IBM Support

To manually install or uninstall the executable TM1ExcelService.exe as a Windows Service fails with an error message pointing to the Windows tool installutil.exe



TM1 Version 9.5 and newer, to install the "TM1 Excel Server", being the Excel Report Server of TM1 Web which renders websheeets, as a Windows Service using the DOS command line command "TM1ExcelService.exe -install" fails with the error message Windows Service Start Failure Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service must first be installed (using installutil.exe) and then started with the Server Explorer, Windows Services Administrator tool or the NET START command. To uninstall the Windows Service "TM1 Excel Server" using the DOS command line command "TM1ExcelService.exe -install" fails with the same error message. Note: The Display Name of the Excel Report Server depends on the language of the TM1 installation: An englisch TM1 Web installation is using the Display Name "TM1 Excel Server", a german TM1 Web installation is using the Display Name "TM1 Excel Dienst".


In TM1 Version 9.5 and newer, executing the DOS command line command

TM1ExcelService.exe -[ install | remove ]

fails with the Windows error message:

Windows Service Start Failure
Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service must first be installed (using installutil.exe) and then started with the Server Explorer, Windows Services Administrator tool or the NET START command.


Windows x86, Windows x64

Resolving The Problem

Starting TM1 Version 9.5 the DOS command line command "TM1ExcelService.exe -[install|remove]" to install or uninstall the Excel Report Server of TM1 Web as a Windows Service is obsolete.

It has been replaced by the Launcher Service tm1_service_launcher.exe which starts the Windows process TM1ExcelService.exe, being the Excel Report Server of TM1 Web which renders websheets.

The two DOS command line commands to install the Launcher Service tm1_service_launcher.exe as a Windows Service:

sc create TM1ExcelService binPath= "C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin\tm1_service_launcher.exe" DisplayName= "TM1 Excel Service" obj= ".\demo" password= abc123 depend= winmgmt type= own start= auto error= ignore

sc description TM1ExcelService TM1Web

Note the mandatory space character between an option and it's value.

The value of the option binPath= is the full path to the Launcher Service executable tm1_service_launcher.exe . In a 64-bit TM1 Web for Windows x64 installation that file is located in the bin32 directory.

The value of the option obj= is a valid Local or Domain user account. The password of that Windows user account is the value of the option password= . Use the same Windows user account running the other TM1 Windows Services.

The DOS command line command to uninstall the Launcher Service tm1_service_launcher.exe as a Windows Service:

sc delete TM1ExcelService

In a mixed language situation, for instance when you perform a german installation of TM1 Web 9.5 in an english Windows environment, it may look as if the Windows Service "TM1 Excel Server" is missing although the installation of TM1 Web 9.5 was successful.
What has happened is that the value of the option DisplayName= has not been set properly: Instead of "TM1 Excel Service", or it's non-english installation language counterpart like the german term "TM1 Excel Dienst", the default value "Default Application1" has been used. Using the Windows Registry Editor you may correct the value of the option DisplayName= .

See the IBM Technote 1449822

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9RXT","label":"Cognos TM1"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"TM1","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.5.2;9.5.1;9.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

