IBM Support

MustGather for IBM Sterling Order Management: Global Inventory Visibility (GIV)



MustGather information aids in problem determination and saves time to resolve cases. IBM Sterling Support can better understand your problem, if all the information requested in this MustGather document is provided upfront while raising cases.
Once these diagnostics are captured, this document will also guide you to, how to share the data with IBM Support.

Diagnosing The Problem


Gathering information to open a support ticket

A valid IBM customer number, contact name, email address, and phone number are important to validate the entitlement and contact information.
Refer to the section "Accessing Software Support" in the IBM Software Support Handbook to have the full list of information necessary to open a support ticket.

To determine the correct Severity of your concern for your business, refer to the IBM Software Support Handbook.


Navigate to the problem or issue type that best describes your situation. The following lists the diagnostics that IBM Support team requires to review your problem.

Real Time Availability Monitor (RTAM)


  • Share the following details:
    1. Provide information on the Observed Vs the Expected behavior
    2. Share Steps followed to reproduce this issue
    3. Provide any documentation or past case discussions relevant to the scenario.
    4. Run RTAM in other modes [Activity Based or Full Sync] to evaluate if the same behavior is seen in both modes
    5. Call monitorItemAvailability API to validate if the behavior is same with the problematic workflow, the capture the Verbose trace and share it with us
    6. What type of Monitoring is used here? That is, Activity-based mode or Quick sync mode or Full sync mode
    7. Go to GIV in Application Manager > Inventory rule > Go to Monitor rule tab and share the configuration screen captures
    8. RTAM agent logs single threaded in Verbose mode
    9. RTAM agent configuration screen shots for which the problem is being raised. IBM Documentation link on How to navigate to the Agent or Integration server properties
    10. Share the screen captures of the current Default distribution group and Node level distribution group details. Navigate to GIV from Application Manager > Product Sourcing Distribution Groups > Open the DG in question and take a screenshot of it
    11. Item level configuration screen shot, steps to go to Item level configuration
    12. Provide the Alerts raised (before & after running the monitorAvailability API call). Here is a sample query - Select * from yfs_inventory_alerts where shipnode = '<provide shipnode>';
    13. Follow the below steps to capture information from the Event configuration screen:
      • From the Application Console menu, click Configuration > Launch Applications Manager. The Applications Manager opens in a new window.
      • In the Process Modeling window, select the General tab to view the process modeling tree for the document type.
      • In the Process Types swimlane, right-click on the General process type and choose Model Process. The Repository Details window and work area display for the corresponding process type.
      • Under the Transactions tab, double-click to open Real-Time Availability Monitor Transaction
      • From the Events tab. Select the applicable event and choose the Details icon. The Event Details pop-up window displays.
      • Similarly, if there are User Exits used, share the details & screen captures from the User Exit tab too.
    14. Inventory picture availability from the Application console Or findInventory API output at the point of simulation


Availability Issues


  • Provide the following in order for us to investigate this issue:
    1. Describe the problem with Observed behavior Vs Expected behavior
    2. Share the steps you follow to reproduce the problem.
    3. Also share any additional configurations or User Exits and services used. Make sure you highlight them and share how you have implemented them in order to achieve the expected behavior mentioned above. Where ever possible, share screen captures of the configurations of implemented User Exits (UE's)
    4. Verbose logs for the API's executed while this issue is being recreated
    5. Provide screen captures of the GIV Inventory rules & any other rules that are configured
    6. Share the screen captures of the ATP rules used. Navigate to GIV from Application Manager > Double-click on Inventory Rules and share the screen captures of the ATP rules set and Monitor Rules from the Monitor Rules tab
    7. Furnish the Item details [Unplanned inventory, safety factor, tag controlled, substitution, bundle, time sensitive and so on.]
    8. If issue is reproducible consistently, make sure Supply, demand, availability picture is available in logs. However, if the problem has already occurred and logs cannot be retrieved, share the Availability picture from DB or inventory console
    9. Confirm if inventory Supply or demand & availability is maintained externally?
    10. List of User Exists enabled that you are using to change the availability picture. Please refer to API java docs to get the list of User exits
    11. If there are node level controls, share details around it, refer to this section for more details around Defining node level controls
    12. Share if there is Safety Factor defined.




  • Demand is observed different than expected
    1. Define the exact issue in terms of what is the problem around the demands, is it excess or less than expected
    2. If excess demand is an issue - then do you observe a different demand type is updated and is less by same quantity on same date?
    3. Do you observe demand_ship_date with time (hours, seconds, minutes) as a non-zero value in DB?
    4. Provide relevant records from Demands, yfs_order_line_schedule & yfs_order_release_status to verify and find potential mismatch in demand
    5. Share Status Inventory Type configuration
    6. Provide Pipeline configuration and share the transaction at which the demand issue is observed.

  • Demand details:
Note: Demand details are informational and do not impact any functionality beside information on the UI. Demand details are only created for order status movement. That is, Demand details are not created for other transaction that are not impacting order status movement
For example: reserveAvailableInventory to reserve a set of supply. With each status movement, previous demand is updated in yfs_inventory_demand and demand details are removed form yfs_inventory_demand_dtls and new detail is inserted for the new status. When order is shipped; demand details corresponding to that order will be deleted.
Hanging demand details records can be evaluated with the following queries:
  • Select count(*) from yfs_inventory_demand_dtls where inventory_demand_key not in (select inventory_demand_key from YFS_INVTDMDDTL_VW);
  • Select count(*) from yfs_inventory_demand_dtls where order_line_key not in (select order_line_key from YFS_INVTDMDDTL_VW);
  • Select count(*) from yfs_inventory_demand_dtls where inventory_demand_key not in (select inventory_demand_key from YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND);
  • Select count(*) from yfs_inventory_demand_dtls where inventory_demand_key='';



Review the Article - IBM Sterling Order Management System, HOT SKU's properties tuning to enable inventory properties for substantial performance gains. If you have already followed the above article and need assistance on a specific issue, share the current set of HOT SKU properties defined. You can use getServerProperties API for this and share the output in xml format via the case.

Here are few helpful resources to help you understand the HOT SKU functionality in Sterling OMS:
  1. If you are noticing Lock contention on YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM, YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND, INV_INVENTORY_ITEM_LOCK tables then, share persitCapacityAdjustments property & HOT SKU properties defined. To get the current set of hot sku properties set, call getServerProperties and share the output in xml format with us.
  2. If you are noticing slow response when availability is low: Share AWR or equivalent report that highlights the exact issue, also confirm if the same behavior is observed in PreProd or QA environment with the same set of properties. Also, review the HOT SKU related issues section in the MustGathers for IBM Sterling OMS Performance issues.
  3. Performance issues related to HOT SKU:
    • Capture SQLDEBUG traces, while the issue is reproduced
    • Share the HOTSKU info logs when issue is recreated
    • INV_INVENTORY_ITEM_LOCK table entries for the affected or suspected rows
    • If there are timeout errors, share DB side timeout logs and share it with us
    • If deadlock conditions, share the DB size log file
    • If you notice OOM (OutOfMemory) issues, then share the VerboseGC.

IV Adapter

Share verbose logs for API that is failing. IBM Support may request for more diagnostics after reviewing the logs to determine potential root causes.

How to submit diagnostic data to IBM Support


General IBM Support hints and tips


Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cxzrAAA","label":"Inventory"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.0.0;SaaS"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
31 December 2023

