IBM Support

MustGather - IBM Business Automation Content Analyzer (ACA)

Question & Answer


What is the information that is to be collected and provided when you are requesting support assistance for IBM Business Automation Content Analyzer (ACA)?


General diagnostic information
As needed diagnostic information

1. Collect for all issues
  • Version and fix pack - Go to the About window for the version number.  If you are deploying Content Analyzer, specify the deployment package. 
  • Platform - Specify the Cloud Private type and version, along with any other relevant environment information, such as if Content Analyzer is being deployed in a virtual environment.
  • The exact problem - This information can be a screen capture of the error or the file containing the error.  Provide the complete file or listing, rather than just extracting the error.  Complete data allows Support to better understand the context under which the error occurred.
  • The repro steps - Provide the exact actions to include buttons clicked and data entered.
  • Scope - Did the issue start happening on a previously running system, or is it associated with a new deployment, upgrade, or configuration change of some kind?  Does it happen for all documents, etc; just some, or only for a single document?
2. Logging
  • Logs - Provide any logs that show the error or incorrect behavior.  Send the entire log, not just an excerpt showing the error, as the underlying cause might be present in a separate area within the log.  See the Logging section for more details.
  • Operator deployment log.  Run this command to capture operator logging to a file.
kubectl logs deployment/ibm-cp4a-operator -c operator > operator.log
  • Pod event logs - When pods are not running properly, pod event information can be run by running this command.
kubectl describe pod <name of pod>
  • Content Analyzer logs - Each pod type maintains log files in its own subfolder under the folder specified for the Logs pvc.  Within each subfolder, there are separate files for each pod and for each day.  Use the logs labeled 'debug' for troubleshooting.

    With ACA version 20.0.2 (1.5) or newer, a utility exists to extract the logs.  Navigate to the ACA/configuration-ha/utils folder and run this command.
The script will gather all the logs into tar files, located in the /tmp/aca folder.
For older versions, the path for the log files can be found listed in the logs pv using these commands.
kubectl get pv
kubectl describe pv <name of logs pv>
If you are following the online deployment documentation, this folder is on the node running NFS and with a path of /exports/smartpages/(namespace)/logs.  If the logs are not at the default location, the log file path can be found by running these two commands.
3. Collect for deployment issues
  • Provide the, values.yaml, for version 19.0.2 or earlier, or the cr yaml for version 19.0.3 or newer.
  • If error is associated with running a script, provide the listing generated when the script ran.
  • If pods are not created, get the Operator deployment log.  If pods are created, get the pod logs for any pods not coming up running and ready.  If pods are properly running, get the Content Analyzer logs.  See the Logging section for details.
  • Reference the online documentation being followed for the installation.  This reference helps Support identify which installation method you are using.
4. Collect for issues processing documents
  • Provide the document and output demonstrating the issue.  Most commonly, this output is the JSON file.
  • If the issue is suspected of being specific to the ontology, provide an export of the ontology.
  • Provide a .zip file of the Content Analyzer logs.  See the Logging section for details.
5. Collect for issues logging in
  • Provide the specific name that is being used to log in.
  • Attempt to log in, then get the frontend and backend debug logs capturing the log in attempt, or capture all the Content Analyzer logs, if easier.  See the Logging section for details.

What to do next

  1. Review the log files entries generated at the time of the problem to try to determine the cause.
  2. Check these locations for known issues:
  3. Once you complete gathering all the needed information and diagnostics, you can add them to your case or upload files to ECURep.  More information on ECURep is available at Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) - Overview.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SS7JTW","label":"IBM Digital Business Automation"},"Component":"Business Automation Content Analyzer","Platform":[{"code":"PF040","label":"RedHat OpenShift"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 March 2021

