IBM Support

MustGather: Transformation Extender Crash or Hang on Linux or UNIX



This MustGather document shows you how to collect problem information for Transformation Extender (TX) using the UI (Unix Information) script on a Linux or UNIX platform. You can collect problem information when your map or system experiences a crash or a hang.

Resolving The Problem

The UI script can collect information for a crash or a hang. For a crash, the UI script collects information from the core file the crash produced. For a hang, the UI script collects information from the running process.

The collected the UI results should be provided to corresponding IBM support case for review by TX Technical Support.

Installation (Only needed if using TX 8.4.0 and older releases)
Note: The UI script is included with TX and later release installations as the <tx_install>/bin/ script file name.
  1. Place the ui script file in the <tx_install_dir>/bin directory. Transfer the ui file using FTP ASCII transfer type.
  2. Modify the permissions on the ui script file to include execute.
  3. For TX for Integration Servers and WebSphere Message Broker (WMB) crashes, the UI can be placed in the WMB install /bin directory (../IBM/mqsi/<version>/bin/).
Before running UI script
  • If you are using the UI script against a running process, you must first log in as the user who started the process.
  • The gdb (GNU Project Debugger) or dbx debugger must be installed for the UI script to work properly. The debugger must be available to and executable by the user running the UI script.
  • Run the setup script from the <tx_install_dir> before running the UI script.
Usage syntax <product> [{<core>|<pid>}] [OutputDirectory]
Options Descriptions
product * required
* name of the product executable -- launcher, ldirmon, lci, mercator/dstx/dtx/dtxcmdsv, merchttpd, java
* if product is java, specify the full path to the Java™ executable
* TX for Integration Servers and ACE / IIB / WMB crashes use the DataFlowEngine executable in the ACE / IIB / WMB bin directory
core * optional
* name of core file produced by product
* include path if not in current directory
* default is core
pid * optional
* process id of the hung product
* default is core
OutputDirectory * optional
* you can specify a directory for the resulting output
* default is current directory
* can only be used if core or pid specified
* output is set of logs and is not archived or compressed
Output file
When you do not specify an output directory, the output file produced by the UI script is archived and compressed and has the following naming convention.

Launcher core
A crash occurs in the Launcher. You find the core file in $DTX_TMP_DIR/launcher_1234 where 1234 is the process id that generated the crash.  The crash.log file from the directory should also be provided.
> cd <tx_install_dir>
> . ./setup
> cd $DTX_TMP_DIR/launcher_1234
> launcher core

Alternatively, you can follow these commands.
> cd <tx_install_dir>
> . ./setup
> launcher $DTX_TMP_DIR/launcher_1234/core
Command Server Core
A crash occurs in the Command Server when running a map. You find the core file in $DTX_TMP_DIR/dtx_1234 where 1234 is the process id that generated the crash.  The crash.log file from the directory should also be provided.
> cd <tx_install_dir>
> . ./setup
> cd $DTX_TMP_DIR/dtx_1234
> dtxcmdsv core
> dtxcmdsv $DTX_TMP_DIR/dtx_1234/core
A crash occurs in the Command Server when running a map. You may also find the core file in the map directory.
> cd <tx_install_dir>
> . ./setup
> dtxcmdsv /usr/wtx/maps/core
Launcher Hang
The Launcher is running but no data seems to be processing. You find that the process id for the launcher is 512501 (step 3).
> cd <tx_install_dir>
> . ./setup
> ps -ef | grep launcher
 wtxuser 512501      1    0   Nov 10        -   2:41  /usr/wtx/bin/launcher...
> launcher 512501
Java Launcher
The Java Launcher is running but no systems seem to be started or running. You find that process id for the Java launcher is 212955 (step 3).
> cd <tx_install_dir>
> . ./setup
> ps -afe | grep java
 wtxuser 212955      1    0   Nov 09        -   5:12  /usr/java142/bin/java -DINS...
> /usr/java142/bin/java 212955
TX - ACE / IIB / WMB core
A core occurs running a TX for Integration Servers with a ACE / IIB / WMB message flow using a TX map. You find the core file in the map directory.(step 3).
> cd <tx_install_dir>
> . ./setup
> cd /opt/IBM/mqsi/x.x/bin  [x.x equals version of WMB]
> DataFlowEngine [full path]/core
Special instructions for hangs
When reporting a hang in the Launcher or Java Launcher, run the UI script three times approximately a minute or two apart.

Then, run the UNIX command kill -6 <pid> where the pid is the process id used for the UI script. The kill command should produce a core dump. If no core is produced, try the command a few times.

If a core is produced, run the UI script on the core.

If no core is produced, run kill -9 <pid> to kill the process. It is not necessary to run the UI against a core produced by a kill -9.  
Disclaimers for the UI script
The UI script is included with TX and later release installations as the <tx_install>/bin/ script file name.  This UI script download is only needed for TX 8.4.0 and older releases.  This UI script is provided by the Transformation Extender support group to facilitate the gathering of documentation for your problem. This script is provided as is. If you encounter a problem you should contact TX Support via 1-800-IBM-SERV.
Download Size (bytes) Download options
ui script 38504 FTP

Note: The FTP link will forward you to the ui script contents. To save the ui script as a file, right click on the FTP link and choose the Save Link As (Firefox®) or Save Target As (Windows® Internet Explorer) menu option. If you use another internet browser, consult your documentation for the appropriate steps.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSVSD8","label":"IBM Transformation Extender"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000bmIMAAY","label":"Execution Engine"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"10.0.0;10.0.3;10.1.0;8.4.1;9.0.0"}]

Product Synonym

Ascential DataStage TX Mercator

Document Information

Modified date:
25 February 2021

