the JSON name/value pairs that have the special values true or false.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AK
IGZ0341W During execution of the JSON PARSE statement on line line-number of program program-name, no JSON name/value pair matched any data item in the receiver. The receiver data-name was not modified.

Explanation: There was no match between the JSON text and COBOL data item. A match occurs when the JSON name (Unicode) and COBOL data name (EBCDIC) have an equivalent meaning at the same level ("qualification") between the JSON text and COBOL structure.

· The JSON parser stopped and set the special register JSON-CODE to 106, an exception condition.
· This runtime message is issued only when the WITH DETAIL phrase is specified.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Modify the JSON text, COBOL data name or structure, or use the NAME phrase, to ensure that the names match.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AL


New messages added via PI97171:


IGZ0345S Argument-1 for function function-name in program program-name at displacement displacement was not a valid UTF-16 string.

Explanation: Argument-1 is not a valid UTF-16 string.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that argument-1 is a valid UTF-16 string.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AP
IGZ0346S Argument-2 and argument-3 for function USUBSTR in program program-name at displacement displacement was not a valid combination for substring of a UTF-16 string.

Explanation: The values for argument-2 and argument-3 for function USUBSTR were invalid.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that argument-2 and argument-3 are valid for UTF-16 substring. Argument-2 must be an integer greater than zero. Argument-3 must be an integer greater than or equal to zero. (Argument-2 + argument-3 - 1) must be less than or equal to ULENGTH(argument-1).

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AQ
IGZ0347S The stack frame at address stack-address of program program-name in the call chain was invalid.

Explanation: The stack frame of a COBOL program has been found to be corrupted. If the program name can be determined, it is shown in the message. If the corruption is extensive and the program name cannot be determined, it is shown as "???????".

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Corruption was likely to happen at some point before the current execution location. Identify and correct the corruption.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ0AR
IGZ9900I Message message-number is missing.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9LC
IGZ9901I Message message-number is missing. The following are the inserts: insert-1, insert-2, insert-3, insert-4, insert-5, insert-6, insert-7, insert-8.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation and use the provided inserts to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9LD
IGZ9910W Message message-number is missing.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9LM
IGZ9911W Message message-number is missing. The following are the inserts: insert-1, insert-2, insert-3, insert-4, insert-5, insert-6, insert-7, insert-8.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation and use the provided inserts to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9LN
IGZ9920E Message message-number is missing.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9M0
IGZ9921E Message message-number is missing. The following are the inserts: insert-1, insert-2, insert-3, insert-4, insert-5, insert-6, insert-7, insert-8.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation and use the provided inserts to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9M1
IGZ9930S Message message-number is missing.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9MA
IGZ9931S Message message-number is missing. The following are the inserts: insert-1, insert-2, insert-3, insert-4, insert-5, insert-6, insert-7, insert-8.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation and use the provided inserts to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9MB
IGZ9940C Message message-number is missing.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9MK
IGZ9941C Message message-number is missing. The following are the inserts: insert-1, insert-2, insert-3, insert-4, insert-5, insert-6, insert-7, insert-8.

Explanation: The currently installed COBOL runtime library doesn't have this message. When the PTF containing this message is installed, it will display normally.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Look up the message number in the documentation and use the provided inserts to understand the reason of the original message.

Updates to the book z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages might be delayed. Search for webpage 'COBOL Message 2005368' at This is an online documentation with title 'New Run-Time Messages for Enterprise COBOL V5 and Above', containing updated COBOL Runtime messages.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ9ML


New messages added via PI77290:


IGZ0317S The CALL statement on line line-number in program program-name caused corruption of data beyond the end of the section-name SECTION.

Explanation: A subprogram modified data beyond the end of the section that contained the argument passed to that subprogram.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Change the definition of the arguments in the calling program, or the definition of the parameters in the called subprogram, so that they match, per the rules in the COBOL Language Reference Manual, as follows: The description of the data items in the called program must describe the same number of character positions as the description of the corresponding data items in the calling program.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09T
IGZ0318W The CALL statement on line line-number in program program-name caused corruption of data beyond the end of the section-name SECTION.

