Question & Answer
Can you explain how event refresh time works in Event Viewer and different options available for setting the refresh time?
In WebGUI fix pack 29, we made changes related to event refresh time in the Event Viewer (EV). This article explains how those changes work in different scenarios. This article focuses only on Event Viewer launched from the Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH) navigation panel.
Event Viewer can also be launched from Event Dashboard and WebGUI maps. It is not covered here.
The refresh time for Event Viewer can be set as described below. The refresh time cannot be lower than a property configured in server.init file, as explained in the next section. Option #1 and #2 are only available if a user has ncw_admin role.
Note: ncw_user role can be granted permission so users having this role can Personalize EV widget. There is a separate technote for this.
1). Shared settings:
These settings are applicable to all the users unless users have Personalized the EV widget. In that case Personalized setting takes precedence. The shared setting can be changed by editing the Event Viewer page as follows.
- Open Event Viewer by clicking: Incidents--> Event Viewer.
- Click Page Actions icon and then Edit page.
- Select the EV widget by clicking the border line. Once dotted line appears around the widget, then right-click and select Edit.
- The Refresh rate(time) can be set under the Data tab.
These settings can be reset to default by clicking "Reset to default settings" button.

2). Personalized settings:
These settings are applicable to individual user and each user can personalize EV widget. The Personalized settings can be changed by editing the Event Viewer page as follows.
- Open Event Viewer by clicking: Incidents--> Event Viewer.
- Click Page Actions icon and then Personalize page.
- Select the EV widget by clicking the border line. Once dotted line appears around the widget, then right-click and select Personalize.
- The Refresh rate(time) can be set under the Data tab.
These settings can be reset to shared settings by clicking "Reset to shared settings" button. It removes the Personalized settings and shared settings are used.
3). Workspace Preferences:
Each user can set the Session Refresh time by clicking "Workspace Preferences" button in Event Viewer. The Session Refresh time can be set from Data tab.
The refresh time is applicable to current session only. If you close EV and reopen it, then the refresh time set here is not used, rather refresh time set in Personalized settings or Shared settings is used. If you want the refresh time to persist across sessions, then select "Persist Session Refresh Time" checkbox. This checkbox was added in WebGUI fix pack 29.

The refresh time set in "Workspace Preferences" takes precedence if "Persist Session Refresh Time" checkbox is checked. If it is not checked, then refresh time set in Personalized settings is used. If user has not Personalized the Event Viewer widget, then the refresh time set in Shared settings is used.
Minimum Refresh time:
The minimum refresh time a user can set as described above, is controlled by a new property in server.init as follows. This property is introduced in WebGUI FP 29.
This property can be set to any value in server.init. See below different scenarios related to this property.
- If this property is NOT set (or missing) in server.init, then the refresh time a user can set for Event Viewer is 30 seconds or higher. Users are not able to set refresh time less than 30 seconds.
- If this property is set less than 15 in server.init file, then this value is ignored, and an absolute refresh time (15 seconds) hardcoded in the code is enforced. In this case, users are not able set refresh time less than 15 seconds.
- If this property is set higher than 15, then users can set the refresh time greater than or equal to this value.
[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSGNVT","label":"Netcool GUI"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]
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More support for:
Netcool GUI
Software version:
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Modified date:
13 December 2022
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