IBM Support

MustGather: API Manager roles and permissions



User encounters unexpected results based upon their assigned their assigned role(s) and associated permissions

Diagnosing The Problem

Section 1: Actions required by each user who is experiencing the problem

  1. Login to API Manager UI with their username and password
  2. Open up the Network developer tools for the browser (see Reference 1 below)
  3. Replace the URL in the browser with the following and submit the request: 
    • 'https://<apim hostname>/apim/proxy/me/orgs/<org ID>/permissions?expand=true'
  4. Within the Network tab of the browser developer tools
    • Select the request `/permissions?expand=true`
    • Select the `response` or `response body` tab (see Reference 2 below)
    • Copy the contents of response body and save it as username_permissions.json

Section 2: Actions required by an administrative user of the organization: 

  1. Login to API Manager UI as admin
  2. Take a screenshot of the affected user(s) from the Members tab of Admin in the API Manager which includes all role columns and has all of the rows (organizations & catalogs) expanded:
    • `https://<apim host/apim/#/admin/users`
  3. For each role which the user has, take screenshots of the permissions for the role(s) at organizational level, catalog level, and space level  (if applicable)
    • Organizational level:
      • Navigate to Admin --> Roles - `https://<apim hostname>/apim/#/admin/roles`
    • Catalog level:
      • Navigate to Dashboard --> <catalog> --> settings ->> roles - `https://<apim hostname>/apim/#/catalogs/<catalog UID>/settings`
    • Space level:
      • Select the space in the Catalog dropdown --> settings --> roles - `https://<apim hostname>/apim/#/catalogs/<catalog UID>/spaces/<space UID>/settings

Section 3: Details about the unexpected behavior for the user(s)

  • Provide information about the actions or resources for which the user encounters the unexpected behavior. For example:
    • User A can add members in catalog X but should only be able to add members to catalog Y
    • User B cannot process approvals in Catalog Z
    • When making the following REST call <paste REST call> User C receives a 403 error 


Submit the following files and information to the case:

  1. For each affected user, username_permissions.json file from Step 4 of Section 1
  2. For each affected user, screenshot(s) from Step 2 of Section 2
  3. For each role, screenshot(s) from Step 3 of Section 2 (should include screenshots for each level)
  4. Details about the unexpected behavior for the user(s) requested in Section 3



Reference 1: Accessing developer tools within various browsers


Reference 2: Example of `response` tab within Network developer tools for GET call to `permissions?expand=true`

screenshot highlighting pertinent information in the Network tab of developer tools


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSMNED","label":"IBM API Connect"},"Component":"Management","Platform":[{"code":"PF009","label":"Firmware"}],"Version":"5.0.8.x","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 October 2018