Explanation: A subprogram modified data beyond the end of the section that contained the argument passed to that subprogram.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Change the definition of the arguments in the calling program, or the definition of the parameters in the called subprogram, so that they match, per the rules in the COBOL Language Reference Manual, as follows: The description of the data items in the called program must describe the same number of character positions as the description of the corresponding data items in the calling program.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09U


The following messages were updated with PI97171:


IGZ0265S Argument-1 for function function-name in program program-name at displacement displacement was not a valid UTF-8 string.

Explanation: Argument-1 is not a valid UTF-8 string.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that argument-1 is a valid UTF-8 string.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ089
IGZ0266S Argument-2 and argument-3 for function USUBSTR in program program-name at displacement displacement was not a valid combination for substring of a UTF-8 string.

Explanation: The values for argument-2 and argument-3 for function USUBSTR were invalid.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that argument-2 and argument-3 are valid for UTF-8 substring. Argument-2 must be an integer greater than zero. Argument-3 must be an integer greater than or equal to zero. (Argument-2 + argument-3 - 1) must be less than or equal to ULENGTH(argument-1).

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08A


New messages added via PI72127 and updated with PI97171:


IGZ0278S The contents of data item data-name at the time of reference by statement number verb-number on line line-number failed the NUMERIC class test or contained a value larger than the PICTURE clause as detected by the NUMCHECK compiler option.

Explanation: When the NUMCHECK(ZON,ABD) compiler option is in effect, or the NUMCHECK(PAC,ABD) compiler option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a zoned decimal (numeric USAGE DISPLAY) or PACKED-DECIMAL data item had invalid contents at runtime.

The compiler generated a NUMERIC class test, and this data item tested as not numeric. For PACKED-DECIMAL data items that have an even number of digits, the unused bits were also checked for zeros.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that the source of the data for this data item is correct, and that the data has not been corrupted by other statements.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08M
IGZ0279W The value data-item-value of data item data-name at the time of reference by statement number verb-number on line line-number in program program-name failed the NUMERIC class test or contained a value larger than the PICTURE clause as detected by the NUMCHECK compiler option.

Explanation: When the NUMCHECK(ZON,MSG) compiler option is in effect, or the NUMCHECK(PAC,MSG) compiler option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a zoned decimal (numeric USAGE DISPLAY) or PACKED-DECIMAL data item had invalid contents at runtime.

The compiler generated a NUMERIC class test, and this data item tested as not numeric. For PACKED-DECIMAL data items that have an even number of digits, the unused bits were also checked for zeros.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Ensure that the source of the data for this data item is correct, and that the data has not been corrupted by other statements.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08N
IGZ0304W The reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number in program program-name addressed an area outside the region of the table.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a fixed-length table has been subscripted in a way that exceeds the defined size of the table, or, for variable-length tables, the maximum size of the table.

The range check was performed on the composite of the subscripts and resulted in an address outside the region of the table. For variable-length tables, the address is outside the region of the table defined when all OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects are at their maximum values; the ODO object's current value is not considered. The check was not performed on individual subscripts.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that the value of literal subscripts or the value of variable subscripts, or both, as evaluated at run-time do not exceed the subscripted dimensions for subscripted data in the failing statement.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09G
IGZ0305W The size of variable length group group-name exceeded the maximum defined length of the group at the time of reference by verb number verb-number on line line-number in program program-name.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a variable-length group generated by OCCURS DEPENDING ON has a length that is less than zero, or is greater than the limits defined in the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses.

The range check was performed on the composite length of the group, and not on the individual OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects as evaluated at run-time do not exceed the maximum number of occurrences of the dimension for tables within the referenced group item.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09H
IGZ0306W A reference modification length value of reference-modification-value on line line-number in program program-name which was not equal to 1 was found in a reference to data item data-item which was passed by value.

