Workflow transfer fails because there is no room in the workspace cache.
Transferring a workflow returns the following error:
Assertion failed in file, CheckBlobSize method, line 193. Max blob size too small. Assertion failed due to a program error
The workflow has lots of steps on the main map and it has been transferred repeatedly during the development process.
Case Foundation Process Engine
Diagnosing The Problem
New workflows transfer successfully and renaming the problem workflow allows it to transfer
Resolving The Problem
Things that can cause the "Max blob size to small" error when transferring a workflow:
- A high number of workspaces.
- A high number of steps on the main workflow map.
- A high number of data fields.
- Very large string data fields.
Frequent transferring of a workflow with the above characteristics can cause the workspace cache to hit the buffer overflow limit. It typically happens in development environments and can be avoided by doing the following:
- Transfer the workflow using a new name.
- Use submaps to avoid having a high number of steps on the main map.
- If this is happening in a test environment make "re-initializing" the associated region part of a maintenance plan. This will purge the old versions of the workflow from the workspace cache.
WARNING: Initializing the region returns it to the default state. It removes all workflows that have been transferred to the Process Engine database in the region, as well as all running work items, and it deletes all customization (i.e. queues, rosters, event logs) to the region.
Before initializing the region make sure all associated workitems have been completed, export the configuration, and save local copies of all required workflows. This will allow you to restore the region configuration and re-import the workflows after it is initialized. If re-initializing is difficult because of long running workflow tests, you should consider creating another duplicate isolated region. One for short term testing, where the workflows are transferred frequently. And one for long term testing, where workflow definitions that have passed initial testing can run undisturbed.
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Document Information
More support for:
IBM Case Foundation
Software version:
5.2, 5.0, 4.5.1
Operating system(s):
AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows, Linux
Document number:
Modified date:
17 June 2018