IBM Support

MustGather: Cloud Migration Problems



MustGather for problems with the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Migration component, when migrating to the IBM® Cloud. Gathering this information before calling IBM support helps familiarize you with the troubleshooting process and saves you time.

Resolving The Problem

If you already contacted support, continue to the component-specific MustGather information. Otherwise, click MustGather: Read first for all WebSphere Application Server products.

Migration specific MustGather information
The WebSphere Application Server migration process spans components of WebSphere and includes several unique tools. When performing problem determination on migration tools, gather the following information.

  • When your migration utility experiences a failure, follow these steps:

  • 1. Currently the tool only runs on Windows®. Verify if you are launching from an Administrator command prompt on Windows®.

    2. Please describe the migration scenario, as well as information about the failure. For example, this kind of information is helpful:
  • What version of Java are you using to run the migration tool?
  • Is this an IBM Java?
  • What version of Windows are you running the migration tool on?
  • Which panel within the GUI are you seeing the failure?
  • Are you trying to log into the GUI with Single SignOn or UserID and Password?
  • What version is the product being migrated from, and what version is it being migrated to?
  • Are you migrating a deployment manager and federated nodes, or a standalone application server?
  • Which OS was WebSphere previously running on?
  • How did you move your current WebSphere to the machine running the migration tool? (non-Windows)
  • Is source WebSphere's security enabled on the deployment manager or any nodes?
  • Are there any other "stack" products involved which are installed on top of WebSphere Application Server, such as Portal or Maximo?
  • Is this a production system?
  • Is your issue with migrating a local node or a remote node? If remote, which migration option are you using for this remote node? Meaning running the GUI or using the WASPreUpgrade command supplied by the tool?
  • Do you have a firewall? (ask Ray what ports have to be opened)
  • Are all nodes uploaded to the cloud?
  • Are you able to Provision your nodes within the cloud?
    If not, what is the name of your Organization and Space on the cloud?

  • 1. Enable migration tracing:
  • Enabled by default

  • 1. Provide complete contents from of the following directories under CloudMigrationTool_Home\

  • \application_reports\<cloud_service_name>\appScannerReport.html
    \migration.<profile_type>.<node_name>.zip  (for each profile)

  • Run the following command from CloudMigrationTool_Home\WASPre\bin versionInfo.bat and send in the output

  • 1. Follow instructions to send diagnostic information to IBM support.
  • Important Notes:
    If problems occur in any other WebSphere component, such as install, follow the appropriate Install MustGather procedures.

For a listing of all technotes, downloads, and educational materials specific to the Migration component, search the WebSphere Application Server support site.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Migration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;;;;","Edition":"Base;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 June 2018