Explanation: The length value in a reference modification specification was not equal to 1. The length value must be equal to 1.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Check the indicated line number in the program to ensure that any reference modified length values are (or will resolve to) 1.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09I
IGZ0307W ALL subscripted table reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number in program program-name had an ALL subscript specified for an OCCURS DEPENDING ON dimension, and the object was less than or equal to 0.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that there are 0 occurrences of dimension subscripted by ALL.
The check is performed against the current value of the OCCURS DEPENDING ON OBJECT.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that ODO object(s) of ALL-subscripted dimensions of any subscripted items in the indicated statement are positive.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09J
IGZ0308W A reference modification start position value of reference-modification-value on line line-number in program program-name referenced an area outside the region of data item data-item.

Explanation: The value of the starting position in a reference modification specification was less than 1, or was greater than the current length of the data item that was being reference modified. The starting position value must be a positive integer less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified data item.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Check the value of the starting position in the reference modification specification.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09K
IGZ0309W A non-positive reference modification length value of reference-modification-value on line line-number in program program-name was found in a reference to data item data-item.

Explanation: The length value in a reference modification specification was less than or equal to 0. The length value must be a positive integer.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Check the indicated line number in the program to ensure that any reference modified length values are (or will resolve to) positive integers.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09L
IGZ0310W A reference modification start position value of reference-modification-value and length value of length on line line-number in program program-name caused reference to be made beyond the rightmost character of data item data-item.

Explanation: The starting position and length value in a reference modification specification combine to address an area beyond the end of the reference modified data item. The sum of the starting position and length value minus one must be less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified data item.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Check the indicated line number in the program to ensure that any reference modified start and length values are set such that a reference is not made beyond the rightmost character of the data item.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09M
IGZ0311W ALL subscripted table reference to table table-name by verb number verb-number on line line-number in program program-name will exceed the upper bound of the table.

Explanation: When the SSRANGE option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a multidimension table with ALL specified as one or more of the subscripts will result in a reference beyond the upper limit of the table.

The range check was performed on the composite of the subscripts and the maximum occurrences for the ALL subscripted dimensions. For variable-length tables, the address is outside the region of the table defined when all OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects are at their maximum values; the ODO object's current value is not considered. The check was not performed on individual subscripts.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that OCCURS DEPENDING ON objects as evaluated at run-time do not exceed the maximum number of occurrences of the dimension for table items referenced in the failing statement.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09N
IGZ0312W A reference modification start position value of start-position-value on line line in program program-name referenced an area outside the region of the function result of function-result.

Explanation: The value of the starting position in a reference modification specification was less than 1, or was greater than the current length of the function result that was being reference modified. The starting position value must be a positive integer less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified function result.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Check the value of the starting position in the reference modification specification and the length of the actual function result.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09O
IGZ0313W A non-positive reference modification length value of length on line line-number in program program-name was found in a reference to the function result of function-result.

Explanation: The length value in a reference modification specification for a function result was less than or equal to 0. The length value must be a positive integer.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Check the length value and make appropriate correction.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09P
IGZ0314W A reference modification start position value of start-position and length value of length on line line-number in program program-name caused reference to be made beyond the rightmost character of the function result of function-result.

Explanation: The starting position and length value in a reference modification specification combine to address an area beyond the end of the reference modified function result. The sum of the starting position and length value minus one must be less than or equal to the number of characters in the reference modified function result.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Check the length of the reference modification specification against the actual length of the function result and make appropriate corrections.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09Q


New messages added via PI72127:


IGZ0315S The contents of data item data-name at the time of reference by statement number verb-number on line line-number was invalid. The value exceeded the number of digits in the data definition, and failed the SIZE ERROR test generated by the NUMCHECK(BIN) compiler option.

Explanation: When the NUMCHECK(BIN,ABD) compiler option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a binary data item had invalid data contents at runtime.

