Question & Answer
In this view definition we have selected AlertGroup under the "Group Columns" tab and not using any relationship under the Relationship tab.
In this view definition we have selected AlertGroup under the "Group Columns" tab and we are using "IBM Cloud Analytics" relationship under the Relationship tab. See above screen shot for Relationship definition.
In above screen shot ParentIdentifier (SIDP:1683743473:evtmanager-ncoprimary-0.) is the parent of 5 events.
In the following we want to check which alert group these events belong to, so we are using a quick filter to filter events. As you can see in the following screen shot the Identifier (which is same as ParentIdentifier in above screen shot) has AlertGroup ScopeIDParent.
4). Now in the Event Viewer select Copy_IBM_CloudAnalytics view.
As you can see below, 9 events belong to AlertGroup ConnectionStatus. If you click on ConnectionStatus on the left side you do not see the events which has ParentIdentifier SIDP:1683743473:evtmanager-ncoprimary-0. The reason is that both of the following conditions has to be satisfied for the events to be displayed on the right side:
a). All of the events belong to same AlertGroup
b). The Event Repaltionship is satisfied.
In this case event Identifier (SIDP:1683743473:evtmanager-ncoprimary-0) belongs to AlertGroup "ScopeIDParent" (not ConnectionStatus). Since this event is Parent of 5 events so this event and its child events are not displayed in the right pane.
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Document Information
Modified date:
08 May 2024