The compiler generated a SIZE ERROR test, and this data item contained a value that exceeded the size of the data item according to the PICTURE clause in its data definition.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that the source of the data for this data item is correct, and that the data item has not been corrupted by other statements.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09R
IGZ0316W The value data-item-value of data item data-name at the time of reference by statement number verb-number on line line-number in program program-name was invalid. The value exceeded the number of digits in the data definition, and failed the SIZE ERROR test generated by the NUMCHECK(BIN) compiler option.

Explanation: When the NUMCHECK(BIN,MSG)) compiler option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a binary data item had invalid data contents at runtime.
The compiler generated a SIZE ERROR test, and this data item contained a value that exceeded the size of the data item according to the PICTURE clause in its data definition.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Ensure that the source of the data for this data item is correct, and that the data item has not been corrupted by other statements.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ09S


New messages added via PI51224:


IGZ0277W The value data-item-value of data item data-name at the time of reference by verb number verb-number on line line-number in program program-name failed the NUMERIC class test generated by the ZONECHECK compiler option.

Explanation: When the ZONECHECK(MSG) compiler option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a zoned decimal (numeric USAGE DISPLAY) data item had invalid contents at runtime.
The compiler generated a NUMERIC class test, and this data item tested as not numeric.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Ensure that the source of the data for this data item is correct, and that the data has not been corrupted by other statements.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08L


New messages added via PI37323:


IGZ0275S The contents of data item data-name at the time of reference by verb number verb-number on line line-number failed the NUMERIC class test generated by the ZONECHECK compiler option.

Explanation: When the ZONECHECK(ABD) compiler option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a zoned decimal (numeric USAGE DISPLAY) data item had invalid contents at runtime.
The compiler generated a NUMERIC class test, and this data item tested as not numeric.

System action: The application was terminated.

Programmer response: Ensure that the source of the data for this data item is correct, and that the data has not been corrupted by other statements.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08J
IGZ0276W The contents of data item data-name at the time of reference by verb number verb-number on line line-number failed the NUMERIC class test generated by the ZONECHECK compiler option.

Explanation: When the ZONECHECK(MSG) compiler option is in effect, this message is issued to indicate that a zoned decimal (numeric USAGE DISPLAY) data item had invalid contents at runtime.
The compiler generated a NUMERIC class test, and this data item tested as not numeric.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Ensure that the source of the data for this data item is correct, and that the data has not been corrupted by other statements.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08K


New messages added via PM86742:


IGZ0268W An invocation was made of OS/VS COBOL program program-name.

Explanation: An invocation of an OS/VS COBOL program was made. OS/VS COBOL programs cannot interoperate with Enterprise COBOL V5 programs. In addition, IBM may remove support for OS/VS COBOL programs from Language Environment in the future. Therefore, users need to know if they are using OS/VS COBOL programs and what the program names are.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Recompile the OS/VS COBOL program with a newer compiler.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08C
IGZ0269W program-lang version program-version program program-name made a call to OS/VS COBOL program program-name.

Explanation: A COBOL program made a call to an OS/VS COBOL program with the CALL statement. Using the CALL statement to perform calls between Enterprise COBOL V5 programs and OS/VS COBOL programs is not supported. In addition, IBM may remove support for OS/VS COBOL programs from Language Environment in the future, so users need to know if they are using OS/VS COBOL programs and what the program names are.
An OS/VS COBOL program can also be called by an ASSEMBLER program using the IGZCXCC routine. In this case, the actual name of the ASSEMBLER program, as well as the program version information, will not be available as part of the message.

System action: No system action was taken.

Programmer response: Recompile the OS/VS COBOL program with a newer compiler.

Symbolic Feedback Code: IGZ08

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SS6SG3","label":"Enterprise COBOL for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000081yAAA","label":"Enterprise COBOL for z\/OS-\u003ERun-time Issues-\u003ERuntime Messages"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"5.1.1;6.2.0;6.3.0;6.4.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 March 2024

